(MEDITATIONS) Reproving a woman and reprimand for us togetherExcuse my not meant rudely let alone a sister with a sensitive, compassionate human Prophet is number one, if there is a claim not Orhan, better not have listened. Including the nature of the penyayangnya, he preaches to us all, that the Prophet was simply a warning to his people, why? so we saved from eternal agony and doom wrote a poignant, kalo disimpen evidence because baseball, ntar instead émigré met Muhammad SAW diakhirat, wrong-wrong we followup sin because not bilangin sodara fellow partners. Na'udzubillah. Let us refer to the pemaparannya:O the ladies ... did you know that:The more the views of a man who stripped you increasingly stacked also your sins The more the man menghayalkanmu ... the more you have the more overlap also your sins Do not you think senyumanmu you throw arbitrarily would not exist was later ..!. It could be an instant senyumanmu into a reverie of a man who is not halal for you for days ...Imagine ... how stacked the sins of the artist and the singer aurotnya diumbar before thousands ... even millions of men?? If you keep the shine your beauty and the beauty of your body just to your husband ... then you later will be more beautiful and more elegant manner in the paradise of God ... But if you shine your beauty umbar and kemolekanmu then remember it will all be gone and will be melting in the liang lahad into meal worms and grubs ... and in the next future ... it could be turned into fuel for hell! NaudzubillahAllah Subhannahu wa Ta'ala Said And whosoever disobeys God and his Messenger, then indeed he has gone astray, astray. (Al-Ahzab: 36)Shallallaahu the Prophet alaihi wa Salam said: Each of my people who are guilty will be forgiven, except the person who blatantly commit immoral (Narrated By Al-Bukhaari And Muslim-)From Abu Musa al-Asy'ari said: the Prophet said, whoever the woman wearing perfume then get out of the House and walked past a House so they can smell it, then he is a woman ADULTERER. (H.R. an-Nasa'i)The Prophet said: The woman who dressed but naked, wiggle-waddling little penguins walking time. Menghayun-hayunkan the shoulder. Their heads are like camels of senget. These groups will not go to heaven and not be able to smell the whose. Behold the smell the fragrance of heaven that can already kissed from the trip which is very far from it. (Narrated By Muslim)Hopefully they are sisters who have not veiled, dibukain door his heart and how to get the right path with a veiled, equally we doain with sincerity of heart.A world of mah gak sampe 100th, whereas diakhirat only God can sampe dipengadilan bediri 50,000 years. Let's strive seriousness we continue praying and begging for his help.
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