The obligation of parents to educate children not only when the child is still an infant to pre-school age, indeed, parents must educate children of all time according to the needs of the child. Illustration: www.123rf.comSubmit fully the responsibility of educating children to the school when the children start school is certainly a less wise decision. The school generally teachers will focus more teach academic studies rather than moral or character education. Only a few teachers in the classroom time to teach children about akhlah, it was perhaps only when children receive lessons about religion. Good and bad behaviour of children depends greatly on how parents educate and raise her by hand. Parents may not wish their children to be someone good and virtuous simply because his son send in school already are expensive and famous. An awful lot of things that can affect a child's behavior and emotions for children at school. Association with other friends who may have an effect on their behaviour. The limitations of time and the number of students at the school caused the teacher can't focus to educate or teach morals and manners are those of individuals. Therefore, interference in the accompanying parent, nurturing and educating children is very important (Umi Munawaroh: 2011). Parents should care for and responsiveness to children's education, especially as it relates to the needs of its soul, as it imparts a trait of honesty, discipline, responsibility, teaches how to manage emotions and feelings, to feel loved and cherished. Thus the child will understand which ones are right and which are wrong, where that can be done and which ones should not. With a pattern of asu is good, the child will feel calm, happy and confident. A child who was raised by parents with full of love, attention and affection will make children capable of loving and loved ones who are in the vicinity. In essence, parenting and parental supervision on the child like a sieve that can memisakan something useful and which are not. (yer).-See more at: 3KbE2pO4. dpuf
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