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Tanbih ini dari Syaekhuna Almarhum

Tanbih ini dari Syaekhuna Almarhum Syaikh Abdullah Mubarok bin Nur Muhammad yang bersemayam di Patapan Suryalaya Kajembaran Rahmaniyah. Sabda beliau kepada khususnya segenap murid-murid pria maupun wanita, tua maupun muda, semoga ada dalam kebahagiaan, dikaruniai Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala kebahagiaan yang kekal dan abadi dan semoga tak akan timbul keretakan dalam lingkungan kita sekalian.
Pun pula semoga Pimpinan Negara bertambah kemuliaan dan keagungannya supaya dapat melindungi dan membimbing seluruh rakyat dalam keadaan aman, adil dan makmur dhohir maupun bathin.
Pun kami tempat orang bertanya tentang Thariqah Qadiriyah Naqsabandiyah, menghaturkan dengan tulus ikhlas wasiat kepada segenap murid-murid : berhati-hatilah dalam segala hal jangan sampai berbuat yang bertentangan dengan peraturan agama maupun negara. Ta’atilah kedua-duanya tadi sepantasnya, demikianlah sikap manusia yang tetap dalam keimanan, tegasnya dapat mewujudkan kerelaan terhadap Hadlirat Illahi Robbi yang membuktikan perintah dalam agama maupun negara.
Insyafilah hai murid-murid sekalian, janganlah terpaut oleh bujukan nafsu, terpengaruh oleh godaan setan, waspadalah akan jalan penyelewengan terhadap perintah agama maupun negara, agar dapat meneliti diri, kalau kalau tertarik oleh bisikan iblis yang selalu menyelinap dalam hati sanubari kita.
Lebih baik buktikan kebajikan yang timbul dari kesucian:
Pertama. Terhadap orang-orang yang lebih tinggi daripada kita, baik dlohir maupun batin, harus kita hormati, begitulah seharusnya hidup rukun dan saling menghargai.
Kedua. Terhadap sesama yang sederajat dengan kita dalam segala-galanya, jangan sampai terjadi persengketaan, sebaliknya harus bersikap rendah hati, bergotong royong dalam melaksanakan perintah agama maupun negara, jangan sampai terjadi perselisihan dan persengketaan, kalau-kalau kita terkena firman-Nya “Adzabun Alim”, yang berarti duka-nestapa untuk selama-lamanya dari dunia sampai dengan akhirat (badan payah hati susah).
Ketiga. Terhadap oarang-orang yang keadaannya di bawah kita, janganlah hendak menghinakannya atau berbuat tidak senonoh, bersikap angkuh, sebaliknya harus belas kasihan dengan kesadaran, agar mereka merasa senang dan gembira hatinya, jangan sampai merasa takut dan liar, bagaikan tersayat hatinya, sebaliknya harus dituntun dibimbing dengan nasehat yahng lemah-lembut yang akan memberi keinsyafan dalam menginjak jalan kebaikan.
Keempat. Terhadap fakir-miskin, harus kasih sayang, ramah tamah serta bermanis budi, bersikap murah tangan, mencerminkan bahwa hati kita sadar. Coba rasakan diri kita pribadi, betapa pedihnya jika dalam keadaan kekurangan, oleh karena itu janganlah acuh tak acuh, hanya diri sendirilah yang senang, karena mereka jadi fakir-miskin itu bukannya kehendak sendiri, namun itulah kodrat Tuhan.
Demikanlah sesungguhnya sikap manusia yang penuh kesadaran, meskipun terhadap orang-orang asing karena mereka itu masih keturunan Nabi Adam a. s. mengingat ayat 70 Surat Irso yang artinya:
“Sangat kami mulyakan keturunan Adam dan kami sebarkan segala yang berada di darat dan di lautan, juga kami mengutamakan mereka lebih utama dai makhluk lainnya.”
Kesimpulan dari ayat ini, bahwa kita sekalian seharusnya saling harga menghargai, jangan timbul kekecewaan, mengingat Surat Al-Maidah yang artinya:
“Hendaklah tolong menolong dengan sesama dalam melaksanakan kebajikan dan ketaqwaan dengan sungguh-sungguh terhadap agama maupun negara, sebaliknya janganlah tolong-menolong dalam berbuat dosa dan permusuhan terhadap perintah agama maupun negara”.
