Berdasarkan grafik diatas terdapat perbedaan pertumbuhan Rhizopus sp p terjemahan - Berdasarkan grafik diatas terdapat perbedaan pertumbuhan Rhizopus sp p Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Berdasarkan grafik diatas terdapat perbedaan pertumbuhan Rhizopus sp pada konsentrasi 0 ppm, 10 ppm dan 50 ppm. Pertumbuhan Rhizopus sp. terbagi menjadi beberapa fase yaitu fase lag, log, stasioner, dan death. Kurva pertumbuhan mempunyai beberapa fase (Gandjar, 2006) antara lain :
1. Fase lag, yaitu fase penyesuaian sel-sel dengan lingkungan, pembentukan enzim-enzim untuk mengurai substrat (Moore-Landecker, 1996)
2. fase akselerasi, yaitu fase mulainya sel-sel membelah dan fase lag menjadi fase aktif (Gandjar, 2006)
3. fase eksponensial, merupakan fase perbanyakan jumlah sel yang sangat banyak, aktivitas sel sangat meningkat, dan fase ini merupakan fase yang penting dalam kehidupan fungi. Pada awal dari fase ini kita dapat memanen enzim-enzim dan pada akhir dari fase ini (Gandjar, 2006)
4. fase deselerasi, yaitu waktu sel-sel mulai kurang aktif membelah, kita dapat memanen biomassa sel atau senyawa-senyawa yang tidak lagi diperlukan oleh sel-sel (Moore-Landecker, 1996)
5. fase stasioner, yaitu fase jumlah sel yang bertambah dan jumlah sel yang mati relatif seimbang. Kurva pada fase ini merupakan garis lurus yang horizontal. Banyak senyawa metabolit sekunder dapat dipanen pada fase stasioner (Moore-Landecker, 1996)
6. fase kematian dipercepat, jumlah sel-sel yang mati atau tidak aktif sama sekali
lebih banyak daripada sel-sel yang masih hidup (Moore-Landecker, 1996).
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Based on the graph above, there is a difference in the growth of Rhizopus sp at concentrations of 0 ppm, 10 ppm and 50 ppm. The growth of Rhizopus SP. is divided into several phases i.e. phase lag, log, stationary, and death. The growth curve has several phases (Gandjar, 2006) include: 1. lag Phase, namely a phase adjustment of the cells with the environment, the formation of the enzymes to break down the substrate (Moore-Landecker, 1996)2. phases of the start-up phase, i.e. the acceleration of the cells divide and the lag phase into a phase of active (Gandjar, 2006)3. exponential phase, the phase of multiplication is the number of cells that are very much, the activity of cells is increasing, and this phase is an important phase in the life of fungi. At the beginning of this phase we can harvest the enzymes and by the end of this phase (Gandjar, 2006)4. deselerasi phase, i.e., the time of the cells began to divide less active, we can harvest the cells or biomass compounds that are no longer needed by the cells (Moore-Landecker, 1996)5. stationary phase, namely phase increased cell number and dead cell number is relatively balanced. The curves on this phase is a straight line horizontally. Many compounds are secondary metabolites can be harvested in the stationary phase (Moore-Landecker, 1996)6. accelerated death phase, the number of cells that are dead or inactive altogethermore than cells that are alive (Moore-Landecker, 1996).
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Based on the chart above there are differences in the growth of Rhizopus sp at concentrations of 0 ppm, 10 ppm and 50 ppm. Growth of Rhizopus sp. divided into several phases which lag, log, stationary, and death. The growth curve has several phases (Gandjar, 2006) include:
1. The phase lag, the phase adjustment of the cells with the environment, the formation of enzymes to break down the substrate (Moore-Landecker, 1996)
2. The acceleration phase, the phase of the start of the cell and phase lag-cell divides into active phase (Gandjar, 2006)
3. exponential phase, a propagation phase cell number very much, greatly increased cell activity, and this phase is an important phase in the life of fungi. At the beginning of this phase we can harvest the enzymes and by the end of this phase (Gandjar 2006)
deceleration phase, ie when the cells start to divide less active, we can harvest the biomass cells or compounds which are no longer needed by the cells (Moore-Landecker, 1996) 5. The stationary phase, the phase of the cell number increases and the number of cells that die relatively balanced. The curve in this phase is a horizontal straight line. Many secondary metabolites can be harvested at stationary phase (Moore-Landecker, 1996)
6. The accelerated death phase, the number of cells that die or are not active at all
more than the cells are still alive (Moore-Landecker, 1996). namely the phase of increasing the number of cells and the number of cells that die relatively balanced. The curve in this phase is a horizontal straight line. Many secondary metabolites can be harvested at stationary phase (Moore-Landecker, 1996) 6. The accelerated death phase, the number of cells that die or are not active at all more than the cells are still alive (Moore-Landecker, 1996). namely the phase of increasing the number of cells and the number of cells that die relatively balanced. The curve in this phase is a horizontal straight line. Many secondary metabolites can be harvested at stationary phase (Moore-Landecker, 1996) 6. The accelerated death phase, the number of cells that die or are not active at all more than the cells are still alive (Moore-Landecker, 1996).
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