BAB IIPEMBAHASANHallyu atau Korean Wave merupakan sebuah penamaan dari terjemahan - BAB IIPEMBAHASANHallyu atau Korean Wave merupakan sebuah penamaan dari Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

BAB IIPEMBAHASANHallyu atau Korean

Hallyu atau Korean Wave merupakan sebuah penamaan dari kebudayaan Korea yang berkembang pada beberapa dekade terakhir ini. Hallyu mulai digemari oleh penduduk Asia termasuk Indonesia mulai sekitaran tahun 1990an terutama di China, Jepang dan beberapa kawasan Asia Tenggara. Berawal dari industri hiburan yakni K-Pop dan K-Drama yang mengawali era kebudayaan Korea di kancah internasional.
Saat terjadi krisis global pada tahun 1997, nilai perekonomian Korea Selatan melemah dan turun. Hal ini mengakibatkan pemerintah harus bekerja keras untuk mencari cara agar nilai perekonomiannya membaik. Pada saat itu pemerintah mencoba untuk mengandalkan industri makanan sebagai jalan alternatif, namun pada kenyataannya hal tersebut tidak dapat membantu perekonomian membaik. Pemerintah Korea Selatan akhirnya menyadari bahwa negaranya terlambat dalam modernisasi. Pada awalnya negara tersebut hanya bergantung pada ekspor dari industri makanan dan manufaktur, yang pada kenyataannya tidak terlalu berhasil. Pemerintah Korea Selatan kemudian mencoba untuk mengekspor produk budaya bersamaan dengan produk manufaktur dan makanan, kemudian produk kebudayaan Korea Selatan ditempatkan bersama produk-produk kebudayaan dari negara lain di Pasar Asia. Pada saat itu Pasar Asia masih didominasi oleh produk kebudayaan dari Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan Cina. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, produk kebudayaan Korea Selatan semakin banyak digemari. Hal ini dikarenakan ada kemiripan budaya dengan negara-negarta pengimpor; seperti Cina, Jepang, Taiwan, dan negara-negara lain di Asia. Kebudayaan Korea Selatan dapat dengan mudah diterima oleh masyarakat yang kebudayaannya sudah menjadi suatu adat yang ada di Asia, contohnya seperti nilai-nilai harmonis, komunitas, moralitas yang kuat, dan rasa hormat yang tinggi terhadap keluarga. Melihat respon yang baik dari masyarakat luar, pemerintah Korea Selatan lebih menekankan ekspor dari produk-produk kebudayaan. Hasilnya produk kebudayaan Korea Selatan semakin banyak digemari, khususnya dari industri film dan musik.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]

DISCUSSION of Hallyu Wave is a Korean or naming of Korea culture that developed in the last few decades. Hallyu started favored by residents of Asia including Indonesia starting around the 1990s especially in China, Japan and Southeast Asia. Starting from the entertainment industry that K-Pop and K-Drama that ushered in the era of Korea culture in the international arena.
In the event of a global crisis in 1997, the value of South Korea's economy is weakening and down. This has resulted in the Government must work hard to find ways to value perekonomiannya improved. At that time the Government tried to rely on the food industry as a viable alternative, but in fact it can't help the economy improve. South Korea's Government finally realized that his country late in modernization. At first the country depends only on the export of food industry and manufacturing, that is in fact not too successful. South Korea's Government then tried to export cultural products along with manufactured products and food, then South Korea's cultural products are placed with the cultural products of the other countries in the Asian market. At that time the Asian market still dominated by cultural products from the United States, Japan and China. As time goes by, the culture of South Korea products more and more popular. This is because there are cultural similarities with the negarta importer; like China, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries in Asia. South Korea's culture can be easily accepted by the cultural society has already become a tradition that exists in Asia, such as harmonic values, community, a strong morality and high respect to the family. See a good response from the community outside of South Korea, the Government further emphasising exports of cultural products. The result of South Korea's cultural products are more and more popular, especially from the film and music industry.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Hallyu or the Korean Wave is a naming of Korean culture that developed in the last few decades. Hallyu began favored by residents of Asia, including Indonesia Area began in the 1990s, especially in China, Japan and Southeast Asia. Starting from the entertainment industry that is K-Pop and K-Drama that started the era of Korean culture in the international arena.
Currently the global crisis in 1997, the value of South Korea's economy weakened and fell. This resulted in the government have to work hard to find ways to improve its economic value. At that time the government tries to rely on the food industry as an alternative way, but in reality it may not help the economy improves. The South Korean government has finally realized that the country late in modernization. At first the state depends only on the export of food and manufacturing industries, which in fact is not very successful. The South Korean government then tried to export cultural products along with product manufacturing and food, then South Korean cultural products are placed along cultural products from other countries in the Asian markets. At the time Asian markets are still dominated by the cultural products of the United States, Japan and China. Over time, the South Korean cultural products more and more popular. This is because there are cultural similarities with negarta importing countries; such as China, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries in Asia. South Korean culture can be easily accepted by people whose culture has become a custom in Asia, such as the values ​​of harmony, community, morality is strong, and a high respect towards the family. Seeing good response from the outside community, the South Korean government put more emphasis on the export of cultural products. South Korean cultural products result more and more popular, especially from the film and music industry.
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