Dahulu kala, ada seorang wanita penyihir yang memiliki tiga anak yang  terjemahan - Dahulu kala, ada seorang wanita penyihir yang memiliki tiga anak yang  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dahulu kala, ada seorang wanita pen

Dahulu kala, ada seorang wanita penyihir yang memiliki tiga anak yang saling menyayangi antara satu dengan yang lainnya sebagai saudara, tetapi wanita penyihir tua itu tidak mempercayai anaknya sendiri, dan berpikir bahwa ketiga anaknya ingin mencuri kekuatannya darinya. Penyihir itu lalu mengubah anak sulungnya menjadi burung elang, yang terpaksa tinggal di pegunungan berbatu, dan sering terlihat terbang melayang di langit. Yang kedua, disihir sehingga berubah menjadi seekor ikan paus yang hidup di laut dalam, dan terkadang terlihat di permukaan laut menyemburkan sebuah pancuran air yang besar di udara. Kedua anak ini masing-masing masih bisa berubah bentuk menjadi manusia selama dua jam setiap hari. Anak yang ketiga, karena takut bahwa ibunya yang penyihir ini akan mengubahnya menjadi seekor binatang buas, dengan diam-diam pergi meninggalkan ibunya.

Saat itu, di pusat kerajaan, dia mendengar berita tentang seorang putri Raja yang disihir dan dipenjarakan di istana matahari, sedang menanti datangnya pertolongan. Mereka yang mencoba membebaskan sang Putri, mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka karena tugas untuk menyelamatkan sang Putri, tidaklah mudah. Sudah puluhan orang yang mencoba tetapi gagal, dan sekarang tidak ada orang yang berani untuk menyelamatkan sang Putri lagi.

Si Putra Ketiga menguatkan hatinya untuk mencoba menyelamatkan sang Putri. Dia lalu melakukan perjalanan untuk mencari istana matahari itu dalam waktu yang cukup lama tanpa bisa menemukannya. Suatu ketika, dia tiba tanpa sengaja di sebuah hutan yang besar, dan menjadi tersesat. Tiba-tiba dia melihat di kejauhan, dua raksasa yang melambaikan tangan mereka kepadanya, dan ketika dia datang kepada raksasa tersebut, mereka berkata,

"Kami bertengkar mengenai sebuah topi, siapa di antara kami yang berhak memilikinya, karena kami berdua sama kuatnya, tak ada satupun di antara kami yang lebih kuat dibandingkan yang lain. Manusia kecil lebih pandai dari kami, karena itu, kami menyerahkan keputusan kepada mu."

"Bagaimana kamu bisa bertengkar hanya karena sebuah topi tua?" kata si Putra Ketiga.

"Kamu tidak mengerti keajaiban topi itu! Itu adalah topi yang bisa mengabulkan keinginan kita; barang siapa yang memakainya, dan berharap untuk pergi ke tempat manapun dia mau, dalam sekejap dia akan tiba di tempat tersebut."

"Berikanlah topi itu kepadaku," kata si Putra Ketiga, "Saya akan berdiri di sana, ketika saya memanggil kalian, kalian harus berlomba lari, dan topi ini akan menjadi milik orang yang lebih duluan tiba di sana." Dia lalu memakai topi tersebut lalu berjalan pergi, dan saat berjalan, si Putra Ketiga berpikir tentang sang Putri, melupakan para raksasa dan berjalan terus. Akhirnya dia mendesah dalam hatinya dan bersedih, "Ah, jika saja saya bisa tiba di istana matahari," tiba-tiba si Putra Ketiga sudah berdiri di sebuah gunung yang tinggi tepat di depan pintu gerbang istana matahari.

Dia lalu masuk dan memeriksa semua kamar, saat sampai pada kamar terakhir dia menemukan putri Raja. Tapi betapa terkejutnya dia ketika melihat wajah sang Putri. Wajahnya pucat abu-abu penuh keriput, mata rabun, dan berambut merah."

Apakah kamu adalah putri raja, yang kecantikannya terkenal di seluruh pujian dunia?" tanyanya.

"Ah," jawabnya," ini bukan bentuk saya yang sebenarnya, mata manusia hanya bisa melihat saya dalam keadaan buruk rupa ini, tetapi kamu mungkin bisa melihat bentuk saya yang sebenarnya, lihat melalui cermin ini, karena cermin ini tidak akan salah dan akan menampilkan wajah saya yang sebenarnya."

