Kemiskinan adalah masalah yang sangat penting untuk diatasi oleh Indon terjemahan - Kemiskinan adalah masalah yang sangat penting untuk diatasi oleh Indon Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kemiskinan adalah masalah yang sang

Kemiskinan adalah masalah yang sangat penting untuk diatasi oleh Indonesia maupun Negara lain, tingkat kemiskinan merupakan salah satu tolak ukur penilaian bagi sebuah Negara apakah Negara itu makmur dan sejahtera atau tidak, semakin tinggi tingkat kemiskinan maka Negara itu dapat dikatakan belum makmur begitupun sebaliknya semakin rendah tingkat kemiskinan suatu Negara, maka semakin makmur dan sejahtera Negara tersebut. Setiap Negara mempunyai cara masing-masing dalam mengatasi masalah kemiskinan di dalam negaranya, begitupun dengan Negara Indonesia. Kiranya pemerintah Indonesia melakukan kebijakan-kebijakan yang kadang kurang efektif, namun banyak juga yang berpengaruh positif. Inilah beberapa kebijakan yang pemerintah ambil dalam mengatasi kemiskinan.

1. Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT)

Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai yang merupakan kompensasi yang diberikan usai penghapusan subsidi minyak tanah dan program konversi bahan bakar gas. Namun kedua hal tersebut tidak memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap pengurangan angka kemiskinan. Bahkan beberapa pakar kebijakan negara menganggap, bahwa hal tersebut sudah seharusnya dilakukan pemerintah. Baik ada atau tidak ada masalah kemiskinan di Indonesia. Negara wajib menyediakan jaminan kesejahteraan masyarakat sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh Undang-undang Dasar 1945.

2. Menjaga stabilitas harga bahan kebutuhan pokok

Fokus program ini bertujuan menjamin daya beli masyarakat miskin/keluarga miskin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok terutama beras dan kebutuhan pokok utama selain beras. Program yang berkaitan dengan fokus ini seperti :

Penyediaan cadangan beras pemerintah 1 juta ton
Stabilisasi/kepastian harga komoditas primer
3. Mendorong pertumbuhan yang berpihak pada rakyat miskin

Fokus program ini bertujuan mendorong terciptanya dan terfasilitasinya kesempatan berusaha yang lebih luas dan berkualitas bagi masyarakat/keluarga miskin. Beberapa program yang berkenaan dengan fokus ini antara lain:

Penyediaan dana bergulir untuk kegiatan produktif skala usaha mikro dengan pola bagi hasil/syariah dan konvensional.
Bimbingan teknis/pendampingan dan pelatihan pengelola Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM)/Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP).
Pelatihan budaya, motivasi usaha dan teknis manajeman usaha mikro
Pembinaan sentra-sentra produksi di daerah terisolir dan tertinggal
Fasilitasi sarana dan prasarana usaha mikro
Pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat pesisir
Pengembangan usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil
Peningkatan akses informasi dan pelayanan pendampingan pemberdayaan dan ketahanan keluarga
Percepatan pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah
Peningkatan koordinasi penanggulangan kemiskinan berbasis kesempatan berusaha bagi masyarakat miskin.
4. Menyempurnakan dan memperluas cakupan program pembangunan berbasis masyarakat.

Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sinergi dan optimalisasi pemberdayaan masyarakat di kawasan perdesaan dan perkotaan serta memperkuat penyediaan dukungan pengembangan kesempatan berusaha bagi penduduk miskin. Program yang berkaitan dengan fokus ketiga ini antara lain :

Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) di daerah perdesaan dan perkotaan
Program Pengembangan Infrastruktur Sosial Ekonomi Wilayah
Program Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Khusus
Penyempurnaan dan pemantapan program pembangunan berbasis masyarakat.
5. Meningkatkan akses masyarakat miskin kepada pelayanan dasar.

Fokus program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses penduduk miskin memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan, kesehatan, dan prasarana dasar. Beberapa program yang berkaitan dengan fokus ini antara lain :

Penyediaan beasiswa bagi siswa miskin pada jenjang pendidikan dasar di Sekolah Dasar (SD)/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs);
Beasiswa siswa miskin jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas/Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/SMK/MA);
Beasiswa untuk mahasiswa miskin dan beasiswa berprestasi;
Pelayanan kesehatan rujukan bagi keluarga miskin secara cuma-cuma di kelas III rumah sakit;
6.  Membangun dan menyempurnakan sistem perlindungan sosial bagi masyarakat miskin.

