PETITION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE IN COLLEGESubject: application for Sabbatical lectureTo The Designation,The Head Of The Faculty Of Engineering, Architecture Pancasila University In JakartaWith respect,Signed below Name: Vs Gilani NIM: 420,012,008Faculty: EngineeringCourses: architectureSemester: 6 [six]Academic year: 2008/2009Reason of leave: job Internship Address: Jln Cijraga no: 45 RT 04/RW 06 Kelurahan Bojong Soang, Soang Bojong Subdistrict, Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia P.O. BOX 40288 With this letter I intend to apply for a leave of absence in College for 2 [two] semester start date 01 November 2011 s/d 10 December 2014 in order to follow the work internship program in Japan for 3 years [November 2011-January 2014] partnership DEPNAKERTRANS REPUBLIC of INDONESIA and JAPAN, and IM going to continue College back in January 2015 to strata 1 completed.Such petition for leave of this lecture I delivered it, top thank you for your attention.Jakarta, September 20, 2011Respect Me, Knowing, Professor of Architectural Engineering, Chancellor of the University[Vs Gilani] [Ir. Sri Hardiyatno, MT] [Ir. Kiki K Lestari, MT]
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