Waspadai Gelombang Setinggi 3,5 Meter
Pangkalpinang, Jia Xiang - Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Pangkalpinang, Provinsi Bangka Belitung, memprakirakan pada Sabtu (22/2/14), gelombang laut di perairan Bangka Belitung akan setinggi 3,5 meter.
Staf Koordinator Unit Analisa Kantor BMKG Pangkalpinang, Deas Achmad Rivai mengatakan ketinggian gelombang ini berpotensi terjadi di Utara Bangka dan Selat Karimata bagian utara.
Ketinggian gelombang ini dipicu meningkatnya kecepatan angin diperairan ini yang mencapai 37 kilometer per jam dari barat laut menuju timur laut. Kondisi gelombang ini lebih tinggi dari hari sebelumnya yang mencapai 2,5 meter dengan kecepatan angin berkisar antara 5 hingga 35 kilometer per jam.
“BMKG telah mengimbau kepada pengguna jasa trasportasi laut dan nelayan untuk tetap waspada dengan naiknya ketinggian gelombang laut di perairan tersebut,” kata Deas yang dikutip Antara, Jumat (21/2/14).
Sementara itu, ketinggian gelombang laut di jalur pelayaran Bangka Belitung lainnya yakni di Selat Gelasa mencapai tiga meter dengan kecepatan angin 33 kilometer per jam. Sedangkan Selat Bangka dan Selatan Bangka ketinggian gelombang laut berkisar antara 1,5 hingga dua meter.[U1]
3.5 meter high wave alert
pangkalpinang, jia xiang - body meteorology, climatology and geophysics (BMKG) pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung province, predicted on Saturday (02.22.14), in the waters of the ocean waves as high as 3 to the Pacific Islands, 5 meters.
staff coordinator pangkalpinang BMKG office analysis unit,Rival achmad deas said the wave height could potentially occur in the northern Strait of Karimata fart and northern parts.
height of the waves triggered by rising waters of the wind speed reached 37 miles per hour from the northwest to the northeast. wave conditions is higher than the previous day to reach 2,5 meters with wind speeds ranging from 5 to 35 kilometers per hour.
"BMKG has appealed to the marine transportation service users and fishermen to stay alert with rising sea wave height in these waters," said deas quoted between, Friday (21 / 2/14).
meanwhile,ocean wave heights in the Pacific Islands other cruise lines in the strait gelasa reach three meters with winds of 33 kilometers per hour. while the southern strait fart fart and ocean wave heights ranged from 1.5 to two meters. [u1]
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Beware of Waves as high as 3.5 Meters
Pangkalpinang, Jia Xiang-Agency for meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung Province, estimate on Saturday (22/2/14), the ocean waves in the waters of Bangka Belitung will be as high as 3.5 meters.
Unit Coordinator Staff Analysis Agency BMKG Pangkalpinang, Deas Achmad Rivai said this wave of potentially altitude occurs North of Bangka and Karimata Strait to the North.
height of this wave triggered the increased wind speed diperairan it reached 37 kilometers per hour from the Northwest to the Northeast. Conditions of this wave was higher than the previous day to reach 2,5 meters with wind speed ranging between 5 to 35 kilometers per hour.
"BMKG has appealed to the naval transportation service users and fishermen to stay alert with altitude of ocean waves in the waters," said Deas, who cited Between, Friday (21/2/14).
in the meantime, the height of ocean waves on the cruise line of Bangka Belitung Strait in other Gelasa reached three meters with a wind speed of 35 kilometers per hour. While the South Bangka and Bangka Strait the height of ocean waves ranging between 1.5 to two metres.[U1]
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