The gods and goddesses in the level of Catumaharajika there are likely to be evil, namely: a) Gandhabbo / Gandhabbi: residing in the trees fragrant, which berlakangan may recognize by the Javanese as "gondoruwo" Being subtle is very mlekat place tinggalnya.Walaupun residence tree cut down, it still remains to follow where the tree was moved unlike other rukkhadewa, who will flee to other surviving trees, B) Kumbhando / Kumbhandi: guard treasures, woods, etc., c) Nago / Nagi: dragon which has a magic power, which is capable of copying such in the form of other creatures such as humans, animals and so on, d) Yakkho / Yakkhini: giant likes to persecute the inhabitants of hell. 2) Natural Tavatimsa is heavenly realm this kedua.Alam previous level the residence of the asurakaya.Nama Tavatimsa new "used after 33 youths under the leadership of Magha, which is reborn here as a result of virtue done together, managed to get rid of the asurakaya. The gods in Tavatimsa divided into two groups, namely Bhummattha : Sakka along with 32 gods magnifying, Akasattha: the bertinggal in a palace in the sky. The capital Tavatimsa is Masakkasara.Balai Sudahmma be a place for the gods to discuss the truth of Dhamma under the care of Sakka (He won sanctity Fruition levels after listening Brahmajala Sutta) Brahma Sanamkumara often the expounder guest Dhamma in sini.Buddha Gotama've been to this world, danbertinggal for three months to expound the Abhidhamma to his mother, who were born as the son of god in nature Tusita.Monggallana Thera also been a few times to go to nature , and of the number of occupants, he obtained testimony on virtuous deeds that brought them reborn in this sini.Kebajikan among others are taking care of the father-mother, saluting the elders in the family, talk gently, avoiding incitement, scrape stinginess, to be honest, marah.usia hold an average of deities who were born in the wild Tavatimsa god is 1,000 years or approximately 36 million years old 3) Yamabhumi third level is a heavenly realm, a place for the gods that is free of all difficulties, the blessed with happiness surgawi.Pemegang power in this realm is Suyama.Alam angkasa.Dalam is in this realm and a higher level, there are no deities were classified as bhummattha that bertinggal on the mainland, the Palace, Harat as well as the bodies of the gods goddess in nature is far more beautiful and delicate than that bertinggal in Tavatimsa.Rentang their life is 2,000 years of gods or approximately 142 million years of human beings. 4) Tusitabhumi is heavenly realm keempat.Para level deities that live in the natural world berceria always on the existence of the dimiliki.Semua Bodhiatta, before descending into the world and achieve Enlightenment, born in this world to await the right time for the emergence of a Budddha.Demikian are also those who will be the parents and students of primary (Aggasavaka) This Now Bodhisatta Metteyya which will be sammasambuddhas after Budddha teachings of Gotama became extinct from the face of the earth is in the nature ini.Usia while the average in the natural world is 4,000 years old god or approximately 567 million years of human beings. 5) Nimmanaratibhumi is heavenly realm fifth level .The gods in nature enjoying sensual satisfaction as self-created at will mereka.Rentang lives of the gods in this universe is 8,000 years old god or approximately 2.304 million years of human beings. 6) Paranimmittavasavatti is the last level of the heavenly realm. If the gods in nature Nimmanarati enjoy sensual satisfaction as self-created their heart's content, the gods in nature enjoy from what is created or provided by others, who know the needs and desires mereka.Usia average rat in This universe is 16,000 years old god or approximately 9216 million human years. Four Menyedikan.Alam Human nature and nature gods including six as natural sensuality (kambhumi). Sixteen of the Brahma Shaped (Rupabhumi) Rupabhumi is a place of natural occurrence "rupavacaravipakacitta "or consciousness due to the prevalent Brahma berbentuk.Dengan ventured in other words, rupbhumi is a natural physical birth place and batibiniah the berbentuk.Yang brahma brahma is meant by living beings who have a special kegajikan is achieved enlightenment jhānas which generated luhur.jhana from the development of Samatha-kammatthana meditation centering the mind on one object to achieve sobriety. Natural Brahma consists of 16 natural, namely: three natural for winning the first