PejelasanKhasiat air rebusan daun sirsak memang akhir-akhir ini semaki terjemahan - PejelasanKhasiat air rebusan daun sirsak memang akhir-akhir ini semaki Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Khasiat air rebusan daun sirsak memang akhir-akhir ini semakin terkuak. Ternyata air rebusan daun sirsak bisa dijadikan sebagai ramuan herbal untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit. Daun sirsak sangatlah mudah ditemukan disekitar kita, dan untuk di Indonesia sirsak tidaklah sulit untuk tumbuh. Ternyata Tuhan sudah menyiapkan obat yang sangat hebat dari daun sirsak ini.
Daun sirsak mengandung banyak manfaat untuk bahan pengobatan herbal, dan untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh. Dibalik manfaatnya tersebut ternyata tak lepas dari kandungannya Kandungan senyawa ini merupakan senyawa yang banyak sekali manfaatnya bagi tubuh, bisa sebagai obat penyakit atau untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.
Manfaat daun sirsak ternyata 10.000 kali lebih kuat kandungan dan kemampuannya dari kemoterapi dalam mengobati kanker. Ini berdasarkan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, pada masyarakat kuno daun sirsak sudah diketahui manfaatnya dan banyak diguinakan untuk mengobati penyakit. Sekitar tahun 1965, berbagai studi para ilmuwan membuktikan ekstrak daun sirsak memiliki khasiat yang lebih baik dari kemoterapi, bahkan ekstrak tersebut bisa memperlambat pertumbuhan kanker. Pada tahun 1976, National Cancer Institute telah melakukan penelitian ilmiah dan hasilnya menyatakan batang dan daun sirsak efektif menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel kanker. Ini karena kandungannya yang sangat tinggi senyawa proaktif bagi tubuh, ini jarang ditemukan pada buah lainnya.
Sirsak, nangka belanda, atau durian belanda (Annona muricata L.) adalah tumbuhan berguna yang berasal dari Karibia, Amerika Tengah dan Amerika Selatan. Di berbagai daerah Indonesia dikenal sebagai nangka sebrang, nangka landa (Jawa), nangka walanda, sirsak (Sunda), nangka buris, nangkelan (Madura), srikaya jawa (Bali), boh lôna (Aceh), durio ulondro (Nias), durian betawi (Minangkabau), serta jambu landa (di Lampung, "Nangko Belando" (Palembnag). Penyebutan "belanda" dan variasinya menunjukkan bahwa sirsak (dari bahasa Belanda: zuurzak, berarti "kantung asam") didatangkan oleh pemerintah kolonial Hindia-Belanda ke Nusantara, yaitu pada abad ke-19, meskipun bukan berasal dari Eropa.
Tanaman ini ditanam secara komersial untuk diambil daging buahnya. Tumbuhan ini dapat tumbuh di sembarang tempat, paling baik ditanam di daerah yang cukup berair. Nama sirsak sendiei berasal dari bahasa Belanda Zuurzak yang berarti kantung yang asam. Di Indonesia sirsak dapat tumbuh dengan baik pada ketinggian 1000 m dari permukaan laut.
Buah sirsak bukan buah sejati, yang ukurannya cukup besar hingga 20-30cm dengan berat mencapai 2,5 kg. Yang dinamakan "buah" sebenarnya adalah kumpulan buah-buah (buah agregat) dengan biji tunggal yang saling berhimpitan dan kehilangan batas antar buah. Daging buah sirsak berwarna putih dan memiliki biji berwarna hitam. Buah ini sering digunakan untuk bahan baku jus minuman serta es krim. Buah sirsak mengandung banyak karbohidrat, terutama fruktosa. Kandungan gizi lainnya adalah vitamin C, vitamin B1 dan vitamin B2 yang cukup banyak. Bijinya beracun, dan dapat digunakan sebagai insektisida alami, sebagaimana biji srikaya.
Buah sirsak memang menawarkan berbagai kandungan positif bagi kesehatan manusia, mulai dari buahnya, daunnya, bahkan pohonnya. Telah banyak diketahui bahwa buah sirsak banyak mengandung vitamin C, kandungan serat dan nutrisi penting lainnya banyak terkandung dalam buah yang banyak ditemui di negara Tropis ini. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang mempunyai pohon sirsak yang banyak. Tapi ternyata pemanfaatannya hanya sebatas pada buahnya saja, ini karena kurangnya pengetahuan tetang manfaat daun sirsak.