Dia lalu memberinya cermin yang di pegang nya, dan saat si Putra Ketiga melihat bayangan di dalam cermin, dilihatnya wajah yang paling cantik di seluruh penjuru dunia, dan dia juga melihat butiran air mata yang bergulir di pipi sang Putri.

Lalu si Putra Ketiga bertanya, "Bagaimana kamu dapat dibebaskan ? Aku tidak takut akan mara bahaya.

Bola kristal ajaib Sang Putri berkata, "Dia yang mendapatkan bola kristal, dan memberi jari telunjuknya didepan penyihir, akan menghancurkan kekuatan sihirnya dengan bola kristal itu, dan saya akan kembali ke bentuk sejati saya. "Ah," dia menambahkan, "sudah banyak yang mencoba dan gagal, kamu begitu muda, saya sangat sedih karena kamu harus menghadapi bahaya yang begitu besar."

"Tidak ada yang bisa mencegah saya melakukannya," kata si Putra Ketiga, "coba katakan padaku apa saja yang harus kulakukan."

"Kamu harus tahu semuanya," kata sang Putri," ketika kamu menuruni gunung di mana istana ini berdiri, kamu akan menemukan seekor banteng liar di dekat sebuah mata air, dan kamu harus berkelahi dengan banteng itu, dan jika kamu bisa membunuhnya, seekor burung yang berapi-api akan muncul yang membawa sebuah telur yang membara, dan sebuah bola kristal terletak di dalam telur tersebut. burung itu tidak akan membiarkan telur tersebut terlepas kecuali dipaksa untuk melakukannya, dan saat telur itu jatuh di tanah, semuanya akan menyala dan membakar segala sesuatu yang berada dekat telur tersebut, dan dengan bola kristal semua masalahmu akan terselesaikan."

Pemuda itu lalu pergi ke mata air, di mana seekor banteng liar mendengus dan berteriak marah padanya. Setelah melalui perjuangan yang panjang, si Putra Ketiga berhasil menusukkan pedangnya ke tubuh hewan itu yang akhirnya jatuh mati. Seketika itu juga, seekor burung api muncul dan hendak terbang, tapi kakak si Putra Ketiga yang berubah bentuk menjadi elang, menukik turun, mengejar burung api tersebut sampai ke laut, dan memukul dengan paruhnya sampai sang Burung Api melepaskan telur yang dipegangnya. Telur tersebut tidak jatuh ke laut, tetapi ke sebuah gubuk nelayan yang berdiri di tepi pantai dan gubuk itu langsung terbakar api. Lalu tiba-tiba muncullah gelombang laut setinggi rumah, menerjang gubuk tersebut hingga seluruh api menjadi padam. Ternyata, saudara lain si Putra Ketiga yang menjadi ikan paus, yang telah mendorong dan menciptakan gelombang laut tersebut. Ketika api itu padam, si Putra Kegita mencari telur itu dan menjadi sangat bahagia saat menemukannya. Kulit telur tersebut menjadi retak dan pecah akibat suhu panas yang tiba-tiba berubah menjadi dingin saat tersiram air, sehingga bola kristal di dalamnya dapat diambil oleh si Putra Ketiga.

Ketika pemuda pergi menghadap ke si Penyihir dan mengacungkan bola kristal itu di hadapannya, si Penyihir berkata, "kekuatan sihir saya telah hancur, dan mulai dari saat ini, kamulah yang menjadi raja di istana matahari. Dengan bola kristal itu juga, kamu telah mengembalikan bentuk saudara-saudara-mu ke bentuk manusia seperti semula."

