PERSONAL DATAPlace, date of birth: Jakarta, November 14, 1971Gender: FemaleReligion: IslamCitizenship: IndonesiaAddress: JL. Kutisari No. 31 9 South of SurabayaPhone: 082181154532e-mail: togi.novita@gmail.comFORMAL EDUCATION University of Sriwijaya Palembang (S1) (Department of physics, Faculty of SCIENCES) graduated in 1998EXPERIENCEMarch 2015 – Now, PT Borwita Prima Imagery – Sidoarjo-Branch Manager In Kendari, South East SulawesiDuties and responsibilities• Coordinate with Area Sales Manager making the strategy for achieving the sales target of products per month.• Is responsible for the operational Branch Office• Supervision for shipping goods to kosumen per day.• Supervision against financial transitions flow Branch Office• Environmentally responsible use upon product availability in the warehouse BranchNovember 2014 – February 2015, PT Multi Himajadi Archindo Pratama – JakartaDeputy Manager-HR Department-GA Duties and responsibilities:• Management of the related Service project in the permitting• Responsible for the security, safety and health of employees• Maintaining employee insurance• The administration of employee attendance and payroll• Maintain good relationship with stake holders, both parties of the client as well as the environment around the project• Take care of the logistical needs of employees in the project.• Document the SOP of any activity that is in the project.• Documenting job description of each section and make sure all works based on duties and responsibilities.• Is responsible for the use of company vehicles• Recruitment of employees.• Scheduling of furlough employees and employees ' permission.May 2014 – August 2014, PT. Crown Konaweeha – South East Sulawesi-General Affair OfficerDuties and responsibilities• Management of the licensing company in the related Service• Maintaining employee insurance• The administration of employee attendance and payroll• Document the SOP of any activity that is in the project.• Documenting job description of each section and make sure all the work based on the duties and responsibilitiesSeptember 2011 – January of 2014 STMIK AKBA, Makassar South Sulawesi –-Head Of Academic Admimistrasi And Kemahasiswaam (BAAK)Duties and responsibilities • Coordinate with the Vice Chairman of the academic field, make a schedule of classes each semester• Rekapiltulasi Absentee students and lecturers.• Create a schedule of midterm and final exams of the Semester• Responsible for the preparation of the teaching and learning needs of every day• Responsible for data administration Lecturer and students active.• Responsible for Administration of lectures each semester.May 2010 – June 2011 STMIK SHOOTS NATION, Lampung-Permanent Lecturer2003 – Jan 2009 Informatics & Business Institute Darmajaya, Bandar Lampung Professors Remain at the Department of computer systems with the academic Level has had an Expert Assistant with the matakuliah diampu: Computer Interface Technique (Interfacing Peripherals) Microprocessor Simulation and modeling Engineering Automation Research Grant Ever Obtained Research grants with research institutions, "Indoor air quality Control System Based AT89C51 Microcontroller", 2005 The young Lecturer Research grants (member), HIGHER EDUCATION, research with "Building a centralized security system-based Personal Computer with Delphi Programming Language", 2006 Competitive Grants Research (member), with research "System Control Door Water Reservoirs through the DS80C400 Microcontroller-based Ethernet network" in 2007 Supervisor Lecturer for the team Competition Finalists in ITS National Copyright Elektroteknik Surabaya in 2006 under the title "GAUGES GAS EMISSIONS of MOTOR VEHICLES-BASED MICROCONTROLLER AT89C55" Supervisor Tim Robot Darmajaya Robot Contest for Indonesia, 2007-2008 Staff (seconded) Student Creativity Development, 2007 the head Part business incubator (and Interim Manager Darmajaya Socity Centre), November 2007 – Jan 2009 Team member Grant Proposal Task Force REGIONAL Lampung, in 20082000 – 2003 Academy of Pharmaceutical and food Analysts "Indonesia's son" Lampung Exceptional Lecturer Pengampu Courses of basic Physics and Engineering Physics Analyst1998 – 2003 Guidance of Lampung-Base Learning Tutor Physics and math Subjects1996 – 1997 PT Yumaka Pratama, Konsultan dan Kontraktor- Palembang Staf adiministrasi UmumPENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Pengurus Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Dasawisma “Nusa Indah” Kelurahan Way Halim Permai, Bandar Lampung Periode 2002-2003 Instrukrur Pelatihan Pengembangan Infrastruktur Jaringan Komputer Dan Internet Bagi Guru-Guru SMU se-Kota Bandar Lampung Instruktur Pelatihan Ketrampilan Kerajinan Tangan Dari Limbah Kertas bagi Ibu-Ibu dan Remaja Putri RW-02 Kelurahan Way Halim PermaiKEMAMPUAN MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point) Microsoft Visio Mind Mapper Assembler Microcontroler Programming, Pascal Programming, MATLAB, Lab View , Visual Basic Programming Public Speaking English Communication Skill Salesmanship Skill
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