Daun sirsak ternyata juga mengandung banyak manfaat untuk bahan pengobatan herbal, dan untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh. Dibalik manfaatnya tersebut ternyata tak lepas dari kandungannya yang banyak mengandung acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin. Kandungan senyawa ini merupakan senyawa yang banyak sekali manfaatnya bagi tubuh, bisa sebagai obat penyakit atau untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.
Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start - for example, cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in melanocytes of the skin is called melanoma.
Cancer types can be grouped into broader categories. The main categories of cancer include:
• Carcinoma - cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. There are a number of subtypes of carcinoma, including adenocarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and transitional cell carcinoma.
• Sarcoma - cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue.
• Leukemia - cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.
• Lymphoma and myeloma - cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system.
• Central nervous system cancers - cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.
All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life. To understand cancer, it's helpful to know what happens when normal cells become cancer cells. The body is made up of many types of cells. These cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. When cells become old or damaged, they die and are replaced with new cells.
However, sometimes this orderly process goes wrong. The genetic material (DNA) of a cell can become damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division. When this happens, cells do not die when they should and new cells form when the body does not need them. The extra cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumor.
Daun sirsak sebagai obat kanker
Pengobatan yang dilakukan oleh suku amazon pada awal tahun 90-an menjadi inspirasi peneliti farmasi dari Amerika Serikat untuk mencari obat kanker. Ya benar, orang amazon sudah lebih dulu memanfaatkan daun sirsak untuk mengobati kanker sebelum masyarakat modern mengahuinya. Setelah diteliti lebih lanjut diketahui bila daun sirsak memiliki zat aktif yang dapat melawan kanker 10.000 kali lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan kemoterapi. Sayangnya hasil penelitian tersebut "dikubur" karena takut mengganggu penjualan kemoterapi yang "menguntungkan" bagi industri pengobatan. Sampai pada awal 2000-an tabir mengenai manfaat daun sirsak yang dapat mengobati kanker berhasil dikuak kembali.
Khasiat air rebusan daun sirsak yang pertama adalah untuk penyembuhan kanker dan bisa juga sebagai pencegahan. Daun sirsak atau Graviola mengandung zat anti kanker yang disebut Annonaceous Acetogenin, yang bisa membunuh sel-sel kanker tanpa mengganggu sel-sel sehat lain dalam tubuh manusia. Akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak orang yang testimoni bahwa setelah rutin meminum air rebusan daun sirsak penyakit kankernya bisa hilang.
Pada tahun 1976, National Cancer Institute telah melakukan suatu penelitian ilmiah yang hasilnya menyatakan bahwa batang dan daun sirsak efektif untuk menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel kanker dalam tubuh. Hal tersebut terjadi karena sangat tingginya senyawa proaktif dalam daun sirsak bagi tubuh kita. Senyawa tersebut merupakan senyawa yang jarang / susah ditemukan pada tumbuhan lain.
Negeri Ginseng Korea juga tak kalah dalam masalah penelitian, setelah melakukan penelitian mereka menemukan bahwa ada satu senyawa kimia yang berperan selektif membunuh sel kanker usus besar serta 10.000 kali lebih berpotensi sebagai obat kemoterapi yang ditemukan dalam sirsak. Namun dibalik khasiatnya itu ternyata senyawa ini selektif memilih sel target kanker sehingga tidak merusak sel-sel yang sehat.
Manfaat daun sirsak telah diteliti juga baru-baru ini dalam sebuah studi, bahwa daun pohon sirsak sangat efektif untuk kanker prostat, pankreas dan paru-paru. Hasil penelitian ini ternyata sudah disimpan selama bertahun-tahun sejak zaman dulu, tapi banyak orang yang tidak mengetahuinya, entah karena faktor apa. Bahkan berdasarkan 20 tes laboratorium tentang manfaat daun sirsak yang dilakukan sejak tahun 1970 menunjukkan hasil yang luar biasa, daun sirsak memiliki khasiat yang sangat baik, sperti: - Menyerang sel-sel kanker secara efektif karena tidak membahayakan sel yang sehat, serta tidak menyebabkan rasa mual ekstrim, kehilangan berat badan dan rambut rontok. - Daun sirsak memiliki target yang efektif dan bisa membunuh sel-sel ganas bagi 12 jenis kanker, termasuk kanker usus besar, payudara, prostat, paru-paru dan kanker pankreas.
