Mohammad Hatta
Full Name: Mohammad Hatta
Profession: -
Religion: Islam
Place of Birth: Bukittinggi, West Sumatra,
Date of Birth: Tuesday, August 12, 1902
Zodiac: Leo
Hobbies: Reading | Writing
Citizen: Indonesia
Dr. H. Mohammad Hatta was born in New York City, August 12, 1902. The man who is familiarly called as Bung Hatta is an independence fighter who often juxtaposed with Sukarno. Not only as a freedom fighter, Bung Hatta also known as an organizer, activists of political parties, statesmen, proclaimer, a pioneer of the cooperative, and a vice president of the first in Indonesia.
Their work in the field of politics began when he was elected treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond Padang in 1916. political knowledge expanding rapidly while Hatta often attend various lectures and political meetings. Sustainably, Hatta continued their work in politics.
Until 1921 Hatta settled in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and joined by a bevy of students homeland in the Netherlands, Indische Vereeniging. Initially, the organization is simply an organization of associations for students, but soon turned into an organization's independence movement when three figures Indische Partij (Suwardi Suryaningrat, Douwes Dekker, and Tjipto Mangunkusumu) joined the Indische Vereeniging which later changed its name to the Association of Indonesia (PI).
In Association of Indonesia, Hatta began his career in the political ladder as treasurer in 1922 and became chairman in 1925. When elected as chairman of the PI, Hatta proclaimed the inaugural address entitled "World Economic Structure and Conflicts of Power".
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