1. Taman Jomblo (Taman Pasupati)Inilah nama taman yang termasuk “fenom terjemahan - 1. Taman Jomblo (Taman Pasupati)Inilah nama taman yang termasuk “fenom Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1. Taman Jomblo (Taman Pasupati)Ini

1. Taman Jomblo (Taman Pasupati)
Inilah nama taman yang termasuk “fenomenal” di Kota Bandung. Nama tersebut tercetus karena taman yang lokasinya berada di kolong jembatan Pasupati tersebut terdapat single seat atau bangku yang didesain untuk duduk sendiri. Taman tersebut banyak didatangi anak-anak muda Bandung untuk sekadar nongkrong atau berfoto-foto.
2. Taman Film
Taman ini berlokasi bawah jalan layang Pasupati, Tamansari, Kecamatan Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung. orang penonton. Sebagai yang pertama di Indonesia, taman ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi videotron raksasa berukuran 4×8 meter. Penonton pun akan dimanjakan dengan sound sistem berkualitas baik yang didukung daya listrik 33000 watt.
3. Taman Fotografi
Taman yang berada di jalan Anggrek ini merupakan wadah untuk komunitas foto berkumpul. Adapun fasilitas yang disediakan di sana yakni kelengkapan yang menunjang kegiatan fotografi, seperti cermin-cermin, spot foto dan lainnya. Taman ini dilengkapi dengan WiFi Bandung Juara dan arena bermain anak di sebelah timur.
4. Taman Musik Centrum
Taman yang berlokasi di Jalan Belitung itu diperuntukkan bagi mereka gemar musik, terutama anak band. Tempat itu jadi bisa jadi tempat bagi band-band yang ingin manggung. Jika ingin membuat pertunjukan musik, syaratnya pun cukup mudah cukup koordinasi dan mengajukan perizinan pada Diskamtam.
5. Taman Super Hero
Kini di antara Jalan Bengawan dan Jalan Anggrek ini ada Taman Superhero. Patung superhero yang dipajang di sana adalah Gatotkaca, Superman dan Batman. Jadi cocok banget untuk bawa adik atau keluarga ke taman ini.
6. Taman Teras Cikapundung
Teras Cikapundung terletak di Sungai Cikapundung, Babakan Siliwangi. Di Taman Cikapundung ini memiliki tiga zona wisata, ada air mancur yang mengikuti alunan lagu. Ada amphiteater yang berfungsi untuk acara musik. Yang terakhir taman ini juga menjadi tempat konservasi ikan khas Sungai Cikapundung, selain itu sungainya juga bisa dipakai tempat untuk rafting yang dikelola oleh komunitas.
7. Taman Lansia
Taman sebetulnya bukan hanya “milik” kaum lanjut usia, siapapun bisa masuk ke taman ini. Taman ini terletak di Jalan Cisangkuy Bandung dan biasa digunakan sebagai tempat olahraga maupun rekreasi keluarga atau hanya ingin duduk santai saja.
8. Taman Vanda
Taman ini tepat berlokasi di Jalan Merdeka bawah, tepatnya di antara Gedung Bank Indonesia dan Polrestabes Bandung. Taman ini dilengkapi dengan air mancur. Nama Taman ‘Vanda’ sendiri diambil dari salah satu nama jenis anggrek. Lokasinya dekat dengan Taman Balai Kota dan Taman Tepian Anak Sungai Cikapayang (Jln. Merdeka).
9. Taman Petpark
Taman kota yang berlokasi di jalan ini dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat penggemar hewan peliharaan. Taman ini bukan berarti para pengunjung harus membawa hewan peliharaan, setiap warga bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas di taman ini. Namun, bedanya di taman ini ada penambahan berupa fasilitas yang diperuntukan bagi hewan peliharaan.