Di Indonesia, Seorang professor dibidang entomology dari Indonesia bernama Prof. Solaksono Sastrodihardjo dari fakultas Biologi ITB bersama dengan seorang ahli farmasi dari Amerika yang bernama Dr. Jerry Mc Laughlin, melakukan penelitan tentang khasiat daun sirsak. Daun sirsak pun dikumpulkan dan kemudian di keringkan dan dibawa ke Amerika Serikat untuk di teliti.
Tak mau kalah, Pusat Penelitian Kanker Chemoprevention Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM CCRC) Indonesia menemukan kembali bila daun Graviola ( sebutan daun sirsak oleh ahli farmasi ) sebagai obat kanker, Nur Qumara Fitriyah.

Cara pemanfaatan daun sirsak sebagai obat kanker
Khasiat daun sirsak obat kanker adalah salah satu yang terbaik yang pernah ditemukan dalam penelitian. Sampai-sampai hasil penelitiannya pun dirahasiakan untuk kepentingan industri. Khasiat Sirsak ternyata tidak hanya terdapat dibagian daunnya saja, tapi buah dan kulitnya pun mempunyai manfaat untuk pengobatan kanker. Daun sirsak diberitak
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PejelasanEffects of water decoction of leaves of soursop are lately getting revealed. It turns out the water decoction of soursop leaves can be used as a herbal concoction as to treat a variety of ailments. Soursop leaf is very easy found around us, and to in Indonesia soursop is not difficult to grow. It turns out the Lord has prepared a very good drug of this soursop leaf.Nutritionally leaves benefits to herbal medicine material, and to maintain body condition. Behind the apparently benefits cannot be separated from the ingredient content of this compound is a compound that is an awful lot of benefits for the body, it can be as a remedy for ailments or immune enhancing.Benefits of soursop leaf turned out to be 10,000 times more powerful content and its ability of chemotherapy in treating cancer. This is based on the research that has been done, in ancient societies soursop leaves already known advantages and a lot of diguinakan to treat the disease. Around 1965, a variety of studies scientists prove soursop leaf extract has better efficacy of chemotherapy, even those extracts may slow down the growth of cancer. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute has been conducting scientific research and the result declared soursop leaf stems and effective attack and destroy cancer cells. This is because its content is very high compound proactive for the body, it is rarely found in other fruits.The Contents Of TheSoursopNetherlands, jackfruit, soursop or Dutch durian (Annona muricata l.) is a useful plant that comes from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. In various regions of Indonesia known as jackfruit, jackfruit ... landa (Java), jackfruit, soursop walanda (Sunda), jackfruit buris, nangkelan (Madurese), sugar-Apple Java (Bali), boh lôna (Aceh), ulondro (Nias) durio, durian betawi (Minangkabau), as well as guava landa (in Lampung, "Nangko Belando" (Palembnag). The mention of "Netherlands" and its variations suggests that the soursop (from the Netherlands: zuurzak, meaning "pouch" acid ") brought by the colonial Government of the Dutch East Indies Archipelago to the Netherlands, during the 19th century, although it did not come from Europe.This plant is grown commercially for its fruit meat. This plant can be grown in any place, it is best planted in an area that is quite juicy. The name sendiei comes from the soursop Netherlands Zuurzak meaning sour sack. Soursop in Indonesia can grow well at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level.Soursop fruit is not a true fruit, whose size is large enough for up to 20-30 cm with a weight reaches 2,5 kg. Called a "fruit" is actually a collection of fruits (fruit aggregate) with single seeds are berhimpitan and loss of boundaries between pieces. Soursop fruit flesh is white and has a black-colored seeds. The fruit is often used to drink juice of raw materials as well as ice cream. Fruit nutritionally carbohydrates, particularly fructose. The other is the nutrient content of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2. The seeds are toxic, and can be used as a natural insecticide, as sugar-Apple seeds.Soursop fruit indeed offers a variety of positive content to human health, from the fruits, leaves, even the tree. Has been widely known that the soursop fruit contain lots of vitamin C, fiber and other important nutrients contained in many fruits that are plentiful in this tropical country. Indonesia is one of the countries that have a lot of soursop trees. But it turns out it is used only as the fruit only, because of lack of knowledge about the benefits of soursop leaves.Soursop leaf turned out to contain a lot of benefits for herbal remedies, and to maintain body condition. Behind the apparently benefits cannot be separated from its content that it contains acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annomuricin, anomurine, annonacin, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, linoleic acid, gigantetronin, muricapentocin. The content of this compound is a compound that is an awful lot of benefits for the body, it can be as a remedy for ailments or immune enhancing.CancerCancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start-for example, cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in melanocytes of the skin is called melanoma.Cancer types can be grouped into broader categories. The main categories of cancer include:• Carcinoma-cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. There are a number of subtypes of carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma.