Foklor yang berjudul The enchanted fish pada buku pelajaran bahasa Ing terjemahan - Foklor yang berjudul The enchanted fish pada buku pelajaran bahasa Ing Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Foklor yang berjudul The enchanted

Foklor yang berjudul The enchanted fish pada buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris selain menggambarkan suatu perekonomian yang ada dimasyarakat nelayan juga menjelaskan tentang kebiasaan pola pikir yang dimiliki oleh manusia. Pada kalimat “O enchanted beautiful fish! Hear my plea! My wife wants not what I want, and won’t give up till she has her own will, so come forth and help me” menunjukan pola pikir ketidak puasan terhadapa apa yang dia dapat. Sedingga istri nelayan tersebut dengan lancangnya memerintahkan suaminya untuk menjadikan dia seorang ratu. Setelah menjadi seorang ratu dia tidak puasa. Akhirnya istri nelayan itu berpikir tidak rasional karena dia ingin menjadi penguasa alam semesta. Gambaran pemikiran tidak rasional yang dilakukan oleh istri nelayan terdapat pada kalimat “At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and said, “husband, go to the fish and tell him I must be lord of the sun and the moon” menunjukan pola pikir tidak rasional. Istri neayan menjadi manusia yang serakah tidak mensyukuri apa yang dia miliki. Kebisaan yang dimiliki manusia ketika dia tidak mempu mensyukuri apa yang sudah dimiliki menimbukan suatu perkara besar yang membahayakan kehidupannya.
Pola pikir seseorang akan memberikan dampak besar terhadap kehidupannya. Setiap manusia dalam kehidupannya pasti mengalami perubahan-perubahan pola pikir. Berdasarkan sifatnya, perubahan yang terjadi bukan hanya berpikir menuju ke arah kemajuan, namun dapat juga menuju ke arah kemunduran. Perubahan sosial yang terjadi memang telah ada sejak zaman dahulu. Perubahan drasis pola pikir isrti nelayan memberikan dampat kemunduran pada kehidupannya dan keluarga. Pada kalimat “Go home,” said the fish, “to your small hut” and it is said that they live thereto this every day” menggambarkan bahwa pola pikir yang tidak rasional mengakibatkan seseorang kembali pada kemunduran. Setiap manusia hendaklah menanamkan suatu kebiasaan bersyukur terhadapa apa yang sudah dimiliki. Berusaha dengan maksilmal melalui pola pikir yang baik. Kebudayaan pola pikir manusia yang tidak bersyukur terhadapa apa yang sudah dimiliki mengakibatkan keserakahan menjerumuskan ke dalam kesengsaraan. Suatu gagasan foklor The enchanted fish secara umum menjelaskan kebudayaan cara berpikir masyarakat. Peleburan budaya pada topik ini sangat jelas diuraian dalam satuan cerita yang dipelajari oleh para siswa SMA Kelas... pada pelajaran bahasa Ingris.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Foklor The enchanted fish in United Kingdom language textbooks in addition to describe an economy that there is dimasyarakat of fishermen also describes the custom of a mindset that is owned by a man. In the sentence "O beautiful enchanted fish! Hear my plea! My wife wants not what I want, and won't give up till she has her own will, so come forth and help me "shows the mindset of puasan terhadapa what he can. The fisherman's wife Sedingga lancangnya ordered her husband to make her a Queen. After becoming a Queen she is not fasting. Fisherman's wife finally thinking irrationally because she wanted to be the ruler of the universe. An overview of rational thinking is not done by the fisherman's wife is found in the phrase "At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and said," husband, go to the fish and tell him I must be the lord of the sun and the moon "showed the mindset is not rational. Wife of neayan human being greedy not thanks to what he had. With the ability of the human when he owned not able thanks to what was already a great menimbukan owned a matter endangering his life. The mindset of a person will give a big impact against his life. Every human being of his life is definitely experiencing changes in mindset. By virtue of their very nature, changes that occur not only thinking towards progress, but can be also heading towards a slowdown. Social change happens indeed have existed since time immemorial. Drasis changes the mindset of isrti fishermen give the dampat decline on his life and family. In the sentence "Go home," said the fish, "to your small hut" and it is said that they live every day this thereto "illustrates that the irrational thought patterns lead to someone back in recoil. Every human being should inculcate a habit of being grateful terhadapa what is already owned. Tried with maksilmal through a good mindset. The cultural mindset of men who do not give thanks terhadapa what is already owned lead to greed plunges into misery. An idea of foklor The enchanted fish generally describes the cultural ways of thinking in society. The fusion of cultures on this topic very clear diuraian in the story who learned by students in the HIGH SCHOOL Classroom ... in the subject language Stations.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Folklore entitled The enchanted fish on English textbooks in addition to describe an economy that is in the community of fishermen is also explained about the habit mindset possessed by humans. In the sentence "O enchanted beautiful fish! Hear my plea! My wife wants not what I want, and will not give up till she has her own will, so come forth and help me "shows the mindset of dissatisfaction terhadapa what he can. The fisherman's wife Sedingga with lancangnya ordered her husband to make her a queen. After becoming a queen she is not fasting. Finally the fisherman's wife was thinking irrationally because he wants to be master of the universe. Picture thinking irrationally committed by the wife of a fisherman found in the phrase "At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and said," husband, go to the fish and tell him I must be lord of the sun and the moon " showed no rational mindset. Neayan wife became greedy man who does not appreciate what he had. Ability of human beings when he is unable to appreciate what has been owned raises a big case that endanger life.
The mindset of a person will have a major impact on his life. Every human being in his life certainly experienced changes mindset. By its nature, the change is not just thinking towards progress, but also towards deterioration. Social change has indeed been around since time immemorial. Drasis change the mindset of fishermen isrti give dampat setbacks in his life and family. In the sentence "Go home," said the fish, "to your small hut" and it is said that they live thereto this every day "illustrates that the irrational mindset that resulted in someone back in the setback. Every man should inculcate a habit grateful terhadapa what is already owned. Trying to maksilmal through a good mindset. Cultural mindset of people who are not grateful terhadapa what is already owned resulted in greed plunged into misery. The idea of an enchanted fish folklore in general to explain the cultural ways of thinking. Smelting culture on this topic is very clear diuraian in units of stories studied by high school students in the class ... the English lesson.

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