Adapun soal keagamaan, itu terserah agamanya masing-masing, mengingat Surat Al-Kafirun ayat 6: “Agamamu untuk kamu, agamaku untuk aku”. Maksudnya, jangan terjadi perselisihan. Wajiblah kita hidup rukun dan damai, saling harga menghargai, tetapi janganlah sekali-kali ikut campur.
Cobalah renungakan pepatah leluhur kita: “Hendaklah kita bersikap budiman, tertib dan damai, andaikan tidak demikian, pasti sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tak berguna”. Karena yang menyebabkan penderitaan diri pribadi itu adalah akibat dari amal perbuatan diri sendiri. Di dalam surat an-Nahli ayat 112 diterangkan bahwa:
“Tuhan yang Maha Esa telah memberikan contoh, yakni tempat maupun kampung, desa maupun negara yang dahulunya aman dan tenteram, gemah ripah loh jinawi, namun penduduknya/penghuninya mengingkari nikmat-nikmat Allah, maka lalu berkecamuklah bencana kelaparan, penderitaan dan ketakutan yang disebabkan sikap dan perbuatan mereka sendiri.”
Oleh karena demikian, hendaklah segenap murid-murid bertindak teliti dalam segala jalan yang ditempuh, guna kebaikan dlohir-bathin, dunia maupun akhirat, supaya hati tenteram, jasad nyaman, jangan sekali-kali timbul persengketaan, tidak lain tujuannya: “Budi Utama-Jasmani Sempurna “ (Cageur-Bageur)
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
This Syaekhuna of the deceased Tanbih al-Shaykh Abdullah bin Muhammad Nur Ramadaan resides in Rahmaniyah Patapan Suryalaya Kajembaran. The word he used to specifically all pupils both men and women, old and young, may exist in happiness, blessed with Allaah and exalted happiness of eternal and timeless and hopefully will not arise in our environment all cracks. Any State Leader may also gain glory and grace in order to protect and guide the people in the State are safe, just and prosperous dhohir as well as spiritual.We place people ask about the Qadiriyah, Naqsyabandiyah Thariqah harness with full assurance and testament to all the disciples: be careful in everything not to do that is contrary to the rules of religion nor country. Ta'atilah both last sensible attitude, says human remains in the faith, strictly speaking can manifest readiness against Divine Robbi Hadlirat that proves both religious and command in the country.Insyafilah Hi all, pupils shall not be embedded by inducement lust, affected by the temptation of Satan, will be the way abuses against religious orders as well as the country, to examine the self, if if attracted by the whisper of the devil who is always sneak in our hearts.Better to prove the virtues of chastity that arises from:The first. Against those who are taller than us, both dlohir as well as inward, we should respect, that's supposed to be pillars of life and mutual respect.The second. Against fellow equal with us in all things, do not let a dispute occurs, the opposite must be humble, working together in carrying out the orders of religion nor country, lest quarrels and disputes, in case we are exposed to his word "Adzabun Alim", which means duka-nestapa for all of the world up to the afterlife (the Agency earned hearts hard).The third. Against those who oarang the case under us, do not want to menghinakannya or commit indecent, being arrogant, instead having to compassion with consciousness, so that they feel happy and excited his heart not to feel fear and wild, like a cut throat, instead having to be led guided by advice yahng calmly which will give keinsyafan in treading the path of goodness.The fourth. Against poor-poor, to be affectionate, suave and bermanis budi, being cheap hands, reflecting that our hearts are conscious. Try to feel who we are, how pedihnya if in a State of deprivation, therefore do not be indifferent, only yourself alone, because they are so poor-poor rather than the will of its own, but that's the nature of God.The real attitude of the human Demikanlah full awareness, although against foreigners since they are still descendants of Prophet Adam a. s. Recalling paragraph 70 the Irso Letter means:"We mulyakan the descendants of Adam and we provide everything that is on land and at sea, we also give priority to their more mainstream dai other creatures."The conclusions of this verse, that we all should appreciate, esteem each other do not arise out of disappointment, given the Surat Al-Maidah, meaning:Let please help with fellow in the exercise of virtue and devotion in earnest against religion or country, otherwise you shall not tolong-menolong in sin and hostility against religious orders as well as State ".As for the matter of religion, it is up to each religion, given the Sura Al-Kafirun verses 6: "your religion for you, my religion for me". That is to say, not quarrels. Must we live peacefully and get along well, mutual prices appreciate, but shall never intervene.Try renungakan saying our ancestors: "Let us be orderly and peaceful silence, if not so, surely regret in the past income, regret then nothings". Because that cause suffering personal self that is the result of the deeds themselves. In the letter an-Nahli paragraph 112 explained that:"God Almighty has given an example, i.e. the place or village, the village or the country that was secure and serene gemah ripah, loh jinawi, however its inhabitants/residents deny the delights-delights of God, then then berkecamuklah famine, misery and fear caused by the attitudes and actions of their own."Because of such, let all the pupils Act scrupulous in every road traveled, to favor dlohir-spiritual, world or the hereafter, that heart at peace, remains comfortable, never arose a dispute, no other aim, "Budi Utama-Perfect Physical" (Cageur-Bageur)
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This Tanbih of Syaekhuna Mubarok late Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed Nur who resides in Patapan Suryalaya Kajembaran Rahmaniyah. His Word to all students, especially men and women, old and young, may exist in happiness, blessed with God's glory to Him in eternal happiness and eternal and hopefully there will arise a rift in our environment as well.
