Road handling activities are categorized in three types of programs, namely:a. the programme of rehabilitation and maintenance of roads and bridgesb. Programme of building roads and bridgesc. the Program improved roads and bridgesThe data is used, collected directly from primary or secondary well field through surveys-surveys and observations. Some of the activities of the survey conducted in the field include:a. an inventory survey of the road network. Intended to provide a framework for priority handling and maintenance to carry out a systematic survey of the entire road network.b. restart the Program Review. Before doing a detailed study will be conducted and centered redenomination on program development and improvement of roads and bridges that have been done on previous years.c. the collection of the Data source. The majority of secondary data which are techniques will obtained from public works, the Department of community development of the local Clan. Such data include the following:1) Spatial Plan area of the province of North Borneo2) RPJMD North Borneo3) master plan development of the border regions of North BorneoPrevious Studies 4)5) BNPP6) Government regulations related to the border7) road network inventory DataData lainnya bersifat sosial ekonomi, kondisi fisik daerah, pertahanan dan keamanan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) dalam lingkup wilayah perbatasan, kondisi sistem perhubungan dan rencana pengembangan wilayah dapat diperoleh dari: BAPPEDA, Dinas Pertanian, Dinas Kehutanan, Kanwil Perhubungan, Dinas Pariwisata, dan Dinas Transmigrasi.d. Persiapan Peta DasarTujuan utama dari kategori ini adalah untuk memperbaiki peta dasar jaringan jalan yang ada. Untuk kegiatan ini dibutuhkan fotokopi peta topografi wilayah studi dengan skala 1 : 50.000 bila memungkinkan. Bila peta topografi skala 1 : 50.000 tidak bisa diperoleh akan digunakan peta dengan skala yang lebih kecil atau peta tata guna tanah tetapi masih dapat dipergunakan untuk penentuan suatu lokasi secara tepat dari keadaan fisiknya, seperti sungai besar, pemukiman luas dan paling tidak sebagian dari jaringannya masih sama. Perbaikan dan penambahan data dapat dilakukan selama survei lapangan dan hasilnya akan digambar ulang pada skala yang sesuai.e. Kerangka Data PendudukIt takes an estimated population served the standards proposed to determine the value of benefits if the standards that will be upgraded from the condition cannot be traversed by vehicles or bad road conditions where vehicular traffic is very low, increased to a path that can be bypassed vehicles throughout the year. To do this activity needed topographic maps 1:50,000 scale indicating the names and approximate boundaries of each village/sejajarnya subdistrict by road with ruasnya, when possible. On the basic map made an estimate of the involvement of each village/sub against one or more extensive way based on the reality on the map, as well as an estimate of the population that can be served by roads and the result ditabulasikan to facilitate the analysis of benefits.f. analysis of the activity centerThe purpose of this activity is to determine the location, characteristics and the relative size of all markets or events which simply means:1) Help interpret network data path with determines the centers activities necessary to become the Centre of attraction to travel towards the Centre of the activity.2) helps in determining the rate of interest on a road that is at the moment berangkali are experiencing a bottleneck traffic according to the size and type of activity centres.g. framework for socio-economic DataUntuk melakukan studi yang sistematik diperlukan suatu kerangka penunjang berupa informasi kegiatan sosial ekonomi diwilayah studi, disamping data penduduk, pusat-pusat kegiatan, data lalu lintas dan jaringan jalan. Semua informasi ini diperlukan untuk membantu menafsirkan data lalu lintas, menentukan lalu lintas kendaraan berat yang berpengaruh terhadap desain perkerasan, meramal tingkat perubahan, dan komposisi lalu lintas mendatang. Data checklist yang dapat membantu dalam memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan adalah:1) Statistik umum sosial ekonomi2) Data daftar periksa proyek transmigrasi dan perkebunan3) Data daftar periksa kegiatan sektor pariwis
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