Evaluation. Values/norms held by the people of Kampung Ciptagelar is very useful because the existence of the prohibition in the utilization of forest cover and forest treasure then the sustainability of forests, land, and water are maintained. Indeed the existence of a prohibition to manage surrogate and forest cover, when are reviewed from the aspect of preservation of forests forest ecosystems was intended to stay awake so as not to cause a disaster due to the destruction of forests, among others, the erosion of their ghetto remembers is located in the hills. In addition the existence of various society attempted innovation so that the community kampung Ciptagelar are open and accepting of new technology along the innovation does not change the order of the values and norms that exist in society and new technology gives a positive value as well as profitable. For example, innovation in the field of agriculture between the community of kampung Ciptagelar: have learned that the use of fertilizers (inorganic and organic) can increase the yield/crop production. But not all the communities using inorganic fertilizers with the reason the land they possess belongs to fertile so no need for fertilization; The public knows that the use of the perontok machine and grinder padi will be faster when compared to the traditional way. However, the tool does not use because they are using mortar, as the result of rice they get basically only for daily needs are not for sale so that the process of penumbukan grain performed in times of need, while the grain that has not been used is stored in leuit.
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