• Sarcoma-cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue.• Leukemia-cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.• Lymphoma and myeloma-cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system.• Central nervous system cancers-cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.All cancers begin in cells, the basic units of life body's. To understand cancer, it's helpful to know what happens when normal cells become cancer cells. The body is made up of many types of cells. These cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. When cells become old or damaged, they die and are replaced with new cells.However, sometimes this orderly process goes wrong. The genetic material (DNA) of a cell can become damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division. When this happens, cells do not die when they should and new cells form when the body does not need them. The extra cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumor.Soursop leaves as a cure for cancerThe treatment made by the Amazons in the early 90s was the inspiration of United States pharmaceutical researchers to find a cure for cancer. Yeah right, the amazon has been more used to utilize the soursop leaf to treat cancer before modern society mengahuinya. After further investigation known as soursop leaves have active substances that can fight cancer 10,000 times stronger than chemo. Unfortunately the research results "buried" for fear of disrupting the sale of chemotherapy "favorable" treatment for the industry. Until the early 2000s, the veil of the benefits of soursop leaves that can successfully treat cancer dikuak returns.Effects of water decoction of soursop leaves the first one is to cure cancer and could also as a precaution. Soursop leaf or Graviola contain anti-cancer called Annonaceous Acetogenin, which can kill the cancer cells without disturbing the other healthy cells in the human body. Lately more and more people are testimony that once routinely drank water decoction of kankernya disease soursop leaves may be lost.In 1976, the National Cancer Institute has been conducting a scientific research result asserting that the stems and leaves of the soursop is effective to attack and destroy cancer cells in the body. This occurs due to the very high compound proactive in soursop leaves for our bodies. The compound is a compound rare/hard to find at other plants.Korea Ginseng country also not less in research issues, after doing some research they found that there is a single chemical compound which acts selectively kill colon cancer cells as well as 10,000 times more potent chemotherapy drugs that are found in the soursop. But behind this compound which turned out to be selectively target cancer cells choose so as not damage healthy cells.Benefits of soursop leaf has researched well recently in a study, soursop tree leaves that are very effective for cancer of the prostate, pancreas and lungs. The results of this research it was stored over the years since ancient times, but a lot of people who don't know about it, either because the factor what. Even based on 20 laboratory tests about the benefits of soursop leaves which from the 1970s showed remarkable results, soursop leaves have a very good efficacy, sperti:-attacking cancer cells as effectively as it does not harm healthy cells, and do not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss. -Soursop leaves have a target that is effective and can kill malignant cells for 12 types of cancer, including cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.In Indonesia, a professor in the field of entomology from Indonesia named Solaksono Sastrodihardjo, Prof. of Biology Faculty of ITB along with a pharmacist from America named Dr. Jerry Mc Laughlin, did a study about the benefits of soursop leaves. Soursop leaves were collected and then pat dry and brought to the United States for your perusal.Not to be outdone, Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center University of Gadjah Mada (UGM CCRC) Indonesia rediscover when leaf Graviola (soursop leaves as by pharmacists) as a cancer drug, Nur Qumara Fitriyah. Ways of utilization of soursop leaves as a cure for cancerThe benefits of soursop leaf cure for cancer is one of the best I've found in research. To the extent that the results of his research were kept secret for the benefit of the industry. The benefits of Soursop turns out not only found in its leaves and fruit, but also have benefits for skin cancer treatment. Soursop leaf diberitak
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