10. Taman Balaikota
Taman Balai Kota Bandung terletak di dalam kompleks Balai Kota Bandung. Di taman menyimpan beberapa patung seperti Patung Dewi Sartika-salah satu pahlawan wanita Jawa Barat, Patung Badak-untuk melambangkan binatang khasa Jawa Barat, badak Putih dan Patung Merpati-untuk memperingati dilepasnya 800 ekor merpati di taman ini.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1. Garden Singles (garden of Pasupati)This is the name of the park that includes a "phenomenal" in the city of Bandung. The name erupted because the Park is located in the space under the Pasupati bridge there is a single seat or bench designed to sit alone. The Park is visited by a lot of young kids just hanging out in Bandung or berfoto-foto.2. Children's FilmThe Park is located under the flyover Pasupati, Tamansari Subdistrict, Bandung Wetan, Bandung. people audience. As the first in Indonesia, children are equipped with the technology giant videotron measures 4 × 8 meters. The audience will also be pampered with good quality sound systems that supported power 33000 Watts.3. Garden PhotographyChildren who are in the path of this Orchid is container to the photo community gathered. As for the facilities provided there i.e. completeness that support the activities of photography, such as mirrors, spot photos and more. The Park is equipped with WiFi Bandung champions and children playground in the East.4. Children's Music CentrumThe Park is located on the road that Belitung are reserved for those fond of music, especially the older band. The place was so it could be a place for bands that want to gig. If you want to create a music performance, condition quite easy enough coordination and applying permissions at Diskamtam.5. Garden Super HeroNow between the street and the street of this Orchid behave, there are children's Superhero. The statue of the superhero on display there is Ghatotkacha, Superman and Batman. So really suited to bring the younger brother or family to the Park.6. Garden Terrace CikapundungThe terrace of the Cikapundung River Cikapundung, Babakan Siliwangi. In the garden of Cikapundung has three tourist zones, there is a fountain which follow the songs. There is a functioning amphiteater for music events. The latter Park is also a place of conservation fish typical of the Cikapundung River, its drainage basin can also be used for rafting place managed by the community.7. Children ElderlyThe garden is actually not only "belongs to" the House of elderly, anyone can get into the Park. The Park is located on the street Cisangkuy Bandung and commonly used as a place for sports and leisure family or just want to sit back only.8. Garden VandaThe Park is exactly located at Jalan Merdeka, precisely in between the Bank Indonesia Building and Polrestabes. The Park is equipped with a water fountain. The name of the Garden ' Vanda ' itself was taken from one of the types of orchids. Its location close to Garden City Hall and Grounds the banks tributary of Cikapayang (Jln. Independent).9. The Garden of PetparkGarden City is located in this street can be used by pet enthusiasts community. It's not that the visitors should bring a pet, every citizen can make use of the facilities at the Park. However, the difference in this garden there are additions in the form of a facility intended for pets.10. Garden City HallThe garden of the City Hall complex in Bandung is located in the heart of Bandung. In the garden, save a few statues such as the statue of Dewi Sartika--one heroine in West Java, the statue of the rhino-Zoo to symbolize the khasa in West Java, the white rhinoceros and the dove-tail 800 dilepasnya to commemorate the pigeons in the Park.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1. Singles Parks (Parks Pasupati)
This is the name of the park that included "phenomenal" in Bandung. The name was triggered because the park which is located under the bridge is present Pasupati single seat or bench that is designed to sit alone. The park is visited by many young children Bandung to just hang out or taking pictures.
2. Wildlife Film
park is located under the overpass Pasupati, Tamansari, District Bandung Wetan, Bandung. the audience. As the first in Indonesia, the park is equipped with technology giant Videotron measuring 4 × 8 meters. Spectators will be pampered with a good quality sound system that supported 33 000 watts of electrical power.
3. Wildlife Photography
Taman Anggrek who are on the road is a place for community gathering photos. As for the facilities provided there the completeness of supporting the activities of photography, such as mirrors, photos and other spots. The park is equipped with WiFi Bandung Champion and a playground for children in the east.
4. Music Park Centrum
Park is located in Jalan Belitung was reserved for those fond of music, especially the band. The place was so it could be a place for bands that want to perform. If you want to make music, the condition was quite easy enough coordination and file permissions on Diskamtam.
5. Parks Super Hero
Now in between Jalan Bengawan and there Taman Anggrek Street Superhero. Superhero sculpture on display there is Ghatotkacha, Superman and Batman. So really suitable for younger or bring the family to this park.
6. Cikapundung Terrace garden
terrace situated on the River Cikapundung Cikapundung, Babakan Siliwangi. In the Garden Cikapundung has three travel zones, there is a fountain that follow the rhythm of the song. There is a functioning amphitheater for musical events. The latter park is also home to the conservation of fish typical Cikapundung River, but it can also be used rivers for rafting place which is managed by the community.
7. Elderly Wildlife
Park is actually not only a "reserved" the elderly, anyone can go to this park. The park is located at Jalan Bandung Cisangkuy and used as a sports and family recreation or just want to sit back alone.
8. Vanda Park
This park is located at Jalan Merdeka right below, exactly in between Gedung Bank Indonesia and Polrestabes Bandung. The park is equipped with a fountain. Name of Parks 'Vanda' is taken from one of the names of species of orchids. Its location close to the Town Hall Park and Creeks Edge Park Causeway (Jln. Merdeka).
9. Petpark garden
city park located on this road can be used by the community of pet enthusiasts. This park does not mean visitors should bring a pet, every citizen can use the facilities at this park. However, the difference in this park there is the addition of a facility intended for pets.
10. Park City Hall
Park City Hall Bandung is located in Bandung City Hall complex. In the garden store some statues like the Statue of Dewi Sartika-one heroine of West Java, the Statue of Rhino-to symbolize animals khasa West Java, white rhino and the Statue Pigeons-to commemorate the release of 800 doves in this park.

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