bagaimana? apakah cukup menjelaskan bahwa kita akan berkolaborasi, pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2016 sudah ada perjanjian antara anda dengan saya. dan saya sudah memilih 2 produk dengan kode dari anda (ZG6INDOREVIEW) saya juga sudah memberikan alamat lengkap saya.
How? is it enough to explain that we are going to collaborate, on 31 October 2016 already exist agreements between you and me. and I've picked two products with code from you (ZG6INDOREVIEW) I also had my full address.
How? is quite clear that we would collaborate, on October 31, 2016 the existing agreement between you and me. and I have selected two products with the code from your (ZG6INDOREVIEW) I also give my full address.