islam, pinning glory in a woman. The charm of this world, taught by Allah glory to Him to remain a beautiful and terindahkan. Unfortunately, many humans are weak in faith and weak science there would not be able to enjoy and realize the beauty of it in their hearts. And so, God has sealed the hearts, and their sensory, in a defamation hard enough that the end goal is very clear, namely disarming beauty of the woman herself, by degrading them like animals, or even lower than that. Naudzubillah ...
In Islam, women are instructed by God to close the Aurat women. It's something that is expensive to be maintained even be stored and treated very carefully and in a present is also the safest place and the best. Do we ever see someone throwing away a diamond in the street ?.
Once muliakannya women in Islam, even the husband, the man who the rightful owners of their wives, still commanded by God not to be done arbitrarily to their wives.
described his role in the word in the letter annisa verse 19:
"and you guys hang out (the husband) with them (wives) properly." (An-Nisa`: 19)
Islam also forbids making women as a legacy for men and Islam guarantees personal independence of women, making it the heir not inherited goods.
not only that, the privilege of a woman is when they are allowed to enter heaven through the door where the door anywhere he likes. And for all that, the women enough through 4 requirements only: prayer 5 times a day, fasting in Ramadan, obey her husband and maintain dignity.
"If a wife has establish prayer five times a day and fasting during Ramadan and maintain his honor and obey her husband, then pronounced him: go out of the door of heaven haven anywhere you want. "
(Reported by Ahmad and Thabrani)
maybe just that we can get the more or less we're sorry,
wabillahi taufiq hidayah wal ... Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
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