jhana (pathama), three natural for winning Jhanas second (dutiya), three natural for winning the third jhāna (tatiya), three natural for winning the fourth jhana (catuttha), and five natural Suddhavasa. Pathamajhanabhumi Three natural for winning the first jhana is: Parisajja: natural life for Brahma followers, who do not have special powers, purohita: natural life for brahma adviser, dignitaries as the leader in the activities, Mahabrahma: the natural life to Brahma who has a great virtue. Dutiyajhnanbhumi, three realms for winning Jhanas second or third jhāna is; Parittabha: natural life for Brahma luminous less than brahma that being on it, Appamana: natural life for Brahma which shines forth infinite, Abhassara: natural life for Brahma luminous spread outside the body. Tatiyajhanabhumi, three natural for winning the fourth jhana is: Parittasubha: natural life for Brahma glowing beautiful but less of the brahma that are in it, Appamanasubha: Nature life for beautiful glowing brahma infinite, Subhakinha: Brahma the natural life for a beautiful glow on his body. Catutthajhanabhumi.Dua natural for winning the fifth jhana is: vehapphala: brahma realms for the rewarding perfect, free from all dangers, Asannsatta: brahma realms for which reborn in wujut materials derived from actions alone (kammajarupa) .In this nature is absolutely no element batiniah.Kelahiran in Brahma This is because the development of the reflection memacak both mental disgusting sehungga not menghasratinya (Sannaviragabhavana) .because not equipped with inner elements, in this universe there is absolutely no chance to develop kebajikan.Makhluk-being born physically only, just spend inflicted lampaunya.Delapan types suciwan will not be born in this realm. Suddhavasabhumi is a natural life to those who have achieved enlightenment anagami the fifth jhana other creatures that have not reached sanctity Anagami level, although managed maraih enlightenment fifth jhana, would not be born in the wild ini.Di is here the Anagami will reach sanctity Arahatta.Para level Bodhisattas not been born in this realm because the creatures who were born in this nature will not be reborn in other worlds more rendah.Kadangkala, when no Buddha appears in period long, nature is empty melompomg without occupants. Nature is divided into five levels, namely: Aviha: the natural life to Brahma who did not leave their homes until the exhaustion of age, Atappa: Nature life for brahma are always in a calm soothing, Sudassa: natural life for Brahma whose body shone very beautifully captivating, Sudassi: natural life more perfect in the sight of the nature Sudassa, Akanittha: Nature life for Brahma which terlengkapi with heavenly treasure and happiness that is unmatched by nature everywhere, this is the highest realm for suciwan. The Anagami capable prominent in the field of confidence (saddhindriya) undoubtedly reborn in nature Aviha: spirit (viriyindriya) in nature Atappa: awareness jelly (satindriya) in nature Sudassa: concentration (sammadhindriya) in nature Sudassi: kebajiksanaan (Pannindriya) in nature Akanittha. Four Brahma-Nirbentuk (Arupabhumi) Arupabhumi is a natural occurrence where the four elements of the inner consciousness due commonly ventured in Brahma nirbentuk (arupavacaravipakacitta) .In other words, arupabhumi is a natural place inner kalahiran the brahma nirbentuk.Meskipun referred to as a natural reference to the place or form, here in fact there is absolutely no slightest physical elements and in what form this pun.Sebutan forced in use to be able to refer to the emergence and existence of the elements in the inner tersebut.Kelahiran Brahma nirbentuk This happens because of the development of contemplation memacak against the elements physically repulsive that no menghasratnya (rupavitagabhavana) Arupabhumi divided into four nature, namely: Akasanancayatanabhumi: natural life for Brahma nirbentuk who won meditation level pathama-arupajhana that berobjek the sky boundless , vinnanancayatanabhumi: natural life for Brahma nirbentuk successful maraih level meditation dutiya-arupajhana that berobjeck awareness boundless, Akincannayatanabhumi: natural life for Brahma nirbentuk successful maraih level meditation tatiya-arupajhana that berobjek on nothing, Navasannanasannayatanabhumi: natural life for brahma nirbentuk who won catuttha-level meditation arupajhana that berobjeck at no recollection nor without memory.
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