Fokus ini bertujuan melindungi penduduk miskin dari kemungkinan ketidakmampuan menghadapi guncangan sosial dan ekonomi. Program teknis yang di buat oleh pemerintah seperti :

Peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan pengarusutamaan gender (PUG) dan anak (PUA)
Pemberdayaan sosial keluarga, fakir miskin, komunitas adat terpencil, dan penyandang masalah kesejahteraan sosial lainnya.
Bantuan sosial untuk masyarakat rentan, korban bencana alam, dan korban bencana sosial.
Penyediaan bantuan tunai bagi rumah tangga sangat miskin (RTSM) yang memenuhi persyaratan (pemeriksaan kehamilan ibu, imunisasi dan pemeriksaan rutin BALITA, menjamin keberadaan anak usia sekolah di SD/MI dan SMP/MTs; dan penyempurnaan pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan sosial kepada keluarga miskin/RTSM) melalui perluasan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH).
Pendataan pelaksanaan PKH (bantuan tunai bagi RTSM yang memenuhi persyaratan
7. Membangun Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) dan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM)

KUR merupakan kredit program yang diluncurkan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada November 2007. KUR ditujukan bagi pengusaha mikro dan kecil yang tidak memiliki agunan tambahan dengan plafon maksimal Rp 500 juta. Bank bersedia menyalurkan KUR karena kreditnya dijamin oleh pemerintah.

Dari program ini (KUR), diharapkan sector UMKM dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dalam menyokong perekonomian bangsa. Selain itu, melalui program ini juga, pemerintah menargetkan sector UMKM dapat tumbuh sebesar 650.000 unit UMKM.

Selain program KUR, pemerintah juga menyiapkan program dalam pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Tentu saja program ini juga akan bersinergi dengan program pemberdayaan sector UMKM. Program ini dinamakan dengan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat atau yang lebih di kenal dengan singkatan PNPM.

Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat yang diresmikan oleh Presiden SBY pada Februari 2007 ini diharapkan dapat menjangkau 31,92 juta penduduk miskin di Indonesia atau sekitar 7,96 juta keluarga miskin. Pada tahun 2007 program PNPM ini ditujukan bagi 2.891 kecamatan yang terdiri dari 2.057 kecamatan dalam PNPM Pedesaan dan 834 kecamatan dalam PNPM Perkotaan yang tersebar di 33 Provinsi. Setiap kecamatan akan mendapatkan dana Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat (BLM) antara Rp 500 juta dan Rp 1,5 miliar per tahun yang disesuaikan dengan jumlah penduduk miskin di tiap kecamatan.

Melalui program ini, sebanyak 31,92 juta penduduk miskin diharapkan dapat tertanggulangi. PNPM Pedesaan akan menjangkau 21,92 penduduk miskin, sedangkan PNPM Perkotaan mencakup sekitar 10 juta penduduk miskin. Adapun lapangan kerja baru yang tercipta adalah 12,5-14,4 juta per tahun dengan asumsi di setiap kecamatan pada Program Pengembangan Kecamatan (PPK) dan Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Perkotaan (P2KP) ada 8-20 desa yang berpartisipasi dengan asumsi setiap desa rata-rata menciptakan sekitar 250 lapangan kerja baru per tahun.

Jumlah dana PNPM untuk tahun 2007 diperkirakan Rp 4,43 triliun yang terbagi atas PNPM Pedesaan Rp 2,48 triliun dan PNPM Perkotaan Rp 1,95 triliun. Dari dana Rp 4,43 triliun, sebesar 3,62 triliun dari APBN 2007 dan sekitar Rp 813 miliar merupakan kontribusi APBD pemerintah daerah melalui mekanisme cost sharing.

Berikut adalah cara pemerintah dalam mengatasi kemiskinan, masih banyak lagi program yang telah pemerintah canangkan untuk mengatasi kemiskinan namun masih belum terealisasi dengan sempurna. Kita sebagai warga Negara yang baik harusnya turut membantu pemerintah dalam mengatasi kemsikinan. Karena pemerintah bukan apa-apa tanpa peran kita sebagai masyarakat, berikut adalah cara yang saya tambahkan, yang mungkin kita dapat lakukan dan juga semoga pemerintah mampu menjalankannya dengan baik, yaitu :

