Waste of electricity – Power is widely used by everyone, but many people are not yet aware of the savings against the use of electricity. Various lessons have many driven or carried out, but in fact many humans haven't been able to do it, so this waste of electricity could be one contributing to increased global warming.Fuel – used vehicle fuel in addition to disturb health also gives the effect of the increase of the global warming of the air pollution generated per vehicle.Air pollution from Industries and factories – more and more industrial and factory that develops, the more the onset of global warming. On the plus side of the industry and indeed the factory can provide opportunities for welfare, but on the other hand the smoke resulting from the loss of industry and factory is very detrimental to the eksitensi the Earth.The forest of denuded forest burning occurs-many illegally without permission from the Government. When in the forest many functions, one of which is able to prevent the occurrence of flooding. In addition, hutanpun can reduce the heat in the Earth's temperature increases. A source said that global warming is increasing by 50% the cause is CO2 or carbon dioxide. Where is the emission of carbon dioxide due to damage or burning forests. So the forest bare to be one of the causes of increased global warming of the Earth.
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