This time nature has been damaged by the behavior of human beings. Forests have been denuded, the River was shallow, the mountain has been discharged, the ocean is polluted, and many more. When our lives depend heavily with nature. Alamlah that provides all our needs, ranging from the needs of food and other necessities. We did good at memanfaatkannyanya, but we never preserve. Consequently, nature is being devastated. The destruction of nature is not uncommon to cause harm to our own. For example, a forest – forest that had expired cut down will cause landslides, River – a river that has polluted will make us of poisoning, the River – a river that was shallow due to the litter will result in flooding, and others – other. Apablia we can be wiser to mention in utilizing natural, of course we will only feel the benefits without having to receive the effects. Therefore, let us lestarikan our nature so that they can continue to be enjoyed by letari and posterity.
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