Menciptakan lapangan kerja yang mampu menyerap banyak tenaga kerja sehingga mengurangi pengangguran. Karena pengangguran adalah salah satu sumber penyebab kemiskinan terbesar di Indonesia.
Menghapuskan korupsi. Sebab, korupsi adalah salah satu penyebab layanan masyarakat tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Hal inilah yang kemudian menjadikan masayarakat tidak bisa menikmati hak mereka sebagai warga negara sebagaimana mestinya. Pemerintah memang telah menjalankan program ini, namun belum dapat terealisasikan dengan baik.
Menggalakkan program zakat. Di Indonesia, Islam adalah agama mayoritas. Dan dalam Islam ajaran zakat diperkenalkan sebagai media untuk menumbuhkan pemerataan kesejahteraan di antara masyakrat dan mengurangi kesenjangan kaya-miskin. Potensi zakat di Indonesia, ditengarai mencapai angka 1 trilliun setiap tahunnya. Dan jika bisa dikelola dengan baik akan menjadi potensi besar bagi terciptanya kesejahteraan masyarakat.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Poverty is a very important issue to be resolved by Indonesia or other countries, the level of poverty is one of the benchmark assessment for a country if that country is prosperous and peace or not, the higher the level of poverty so that country can be said to be not yet affluent as well as reverse the lower the level of poverty of a country, the more affluent and prosperous Country. Every country has its respective manner in addressing the problem of poverty in the country, as well as with Indonesia. Presumably Indonesia Government conduct policies that sometimes less effective, but many influential positive also. Here's some of the policies that the Government take in addressing poverty.1. Direct Cash Assistance (BLT)Direct Cash assistance program which is a compensation which is given after the removal of subsidies on kerosene and gas fuel conversion program. But both of these do not have a significant impact towards the reduction of poverty. Even some State policy experts consider, that it is already supposed to be done by the Government. Either there or not there is a problem of poverty in Indonesia. The State is obligated to provide a guarantee of the welfare society, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution.2. Maintain the stability of prices of staple materialsThe focus of this program aims to guarantee the purchasing power of the poor/needy families to meet the basic requirement especially rice and the main staples in addition to rice. Programs related to this focus, such as:The provision of the Government's rice reserve of 1 million tonnesStabilization/primary commodity price certainty3. Encourage growth in favour of the poorThe focus of this program aims to encourage the creation and terfasilitasinya of opportunity seeks more extensive and qualified for the community/family poor. Some programs that deal with this focus include:The provision of revolving funds for productive activities of the micro enterprise-scale pattern for the results/Shariah-compliant and conventional.Technical guidance/mentoring and training managers microfinance institutions (MFIs)/Koperasi Save Loan (KSP).Cultural training, motivation of business and technical management microThe construction of the sentra-sentra production in isolated areas and laggingFacilitation and infrastructure microEconomic empowerment of coastal communitiesDevelopment of small-scale capture fisheriesIncreased access to information and empowerment mentoring services and family resilienceThe acceleration of the implementation of the land registerImproved coordination of poverty reduction-based opportunity sought for the poor.4. Refine and expand the scope of community-based development programs.This program aims to improve synergies and optimization of community empowerment in rural and urban areas as well as strengthen the provision of development support the opportunity of trying for the poor population. The program of the third focus related to this include:The national community empowerment program (PNPM) in rural and urban areasSocial Economic Infrastructure Development Program AreaThe regional development program is Lagging and specialThe refinement and consolidation of community-based development programs.5. Increase access of the poor to basic services.The focus of this program aims to improve the access of the poor to meet the needs of education, health, and basic infrastructure. Some programs related to this focus include:The provision of scholarships for poor students at the level of basic education in elementary school (ELEMENTARY)/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) and middle school (JUNIOR HIGH)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs);Scholarships poor students of high school level/Vocational high school/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/SMK/MA);Scholarship for poor students and scholarships achievers;Referral health services for poor families free of charge in class III hospitals;6. Establishing and perfecting the system of social protection for the poor.This focus aims to protect the poor from the possible inability to confront social and economic shocks. The technical program is made by the Government such as:Gender mainstreaming institutional capacity enhancement (PUG) and son (PUA)Family social empowerment, poor, remote indigenous communities, the disabled and other social welfare issues.Social assistance to vulnerable communities, victims of natural disasters, and disaster victims.The provision of cash assistance for poor households (RTSM) which meet the requirements of (mother's pregnancy, immunization checks and regular inspections guarantee the existence of a toddler, school age children in elementary and junior high school/MI/MTs; and the refinement of the implementation of the grant of social assistance to needy families/RTSM) through the expansion of the Family Hope Program (PKH).The logging implementation for cash assistance (PKH RTSM eligible7. Build business credit (KUR) and the national community empowerment Program (PNPM)KUR is a credit program launched by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in November 2007. KUR is intended for small and micro-entrepreneurs who have no additional collateral with maximum limit of Rp 500 million. The Bank is willing to disburse its credit because of the KUR is guaranteed by the Government.From the program (KUR), SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES sector can be expected to grow and develop in supporting the nation's economy. In addition, through this program, the Government is also targeting SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES sector can grow by 650,000 SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES unit.In addition to the program, the Government is also preparing KUR program in poverty reduction in Indonesia. Of course the program also will synergize with the empowerment of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES sector. This program is called the national community empowerment Program or better known by the acronym PNPM.The national community empowerment program that was established by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in February 2007 is expected to reach 31,92 million poor population in Indonesia or about 7,96 million poor families. In 2007 the PNPM program is intended for the subdistrict consists of 2.891 2.057 subdistrict in the PNPM rural and sub Urban PNPM in 834 in 32 provinces. Every sub will get Direct Aid Fund Community (BLM) between Usd 500 million and USD 1.5 billion per year are adjusted by the number of poor population in each sub-district.Through this program, a total of 31,92 million poor population expected to be tertanggulangi. PNPM Rural poor population will reach 21,92, while Urban PNPM includes about 10 million poor population. As for the new jobs that are created are 12.5-14.4 million per year assuming in every sub-district in the Subdistrict Development Program (PPK) and urban poverty reduction Program (P2KP) there are 8-20 participating villages assuming each village average create about 250 new jobs per year.The amount of funds for PNPM 2007 is estimated at Usd 4.43 trillion which divided PNPM Rural Rp 2.48 trillion and Rp 1.95 trillion Urban PNPM. From Usd 4.43 trillion Fund, amounted to 3.62 trillion of BUDGET 2007 and Rp 821 billion is contributed a GRANT local authorities through the mechanism of cost sharing.Here's how the Government in overcoming poverty, much more government programs that have been canangkan to address poverty but still not realised perfectly. We as good citizens should help the Government in overcoming kemsikinan. Because the Government are nothing without our role as a society, here's how I would add, that we might be able to do and also hopefully the Government is able to run it properly, that is:Create jobs that are able to absorb much manpower so as to reduce unemployment. Because unemployment is one of the largest sources of poverty causes in Indonesia.Eliminating corruption. The reason, corruption is one of the causes of public service does not run as expected. This then makes the masayarakat could not enjoy their rights as citizens, as appropriate. The Government has indeed been run this program, but has yet to be realized properly.The program encouraged the zakat. In Indonesia, Islam is the religion of the majority. And in the teachings of Islamic zakat was introduced as a medium to foster equitable welfare among the rich-poor gap and reduce masyakrat. The potential of zakat in Indonesia, already reach 1 trillion annually. And if it can be managed properly will be a great potential for the creation of a welfare society.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Poverty is a very important issue to be addressed by Indonesia and other countries, the poverty rate is one of the benchmark assessment for a country if the country was prosperous or not, the higher the level of poverty that State can be said not prosper vice versa the lower the level poverty of a country, the more prosperous the country. Every state has their own way in addressing the problem of poverty in the country, as well as with the State Indonesia. May the Indonesian government policies that are sometimes less effective, but many also have positive influence. These are some of the policies that governments take in addressing poverty. 1. Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) program of direct cash assistance that the compensation awarded after the elimination of subsidized kerosene and gas fuel conversion program. However, both of these have no significant impact on poverty reduction. In fact, some experts consider the state policy, that it should be done by the government. Either there or not there is a problem of poverty in Indonesia. The state must provide the welfare of society as mandated by the Constitution of 1945. 2. Maintain the stability of prices of basic commodities focus of this program aims to ensure the purchasing power of the poor / poor families to meet basic needs, especially rice and major staples other than rice. Programs related to this focus such as: Provision of government rice reserve of 1 million tons of stabilization / primary commodity price certainty 3. Growth, pro-poor focus of the program is aimed at encouraging the creation and terfasilitasinya wider business opportunities for the community and the quality / poor families. Some programs with regard to this focus include: Provision of a revolving fund for productive activities scale micro enterprises with the pattern of results / Islamic and conventional. Technical guidance / assistance and training managers of microfinance institutions (MFIs) / Credit Unions (KSP). Training culture, motivation of business and technical management of micro businesses Coaching production centers in isolated areas and lagging facilitation infrastructure micro enterprise economic empowerment of coastal communities development of fishery business small scale Improved access to information and services assisting empowerment and resilience of families Accelerate implementation of land registration Improvement coordination-based poverty reduction opportunities for the poor. 4. Improve and expand the scope of community-based development program. The program aims to improve the synergy and optimization of community development in rural and urban areas and to strengthen the provision of support for the development of business opportunities for the poor. Programs related to the third focus of this include: the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) in rural and urban areas program Infrastructure Regional Socio-Economic Development Program of Rural Development and Special Improvement and strengthening of community-based development programs. 