Then also may increase the glory of the State Leaders and glory in order to protect and guide all the people in a safe, just and prosperous Dhohir as well as the heart.
Even we place people ask about Thariqah Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah, menghaturkan sincerely testament to all students: be careful in all things not to do contrary to religion and state regulations. Ta'atilah both had deserved, so the attitude of people who remain in the faith, he said to realize a willingness to Hadlirat Robbi that proves divine command in religion and state.
Insyafilah O disciples and gentlemen, let adrift by persuasion passion, swayed by the temptation of Satan , beware of the abuses against religious orders and the state, in order to examine themselves, if that were attracted by the devil whisper that always sneak in our hearts.
It is better to prove virtue of chastity arise:
First. Against people higher than us, both dlohir and mentally, we should respect, it should be living in harmony and mutual respect.
Both. For others equal to us in everything, do to a dispute, the opposite should be humble, work together in carrying out the orders of religion and state, not to disputes and disputes, lest we exposed his word "Adzabun Alim" , which means sorrow-sorrow for ever from the world to the Hereafter (liver hard-earned body).
Third. Against oarang people that the situation is under us, do not want to humiliate or obscene, arrogant, on the contrary must be compassion with awareness, so that they feel happy and joy of heart, not to be afraid and wild, like the cut of his heart, on the contrary should be guided yahng guided with gentle advice that will give conviction to tread the road of good.
Fourth. To the indigent and poor, need affection, suave and act sweet favor, being cheap hand, reflects that our hearts are conscious. Try to feel ourselves personally, how the pain if in a state of deprivation, therefore, do not be indifferent, only ourselves alone are happy, because they are so needy-poor rather than the will of its own, but that's the nature of God,
is as it actually human attitude conscious , albeit against strangers because they were still descendants of Adam's recall paragraph 70 letter Irso which means:
"It is our mulyakan descendants of Adam and we spread everything on land and in the oceans, is also our priority to their more mainstream dai other creatures .
"The conclusion of this verse, that we all should be mutually prices appreciate, do not arise disappointment, given Surat Al-Maidah
meaning:" Let helping with others in carrying out the virtue and devotion earnestly towards religion and the state, on the contrary do not help -menolong in sin and hostility against religious orders and the state.
"As a matter of religion, it is up to each religion, given Surat Al-Kafirun verse 6:" Your religion for you, to me my religion ". That is, there should be no dispute. Wajiblah we live in harmony and peace, mutual prices appreciate, but do not ever interfere.
Try renungakan maxim of our ancestors: "Let us be wise, orderly and peaceful, suppose not so, surely regret in advance of revenue, regret later useless". Because that causes personal suffering is a result of the deeds themselves. In the letter an-Nahli paragraph 112 explained that:
"God Almighty has set an example, the place and the village, the village and the country that was once safe and secure, gemah ripah tablets jinawi, but residents / occupants deny the favors of Allah, then then berkecamuklah famine, misery and fear caused by the attitude and actions of their own.
"Because of this, let all the students act carefully in all the path, to goodness dlohir-inner, world and the hereafter, so that the heart at ease, the body comfortable , do not ever arise disputes, no other aim: "Budi Utama-Physical Perfect" (Cageur-bageur)
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