yesterday, I went to the market to help my mother jualan.dia selling snacks and milk sold dipasar.saya happy to be able, to help my mother again empty jualan.kebetulan my college, I took myself to help my mother jualan.saya sorry for my mom too serve the cape, belanja.dia very happy to see me datng kepasar.dan sya mother told me directly,isirahat sebentar.supaya for me to take over to sell.
indeed an interesting experience for selling dipasar.saya happy to see my mother a break, sebentar.walaupun short as possible yesterday I briefly selling., and sales results yesterday my mother gave me, with the results of cash money selling snack market and buy clothes sales results.I do not menyangkah that my mother bought clothes snack sales results.
and he told me memmbeli fish and vegetables to be cooked dirumah.alhmdullih I finished serving my shopping directly home, although my mother break sebentar.saya quite happy to help him dipasar.belanja
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