2. Bridge Improvement Program goals: Improving accessibilitya. Target: increased accessibility of the bridge with the goal to better connect the villages connectedb. form of Activity: construction of the new bridge, repair bridges, improve quality, maintenance regularly and periodically CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSAfter the collection, processing and analysis of data obtained from field survey, then its results be scenario on a map the development of the road network in the Malinau. This scenario is done based on the development of the road network over the needs of the community, towards a policy/legislation, funding and support. The scenario of the development of the road network is an alternative scenario 2 (the construction of new roads and improvement of road/Road New Construction). This road network development scenario chosen, due to the condition of the existing road network serving Nunukan Regency not yet optimally.To realize these scenarios need to be prepared a strategy plan of action are the systematic, logical, conducive, tersosialisasi is done periodically and as such it does its annual program priorities of the medium-and long-term, i.e.:1. Program development of the road network in the Malinau2. bridge Improvement Program 3. development of the Terminal and the airport at Malinau Regency4. The preparation of the plan network routes.5. Preparation of network information system of roads/routes.a. determination of road network traffic transport goods/cargo.BIBLIOGRAPHY[1] Anonymous, 1997, Indonesia road capacity Manual (MKJI), the Ministry of public works Directorate General of Bina Marga, Jakarta. [2] the Anonymous, 2010 strategic plan, regional development planning board County Malinau Years 2011-2016, the regional development planning board. Malinau. [3] Anonymous, 2013, reports performance accountability of government agencies, Malinau, Malinau Regency LAKIP. [4] the Anonymous, 2010, Malinau Regency RPJMD 2011 – 2016, Malinau.[5] Anonymous, 2010 Long-term development plan, the County Government Malinau Malinau, 2005-2025.
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