Film ini memiliki plot yang cepat. Dengan lompatan waktu yang signifik terjemahan - Film ini memiliki plot yang cepat. Dengan lompatan waktu yang signifik Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Film ini memiliki plot yang cepat.

Film ini memiliki plot yang cepat. Dengan lompatan waktu yang signifikan. Dibuka dengan adegan Ainun yang sedang bermain kasti semasa sekolah, dilanjutkan dengan seorang guru fisika yang mempertemukan Ainun (Marsha Natika) dengan kakak kelasnya Rudi Habibie (Esa Sigit) diminat menjelaskan mengapa langit biru. Ketika Ainun dengan fasih dapat menjelaskannya seperti halnya Habibie di lain waktu, guru mereka berkata “Kalian jodoh!”. Pembukaan yang manis, dengan akting Marsha yang pas sebagai Ainun remaja.

Adegan yang diset memorable lainnya adalah ketika Habibie muda mendatangi Ainun muda dan mengatainya “Gula Jawa” karena secara fisik, Ainun waktu itu hitam dan gempal (meskipun pemerannya tidak segempal itu menurut saya). Adegan ini menjadi memorable karena dipasangkan dengan adegan pertemuan kembali mereka, dimana Habibie dewasa (Reza Rahadian) justru menyebut Ainun dewasa (Bunga Citra Lestari) dengan sebutan “Gula Pasir” karena Ainun telah bertransformasi menjadi gadis cantik dan putih.

Adegan cepat juga terjadi saat dramatisasi kehidupan rumah tangga mereka yang penuh cobaan. Dimulai dari keadaan ekonomi yang pas-pasan, penyakit Ainun, sampai ditolaknya lamaran Habibie pada perusahaan IPTN. Satu adegan yang sebenarnya menurut saya bisa sangat romantis adalah ketika Habibie berjanji akan membuatkan pesawat terbang untuk Ainun, tapi masih kurang sedikit greget.

Begitu juga dengan cerita pergolakan politik, berlangsung dengan cepat. Plot cepat ini sepertinya karena film ini menceritakan masa yang panjang dalam kehidupan Habibie Ainun, dengan banyak kejadian penting dalam hidup mereka.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
This movie has a plot that quickly. With a significant time leap. It opened with a scene that was playing Ainun kasti during school, followed by a physics teacher who bring Ainun (Marsha Natika) and brother Rudi Habibie class (Esa Sigit) diminat explains why the sky is blue. When Ainun fluently can explain it as well as Habibie at other times, their teacher said, "you love match!". The opening is sweet, with a fitting as Marsha acting Ainun teenagers.Other memorable set scene is when young came to the young Ainun Habibie and mengatainya "Javanese sugar" because physically, Ainun time was black and gempal (though not played by segempal it seems to me). This scene became memorable because paired with their reunion scene, where Habibie adult (Reza Rahadian) precisely describe Ainun adult (Flower Image Lestari) as "Sugar sand" because Ainun has transformed into a beautiful girl and white.Quick scene also occurs when a dramatization of their domestic life full of trials. Starting from the State of the economy that are mediocre, Ainun Habibie, until the cover turned on the company IPTN. One scene that actually can be very romantic in my opinion is when Habibie promised will make the plane fly for Ainun, but still slightly less greget.So is the story of political upheaval, progress rapidly. This looks like a quick plot because it tells a long period in the life of Ainun Habibie, with many important events in their lives.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This movie has a plot that quickly. With a time of significant leap. Ainun opens with a scene that was playing baseball during school, followed by a physics teacher who brings Ainun (Marsha Natika) with class brothers Rudi Habibie (Esa Sigit) diminat explain why the sky is blue. When Ainun eloquently Habibie can explain it as well as at other times, their teacher said, "You're dating!". The opening of a sweet, acting Marsha fitting as Ainun teenagers. The scene is set memorable other is when Habibie Young came Ainun young and called her "Brown Sugar" because physically, Ainun time it was black and stocky (although characters do not segempal it seems to me) , This scene became memorable because it is paired with the scene of the return encounter them, where Habibie adults (Reza Rahadian) actually call Ainun adults (Bunga Citra Lestari) as "Sugar" because Ainun has been transformed into a beautiful girl and white. The scene quickly also occur when dramatization their domestic life is full of trials. Starting from the state of the economy is mediocre, Ainun disease, until rejection of the application on the company's IPTN Habibie. One scene that actually can be very romantic to me is when Habibie promised to make airplanes for Ainun, but still lacking a bit lost interest. So is the story of political upheaval, rapid. This quick plot presumably because the film tells a long period in the life of Ainun Habibie, with many important events in their lives.

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