The Function Of The Arabic LanguageBefore explaining the functions of the Arabic language, we'll explain in a general overview of the function of language. In the literature of the language, experts generally formulate language function for everyone there are four, namely:1. As a means of communicating2. As a means of expressing yourself3. As a means of adapting to social berintregrasidan4. As a means of social control. [Lamuddin finoza, 2005, pp: 2]Indeed the Arabic is from religion, as the words of Ibn Taymiyah Rokhimahullah: "Unknown indeed learn Arabic and teach it is fardlu kifayah". And he also said: "Arabic is the religion, and knew it was fardlu (required), and indeed the understanding of the book and sunnah is fardlu, and cannot be understood except with the Arabic language, and something that will not be resolved unless the law is mandatory then mandatory". If we examine actually there is one more function of language as long as it is less understood by most members of the public, namely as a tool for thinking. As we ketaui, the science about the way of thinking is logic. In the process of thinking, language always comes with logic to formulate concepts, propositions, and summary. All activities pertaining to the calculations or calculations, analysis, or discussion even dreamed or fantasized, only possible thought process occurs through a Prod is not accompanied by the other is a language.In line with the explanation above can be formulated that the higher a person's language ability, the higher the ability berfikirnya. The more regular the person's language, the more orderly way of berfikirnya. By holding on to the formula that's the writers dare to say seseoarng may not be intellectually without mastering the language. Word history literally comes from the Arabic word (شجرة: šajaratun) which means a tree. In the Arabic language itself, history tarikh (تاريخ). As for the word date in Indonesia language mean more or less is the time or calendar. Word History more closely at Greece language i.e. historia which means science or clever. Then in the language of United Kingdom became history, meaning the human past. In other words, the reference approach is Geschichte meaning already happened.In terms of European languages, the origin of the term used in the history of literature in the languages of Indonesia that there is some variation, however, many acknowledged that the term history comes-origin, in the language of Greece historia. In the United Kingdom known as language history, language, language of the historie France Italy Germany geschichte, storia, which means it is happening, and the language of the Netherlands is known gescheiedenis.
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