A. Pengertian Discussion TextDiskusi adalah sebuah proses mencari titi terjemahan - A. Pengertian Discussion TextDiskusi adalah sebuah proses mencari titi Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

A. Pengertian Discussion TextDiskus

A. Pengertian Discussion Text

Diskusi adalah sebuah proses mencari titik temu antara dua pemikiran, pandangan atau pendapat yang berbeda. Dan Discussion Text bisa di definisikan sebagai sebuah teks yang berisi tentang sebuah wacana yang bermasalah. Wacana yang bermasalah ini adalah wacana yang memiliki dua kubu antara Pro (mendukung) dan Contra (penentang), antara pendukung isu dan penentang isu. Masalah yang dihadirkan dalam Discussion Text nantinya akan didiskusikan berdasarkan dua sudut pandang tersebut (Point of View) tersebut, Pro (pendukung) dan Contra (penentang).

B. Tujuan Komunikarif Discussion Text
Tujuan komunikatif dari Discussion Text itu sendiri adalah untuk mengetengahkan suatu masalah atau isu yang ditinjau paling tidak dari dua sudut pandang, sebelum sampai pada suatu kesimpulan atau rekomendasi.

C. Struktur Kebahasaaan Discussion Text

Dalam Discussion text, terdapat empat struktur kebahasaan yang terlihat dari ide pokok setiap paragraf dalam Discussion Text sebagai bahan pembentuk teks-nya, yaitu:

1. Issue
Issue terletak di paragraf pertama yang berisi penempatan masalah atau isu yang akan didiskusikan.

2. Supporting Points
Dalam bagian ini, penulis menghadirkan pendapat yang mendukung isu. Di setiap paragraf Supporting Point terdiri dari dua komponen diantaranya adalah ide pokok paragraf dan elaborasi atau uraian dari ide pokok paragraf tersebut.

3.Contrasting Points
Dalam bagian ini, penulis menghadirkan pendapat yang menentang isu atau permasalahan. Seperti dalam paragraf Spportin Point, Contrasting Points juga menghadirkan dua komponen pembentuk yaitu ide pokok paragraf dan elaborasi atau uraian ari ide pokok paragraf tersebut.

4. Conclunlusion or Recomendation
Dalam bagian ini penulis menghadirkan kesimpulan atau bisa juga rekomendasikan dari isu atau permasalahan yang telah didiskusikan di atas.

D. Ciri Kebahasaan Discussion Text
Di dalam membuat Discussion Text, penulis harus memperhatikan penggunaan bahasa yang biasa diterapkan, seperti:
• Menggunakan simpel present tense
• Menggunakan modalites, seperti must, should, would, may, etc.
• Menggunakan additive, contrastive, dan casual connection, seperti similiary, however, furthemore, on the other hand, etc.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A. The Sense Of Discussion TextDiscussion is a process of looking for intersection between two thoughts, views or different opinions. And Discussion Text can be define as a text which describes a discourse that is problematic. This is a problematic discourse of discourse which has two camps among the pros (supporting) and Contra (opponents), between supporters and opponents of issues issues. The problems presented in the Discussion Text will be discussed based on the viewpoint of two (Point of View), the Pro and Contra supporters (opponents).B. Purpose Of Komunikarif Discussion TextCommunicative purpose of Discussion Text itself is to consider an issue or issues are reviewed at least from two viewpoints, before reaching a conclusion or recommendation. C. Structure Of The Kebahasaaan Discussion TextIn the Discussion text, there are four literary structure that is visible from the main idea of each paragraph in the Discussion Text as a shaper of his text, namely:1. Issue Issue is in the first paragraph that contains the placement of a problem or issue that will be discussed.2. Supporting PointsIn this section, the author presents an opinion supporting issues. In each paragraph Supporting Point consists of two components which are the main idea of the paragraph and the elaboration or explanation of the main idea of the paragraph.3. the Contrasting PointsIn this section, the author presents an opinion opposed to the issue or problem. As in paragraph Spportin Point, Contrasting Points also features two components forming the main idea of the paragraph and the elaboration or explanation that the main idea of the paragraph ari.4. Conclunlusion or his RecomendationIn this section the author presents conclusions or recommend of issues or problems that have been discussed above.D. Literary Discussion Text CharacteristicsIn making the Discussion Text, authors should pay attention to the use of plain language is implemented, such as:• Use simple present tense• Use the modalites such as must, should, would, may, etc.• Using the additive, contrastive, and casual connection, like similiary, however, furthemore, on the other hand, etc.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
A. Understanding the Text Discussion Discussion is a process to find common ground between two thoughts, ideas or opinions are different. Discussion and Text can be defined as a text that contains a problematic discourse. This problematic discourse is discourse that has two camps between Pro (supports) and Contra (opponents), between supporters and opponents of the issue issue. Problems presented in the Discussion Text will be discussed based on these two viewpoints (Point of View), the Pro (supporter) and Contra (opponents). B. The purpose Komunikarif Discussion Text of Discussion Text communicative goal itself is to present an issue or issues to be reviewed at least from two points of view, before arriving at a conclusion or recommendation. C. Structure Discussion Text Kebahasaaan Discussion In the text, there are four linguistic structure that is visible from the main idea of each paragraph in the Discussion Text as its precursor texts, namely: 1. Issue Issue lies in the first paragraph that contains the placement problem or issue to be discussed. 2. Supporting Points In this section, the author presents arguments in favor of the issue. In each paragraph Supporting Point consists of two components which are the main ideas of paragraphs and elaboration or description of the main idea of the paragraph. 3.Contrasting Points In this section, the author presents further arguments against the issue or problem. As in paragraph Spportin Point, Contrasting Points also present two components forming the main idea and paragraphs ari elaboration or description of the main idea of the paragraph. 4. Conclunlusion or Recomendation In this section the authors present a conclusion or can also recommend to the issue or issues that have been discussed above. D. Linguistic Characteristics Discussion Text Inside Text making Discussion, authors should consider the use of language that is commonly applied, such as: • Using simple present tense • Using modalites, like must, should, would, may, etc. • Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection , as similiary, however, Furthemore, on the other hand, etc.

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