ok. for any update please tell me I can not tell you, because our cruise agent office still closed , I will inform you once we get the information for thismaaf untuk ketidak nyamanan I can not tell you, for a cruise holiday is still related. We will notify you once we get the information for thispelayaran saya belum dapat memberitahu anda, karena pelayaran terkait masih libur. kami akan memberitahu anda begitu kami mendapatkan informasi untuk hal ini How about liner for the statement? If we could not return the original bill of lading to you, can liner send a statemement to state the mistake?Please update us with a schedule when you can?surga dont try to make havent anymore for me honDeparture from inward OE Adpis :could possibly be. But Indonesia's Ministry of trade offcontinue working 23 July. we've had issues this right please awaitmungkin bisa . Tetapi Indonesia Kementerian perdagangan libur melanjutkan bekerja 23 Juli.kami sudah isu kan ini mohon menanti Maybe possible. But Indonesian Ministry of Tradeoff , resume to work July 23. We already sumit bill of lading to Hongkong liner, could possible Bali liner to send a statement for the mistake of the weight?Thanks and best regards,Dear Eva,Regarding Form E of first 2 containers, here local custom replied that they already sumit the document to the head office, not accept replacement of new Form E. Can possible Bali update the signature I Putu Sutaryana to Chiba custom?Thanks and best regards,
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