An Explanation Of EthicsEthics is the science of what is good and what is bad and about moral rights and obligations (akhlaq); a collection of basic or value with regard to akhlaq; the value on the value of right and wrong, which embraced a group or society. (Great dictionary of Indonesian Language, 1989)Ethics is a science that discuss how and why we follow a certain moral teachings or how we should take a responsible attitude in dealing with the various moral teachings. (Suseno, 1987)Ethics is actually more concerned with the basic principles of justification in human behavior. (Kattsoff, 1986)Based on some thoughts above ethics according to Bartens sebagaiman quoted by abdul kadir, gives three meanings of ethics, namely:1. Ethics is used in the sense of values and moral norms into the handle for a or a group in organizing the vagaries of fiercely. it can also sense referred to the system of values in human life perseorngan or alive bermasyrakat.2. The ethics used in the sense of a collection of basic and moral values, which is meant to discipline, is a code of ethics.3. Ethics is used in the sense of science of the good or the bad. the meaning here the same as moral philosophy.In its development of ethics can be divided to two, namely the ethics of moral and ethical culture:A). Ethical Culture is adatistiadat or the custom of depicting human mannerisms in the life of society and in particular pad time. the ethics of these temperaments is recognized and applies because the community agreed upon results of research. example of ethics culture is.• Dress Customs.• Guidelines for young on the boat.• Marriage semenda.• Traditional ceremony.B). In the meantime for moral ethics deals with well-behaved and true habits based on human nature ethics. If these are violated there crimes i.e. the deeds that were not good and it is not true, this habit comes from human nature called moral, moral example is.• Say and do to be honest.• Respect the elderly.• Appreciate others.• To defend truth and justice.• Menyantuni children orphaned.
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