Aku bukan orang yg mengucapkan selamat hari ibu di tgl 22 Desember. Tetapi di setiap doa ku, aku mengucap syukur mempunyai ibu seperti dirimu. aku berharap ibu panjang umur agar melihat ku sukses dan dapat membahagiakan ibu.
I'm not a passer-by say happy mother's day on the date of December 22. But in each of my prayer, I'm thankful to have mom like yourself. I hope the mother of longevity in order to see me succeed and be happy.
I'm not a person who congratulated the mother on December 22 th. But in each of my prayer, I give thanks to have a mother like you. I wish mom a long life in order to see me succeed and be a happy mother.