Si Putra Ketiga pun bergegas menemui sang Putri, dan ketika dia memasuki ruangan, dia mendapati sang Putri berdiri di sana dengan segala kecantikan dan keindahannya, dan tidak lama, merekapun menikah dan hidup berbahagia selamanya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Once upon a time, there was a lady magician who has three kids who loved each other between each other as brothers, but that old witch woman does not trust his own son, and thinks that his three sons want to steal his power away from him. The magician then change his eldest son into a Falcon, who was forced to live in the Rocky Mountains, and is often seen flying through the sky. The second, was struck so that turned into a whale that lived in the deep sea, and sometimes visible on the surface of the sea spitting out a shower which is great in the air. Both of these children are each still could change shape into humans for two hours every day. The third son, for fear that this witch mother who will turn it into a beast, secretly leave his mother.Then, in the Centre of the Kingdom, he heard about a King's daughter who was struck and was imprisoned in the Palace of the Sun, are waiting for the arrival of aid. Those trying to liberate the Princess, risked their lives because the duty to rescue the Princess, it is not easy. Already dozens of people who tried but failed, and now no one is daring to rescue the Princess again.The third son of courageous to try to rescue the Princess. He then traveled to find the Palace of the Sun it is in quite a long time without being able to find it. Once, she arrived accidentally in a great forest, and became lost. Suddenly he saw in the distance, the two giants who waved them to him, and when he came to the Giants, they said, "We fight over a hat, who among us has the right to have it, because both of us are equally strong, none among us who are more powerful than others. A small man smarter than us, we therefore submit the decision to thee. ""How can you fight just because an old hat?" said the third son."You do not understand the magic Hat! It is a hat that could grant the wishes of us; Whoever wore it, and hope to go to any place he wants, in an instant he will arrive at the venue. ""Give me the hat," said the third son, "I would stand there, when I call you, you have to race, and this Hat will belong to the person who is first to arrive there." He was wearing a hat that then goes away, and when they run, the third son of thinking about the Princess, forget about the Giants and go on. Finally she sighed in her heart and grieving, "Ah, if only I could arrive at the Palace of the Sun," suddenly the third son is already standing on a high mountain right in front of the gate of the Palace of the Sun.He then entered and checked all the rooms, when it came to the last room he finds the King's daughter. But her surprise upon seeing the faces of the Princess. Her face is pale gray full of wrinkles, eye myopic, and redheads. "Whether you are the daughter of the King, that her beauty is famous around the world praise? "he asked."Ah," she replied, "this is not my true form, the human eye can only see me in a State of bad a way as this, but you might be able to see my true form, look through the mirror, because this mirror will not be wrong and will show my true face."She then gives him a mirror in his grasp, and as the third son of shadow in the mirror, he saw the most beautiful face in the world, and he saw the tears rolling granules on the cheeks of the Princess. Then the third son asked, "How can you be exempt? I'm not afraid of mara.Magic crystal ball the Princess said, "he who get a crystal ball, and gives the fingers before the witch, her magical powers will destroy with a crystal ball, and I'll get back to my true form." Ah, "he added," there have been many who tried and failed, you are so young, I was very sad that we have to face the danger is so great. ""No one can prevent me to do it," said the third son, "trying to tell me what to do.""You must know everything," said the Princess, "when you down the mountain where the Castle stands, you will find a wild Bull near a spring of water, and you have to fight with a bull, and if you can kill him, a fiery bird will appear a brought an egg that smoldering, and a crystal ball located inside the egg. the bird will not let the eggs regardless unless forced to do so, and when it fell on the ground, everything will flare up and burn everything that is near the egg, and with crystal ball all out will be resolved. "The young man then went to the fountain, where a wild Bull snorting and shouting furiously at him. After a long struggle, the third son managed to thrust his sword into the animal's body was finally fell dead. Immediately, a bird of fire appeared and wanted to fly, but the third son of the elder brother who changed shape into the Eagle, swooping down, chasing the bird of fire towards the sea, and hit with its beak until the Fire Bird release eggs that he held. The egg does not fall into the sea, but to a fishing Shack that stands on the edge of the beach and the huts were burning fire instantly. Then all of a sudden came the sea waves as high as houses, crashing the whole Shack fire being extinguished. As it turns out, another brother of the third son who becomes a whale, who has encouraged and created the ocean waves. When the fire was extinguished, the son of Kegita looking for the egg and be very happy at the moment to find it. The egg shell cracked and broke out due to the heat that suddenly turns into a cold at the moment is covered in water, so crystal ball in it can be taken by the third son.When the young man went to the Witch and brandishing a crystal ball that the witch before him, said, "the power of magic I have been destroyed, and starting from this moment, you who became King at the Palace of the Sun. With crystal ball, you return the form of thy brethren into human form as they are. "The third son any hurried to meet the Princess, and when she entered the room, he found the Princess standing there with all its beauty and its beauty, and not long ago, they were married and lived happy forever.