5. Improve access of the poor to basic services. The focus of this program aims to improve the access of poor people to meet the needs of education, health and basic infrastructure. Some programs associated with this focus include: Provision of scholarships for poor students in primary education in Elementary School (SD) / Islamic Elementary School (MI) and Junior High School (SMP) / MTs (MTs); scholarships to poor students Level Schools SMA / SMK Schools / Madrasah Aliyah (SMA / SMK / MA); scholarships for poor student achievement and scholarship; health care referrals for poor families free of charge in the third class hospitals; 6. Establish and perfect the system of social protection for the poor. This focus aims to protect the poor from a possible inability to face the social and economic shocks. Technical programs created by the government such as: Increased institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming (PUG) and child (PUA) Social empowerment families, the poor, remote indigenous communities, and social welfare issues other. Social assistance for vulnerable people, victims of natural disasters, and victims of social disasters. Provision of cash assistance to extremely poor households (RTSM) that meets the requirements of (examination of the mother's pregnancy, immunizations and routine inspection CHILDREN, ensure the existence of school-age children in SD / MI and SMP / MTs; and improve the implementation of the provision of social assistance to poor families / RTSM) through the expansion of the Family Hope Program (PKH). Documenting the implementation of the CCT (cash assistance for eligible RTSM 7. Establish Business Credit (KUR) and the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) KUR is a credit program launched by the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in November 2007. KUR intended for micro and small entrepreneurs who do not have additional collateral with a maximum ceiling of Rp 500 million. KUR because the bank is willing to loan guaranteed by the government. From this program (KUR), are expected SMEs sector can grow and develop in supporting the nation's economy. In addition, through this program, the government is targeting the SME sector can grow by 650,000 units SMEs. In addition KUR program, the government also set up a program in alleviating poverty in Indonesia. Of course, this program will also be in synergy with the SME sector development program. This program is called the National Community Empowerment Program, or better known by the abbreviation PNPM, the National Program for Community Empowerment, which was inaugurated by the President in February 2007 is expected to reach 31.92 million poor people in Indonesia, or about 7.96 million poor families. In 2007, PNPM program is intended for 2,891 sub-districts consisting of 2,057 in the PNPM Rural districts and 834 sub-districts in PNPM Urban spread across 33 provinces. Every district will receive funding Direct Community Assistance (BLM) between Rp 500 million and Rp 1.5 billion per year, adjusted by the number of poor people in each district. Through this program, a total of 31.92 million poor people expected to be insurmountable. PNPM Rural poor population will reach 21.92, while the Urban PNPM covers about 10 million poor people. The new jobs created is 12.5 to 14.4 million per year, assuming in each district in the District Development Program (KDP) and the Urban Poverty Program (P2KP) no village 8-20 participating assuming average each village -rata create approximately 250 new jobs per year. The number of PNPM fund for 2007 is estimated at Rp 4.43 trillion, divided into PNPM Rural Rp 2.48 trillion and Rp 1.95 trillion Urban PNPM. From Rp 4.43 trillion, amounting to 3.62 billion from the 2007 budget and about USD 813 billion is contributed by the local government budget through cost-sharing mechanism. Here is how the government in addressing poverty, there are many programs that have government decides to tackling poverty but still has not been realized perfectly. We as good citizens should assist the government in addressing kemsikinan. Because the government is nothing without our role as a community, here's how I would add, that maybe we can do and also that governments are able to run well, namely: Creating employment that is able to absorb a lot of labor, thereby reducing unemployment. Because unemployment is one of the largest sources of the causes of poverty in Indonesia. Eliminate corruption. Therefore, corruption is one of the causes of public service does not run properly. This then makes the community can not enjoy their rights as citizens as it should be. The government has been running this program, but can not be realized properly. Promote the charity program. In Indonesia, Islam is the majority religion. And in the teachings of Islam zakat was introduced as a medium for growing welfare distribution between masyakrat and reduce the rich-poor gap. The potential of zakat in Indonesia, allegedly reached 1 trillion annually. And if it can be managed properly will be a great potential for the creation of public welfare.

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