II. Khalaf Pesantren
Pesantren khalaf is a modern boarding schools, boarding schools are modern educational priorities in the formal school system and emphasis on modern Arabic (more specifically on the speaking / muhawarah). Yellow book teaching system, good recitation and Islamic wetonan sorogan diniyah, abandoned altogether. Or minimal, if any, is not mandatory. However, culturally retained to NU's like tahlilan, qunut, yasinan, etc.
Characteristic Pesantren Modern
1. The emphasis on Arabic conversation
2. Wearing books of contemporary Arabic literature (not classical / yellow book)
3. Having a formal school curriculum under the Department of Education and / or Kemenag of SD / MI MTS / SMP MA / high school or high school.
4. No longer wearing the traditional teaching system as sorogan, wetonan, and bandongan. III. BOARDING AFFILIATED MUHAMMADIYAH boarding school that had culture or affiliated to Muhammadiyah. Characteristic of this pesantren is no ritual tahlilan. No qunut time of Fajr prayers, or the latter half tarawih prayers. Number raka'at tarawih prayers just 8 roka'at. The Muhammadiyah movement in terms of ritual, religious and theological outlook is influenced by the Wahhabi movement, but in the version of the software. So, this pesantren also harmless. Although NU judgmental person who likes the pilgrimage grave heresy and / or shirk.
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