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Once upon a time, there was a witch woman who has three children who love each other with each other as brothers, but the old witch woman does not trust his own son, and thought that his three sons wanted to steal her power from her. The witch then changed her eldest son into an eagle, which was forced to live in the rocky mountains, and was often seen flying in the sky. Second, bewitched so it turned into a whale that lives in the deep ocean, and sometimes visible on the surface of the sea ejects a large fountain in the air. Both of these children respectively can still be transformed into a human for two hours every day. A third son, for fear that the mother of these wizards will transform it into a beast, secretly left his mother. At that time, in the center of the kingdom, he heard the news of a daughter of King who bewitched and imprisoned in the palace of the sun, is awaiting the arrival of aid. Those who try to free the princess, risked their lives for the task to rescue the Princess, is not easy. Already dozens of people who tried but failed, and now no one dared to rescue the Princess again. The third son strengthens his heart to try to save the Princess. He then traveled in search of the sun palace in a long time without being able to find it. One time, he arrived accidentally in a large forest, and become lost. Suddenly he saw in the distance, the two giants who waved their hands to him, and when he came to the giant, they said, "We are quarreling about a cap, who among us has the right to have it, because we were both equally strong, no None of us are stronger than others. Humans little smarter than us, therefore, we leave the decision to you. "" How can you fight just because an old hat? " said the son of the Third. "You do not understand the magic of the hat! It is a hat that can grant our wishes; whoever is wearing it, and hope to go to any place he wants, in an instant he will arrive at the venue." "Give me my hat that to me, "said the third son," I will be standing there, when I call you, you should be raced, and these caps will belong to those who first can get there. " He then put on the hat and walked away, and as it goes, the third son to think about the Princess, forgetting the giants and move on. Finally she sighed in his heart and sad, "Ah, if only I could arrive at the palace of the sun," suddenly the Son Third was standing in a high mountain right at the front gate of the palace of the sun. He then went and checked all the rooms, the time until the last room he found the King's daughter. But how shocked he was when he saw the face of the princess. Pale gray face full of wrinkles, myopic eyes, and red hair. "Are you the king's daughter, whose beauty is famous all over the world praise?" he asked. "Ah," he replied, "this is not the shape of my truth, the human eye can only see me in an ugly this, but you might be able to see the shape I actually see through a mirror, because the mirror is not going wrong and will show my face the truth. "He then gave her a mirror in the grasp of her, and when the son of the Third saw a shadow in the mirror, he saw the face of the most beautiful in all corners of the world, and he also saw the teardrop that rolled down the cheeks of the daughter. Then the Son Third ask, "How can you exempt? I'm not afraid of danger. The ball magic crystal princess said," He who gets the crystal ball, and give his index finger in front of the witch, would destroy the magical power with crystal ball and I will return to my true form. "Ah," he added, "so many have tried and failed, you are so young, I was very sad when you have to face the danger is so great." "No one can prevent me from doing so," said the son of the Third, "is trying to say me what to do. "" You have to know everything, "said the princess," when you're down the mountain on which the castle stands, you will find a wild bull near a spring, and you have to fight with the bull, and if you can kill him, a bird that fiery will appear which carries an egg smoldering, and a crystal ball located inside the egg, the bird will not let the eggs are separated unless forced to do so, and when the eggs fell soil, it will light up and burn everything that is near the eggs, and the crystal ball all your problems will be solved. "The young man went to the spring, where the bull snorted wildly and shouting angrily at him. After a long struggle, the third son managed to thrust his sword into the animal's body which eventually fell off. In that instant, a bird of fire appeared and was about to fly, but the brother of the Third Son transformed into an eagle, swooping down, the birds chase the fire to the sea, and hitting it with his beak until the release of Fire Bird eggs are held. The eggs do not fall into the sea, but to a fishing hut that stands on the shore and the hut on fire immediately. Then suddenly came the sea waves as high as houses, huts braved the fire to be extinguished whole. Apparently, another brother of the Third Son who became whales, which have encouraged and created a wave of the sea. When the fire was extinguished, the Son Kegita looking for eggs and be very happy when I found. Eggshells are cracked and broken due to the heat that suddenly turned cold when splashed with water, so that the crystal ball in it may be taken by the son of three. When the youth went overlooking the Witch and held up the crystal ball in front of him, the Witch said, "the power of magic I have been destroyed, and from this moment, you're the king in the palace of the sun. With a crystal ball that well, you have to restore the form of the brothers of yours to the human form as before." The son of three was rushed meet the princess, and when he entered the room, she found her daughter standing there with all its beauty and beauty, and before long, they get married and live happily forever.

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