how to make fruit icehow to make fruit iceBahan :esapelanggurmelonmang terjemahan - how to make fruit icehow to make fruit iceBahan :esapelanggurmelonmang Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

how to make fruit icehow to make fr

how to make fruit icehow to make fruit ice
Bahan :
air gula

Alat alat :

Langkah langkahnya :
1. Pertama kita harus membuka kulit buah nya satu persatu terlebih dahulu
2. Selanjutnya potong buah dengan bentuk dadu atau sesuai selera
3. Setelah itu siap kan mangkuk , dan masukan potongan buah yg tadi ke dalam mangkuk satu persatu
4. Kemudian tuangkan susu ke dalam mangkuk
5. Lalu tuangkan sirup dan juga air gula nya
6. Setelah itu aduk hingga semua tercampur
7.beri sedikit hiasan kecil
8. Siap untuk di nikmati
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
How to make fruit icehow to make fruit iceIngredients:ESApplewinemelonMangosugar waterMilkTools tools: SpoonBowlStep stride:1. first we must open the skin of the fruit of her one by one in advance2. next cut fruit in the shape of dice or to taste3. once it's ready right bowls, and input the fruit pieces into the Bowl last reply one by one 4. then pour the milk into the Bowl 5. Then pour the syrup and also her sugar water 6. After that, stir until all is mixed 7. give a little tiny ornaments 8. Ready for enjoy
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
how to make fruit icehow to the make fruit ice
sugar water

Equipment tools:

Step steps:
1. First we have to open up its fruit peel one by one beforehand
2. Further cut fruit into cubes or to taste
3. Once it is ready for the bowl, and the input pieces of yesteryear into the bowl one by one
fourth. Then pour the milk into a bowl
5. Then pour the sugar syrup and water was also his
sixth. After that stirring until all mixed
7.beri bit small ornaments
8. Ready to be enjoyed
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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