3.4 Research Variables, population and Sample Research3.4.1 Research Variablesa Free Variable.Free variables (independent) variable that is being cause the onset or the above-mentioned bound variable (dependent). Free variables in this study is a method of testing the suitability of the output voltage of the tube (kVp).b. Bound VariablesA bound variable (dependent) variables that are in the influence or that becomes a result because of the free variable (the independent). Bound variables in this study is the result of testing the suitability of the output voltage of the tube (kVp).c. Variable ControlThe control variable is a variable that is controlled or made a constant, in which case the control variables used are plane x-ray, kVp, mAs, FFD, digital multimeter, shines field test tool.3.4.2 Research PopulationThe population in this research is to take on all the values of kVp on aircraft of conventional x-ray in Installation Radiology HOSPITALS Dr. r. Soetijono Blora.3.4.3 Sample ResearchThe research sample is eksposi factor value used when data retrieval research is 40 kVp, kVp, 60 kVp 50, 70, and 80 kVp kVp using mAs 10 mAs.
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