HUMASPROTOKOL, Sidoarjo.-Increase Revenue (PAD) The Original of the tax sector, head of the village or kelurahan se Sidoarjo provided the science of management and the poll tax areas. Through technical guidance (Bimtek) the Regional Tax diselengarakan in Pasuruan, Tretes Raya Hotel Thursday (20/11), the expected quality of performance management and the poll tax areas that can be accounted for the increase. In his speech opening the local tax Bimtek, Sidoarjo Regent h. Saiful Ilah, SH, m. Hum said that since the tax Centre management authority dilimpahkannya be tax areas, has a lot of impact on the receipt of an income and shopping area. Efforts to increase revenue income from tax sectors continue to be conducted by the District of Sidoarjo. As with making regulations related to tax areas as a guideline in the implementation of the operations. Another attempt is to increase human resources in the management of taxes and services to the community. Improve the system of regional tax management system and conduct cooperation with Bank Jatim in online payment processing is also one of the efforts to improve the reception of the income from the tax sector. Sidoarjo Regent h. Saiful Ilah in the chances of success of the voting and said that tax revenue is inseparable from the role and position of the head of the village/kelurahan. As the spearhead of the Government, the role of the head of the village or kelurahan is urgently needed. Because they are directly related to the community, either from a community service functions as well as functions of the supervision of the construction. The end of sambutnnya, Sidoarjo Regent h. Saiful Ilah command to the Chief of the village/kelurahan to enhance cooperation with the local Government of Sidoarjo in providing pertinent information development of taxpayers or the tax object. It is sorely needed, because the Administration is still a lot of problems arising out of the difference between the actual conditions with a database that is owned. Meanwhile, the head of the Department of revenue, Financial and assets Management (DPPKA) District of Sidoarjo Djoko Tsing, sh., M.Si said that one of the goals in this time selengarakan Bimtek activities is to improve coordination in solving problems related to the taxpayer and the tax object in the database with the actual circumstances. Local government cooperation with the expectation of Sidoarjo with head village/kelurahan will continue to intertwine to enhance earnings in the tax sector. (publicist/git)
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