Proyek ini dibangun sejak tahun 2013, berlokasi di jalan Dakota Raya 106 Bandung (Area Pasteur) dalam area 5700 M2, dimana saat ini telah menjadi 22 ( dua puluh dua) Kavling, dan telah terjual sebanyak 6 kavling .
This project was built starting in 2013, the Dakota is located on jalan Raya 106 Bandung (Pasteur's Area) in the area of 5700 M2, where it currently has become the 22 (twenty-two) Kavling, and has sold 6 kavling.
This project was built since 2013, is located on the road 106 Bandung Raya Dakota (Area Pasteur) in the area of 5700 M2, which has now become a 22 (twenty-two) Plot, and has sold more than 6 plots.