terimakasih kepada staff, donatur dan relawan yang telah meluangkan wa terjemahan - terimakasih kepada staff, donatur dan relawan yang telah meluangkan wa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

terimakasih kepada staff, donatur d

terimakasih kepada staff, donatur dan relawan yang telah meluangkan waktunya untuk memenuhi undangan rapat ini. Langsung saja, kita masuk ke topik rapat.
Permasalahan paling utama adalah krisis rasial yang dialami oleh etnis Rohingya akibat dicabutnya kewarganegaraan mereka pada 1982 oleh junta militer. Junta militer Myanmar hanya mengakui 135 etnis dan tidak mengakui Rohingya sebagai bagian dari warga negara, bahkan menuduh etnis ini sebagai imigran gelap dari Bangladesh.

Semenjak itu, hak-hak dasar etnis Rohingya tercerabut dan kehidupan mereka terasingkan. Kondisi ini berlangsung selama tiga dekade, hingga mulai mendapatkan perhatian dunia setelah kerusuhan yang terjadi pada 2012
Menanggapi hal tersebut, saya merasa terpanggil untuk membantu saudara saudar kita yang terkena musibah di myanmar. Dan saya meminta pada pada semua peserta rapat yang hadir untuk ikut bergotong royong membantu saudara-saudara kita disana. Untuk itu saya minta agar staff bagian humas untuk memaparkan kondisi rohingya saat ini.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Thanks to the staff, donors and volunteers who have taken time to fulfill this meeting invitation. Simply, we get into the topic of the meeting. The main problem is the racial crisis experienced by ethnic Rohingya due to dicabutnya their citizenship in 1982 by the military junta. Myanmar's military junta was only recognise 135 ethnic and not recognize Rohingya as part of citizens, even accusing the ethnic as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Since then, the fundamental rights of ethnic Rohingya being alienated and their lives. This condition lasted for three decades, until it started to get the world's attention after the riots happened in 2012 Responding to this, I feel compelled to help our brothers and sisters affected in myanmar. And I ask all the participants of the meeting were present to share the mutual help our brothers and sisters there. For that I ask that staff publicist for exposing the current conditions of the rohingya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
thanks to the staff, donors and volunteers who have taken the time to meet this meeting invitation. Immediately, we get into the topic of the meeting.
The problems most important is the racial crisis faced by the Rohingya as a result of the revocation of their citizenship in 1982 by the military junta. Myanmar's military junta only recognizes 135 ethnic and does not recognize the Rohingya as part of the citizens, even accused ethnic as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Since then, the basic rights of the Rohingya uprooted and alienated their lives. This condition lasted for three decades, until starting to get the attention of the world after the riots that occurred in 2012.
In response to that, I feel compelled to help our brothers saudar affected areas in Myanmar. And I ask all meeting participants were present to participate and work together to help our brothers there. For that, I ask that the public relations department staff to explain the current condition of the Rohingya.
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