10 Dampak Positif dan Negatif Globalisasi | Arus globalisasi yang mela terjemahan - 10 Dampak Positif dan Negatif Globalisasi | Arus globalisasi yang mela Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

10 Dampak Positif dan Negatif Globa

10 Dampak Positif dan Negatif Globalisasi | Arus globalisasi yang melanda seluruh dunia mempunyai dampak bagi bidang sosial budaya suatu bangsa. Pada awalnya, globalisasi hanya dirasakan di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Namun dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, komunikasi, informasi, dan transportasi globalisasi juga telah menyebar ke seluruh penjuru tanah air. Arus globalisasi yang penyebarannya sangat luas dan cepat tersebut membawa dampak positif dan negatif. Dampak positif globalisasi, antara lain sebagai berikut.

A). Dampak Positif Globalisasi :
1. Meningkatkan etos kerja yang tinggi, suka bekerja keras, disiplin, mempunyai jiwa kemandirian, rasional, sportif, dan lain sebagainya.
2. Kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan kehidupan sosial ekonomi lebih produktif, efektif, dan efisien sehingga membuat produksi dalam negeri mampu bersaing di pasar internasional.
3. Tingkat Kehidupan yang lebih Baik.
4. Dapat memperoleh lebih banyak modal dan teknologi yang lebih baik.
5. Meluaskan pasar untuk produk dalam negeri.
6. Kemajuan di bidang teknologi, komunikasi, informasi, dan transportasi yang memudahkan kehidupan manusia.
7. Cepat dalam bepergian (mobilitas tinggi).
8. Mudah memperoleh informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan.
9. Berkembangnya turisme dan pariwisata.
10. Meningkatkan pembangunan negara.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
10 the impact of positive and negative Globalization | Current globalization that hit all over the world have an impact for the social culture of a nation. At first, globalization was only felt in major cities in Indonesia. But with the advances in technology, communications, information, transportation and globalization have also spread to all parts of the country. The current globalisation are spread widely and quickly brings positive and negative impacts. The positive effects of globalization, such as the following.A). Positive Impact Of Globalisation: 1. increase the high work ethic, loves to work hard, disciplined, has a soul of independence, rational, sportsmanship, and others.2. technological advances lead to economic social life more productive, effective, and efficient so as to make domestic production was able to compete in international markets.3. the level of a better life. 4. able to obtain more capital and better technology. 5. Expand the market for domestic products. 6. Progress in technology, communications, information, and transportation that make human life. 7. Fast in the travel (high mobility). 8. easy to obtain information and knowledge. 9. the development of tourism and tourism. 10. promote the development of the country..
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
10 Positive and Negative Impact of Globalization | Globalization is sweeping across the world has implications for the social culture of a nation. At first, globalization is felt only in the big cities in Indonesia. But with the advances in technology, communication, information, and transportation globalization have also spread to all parts of the country. Globalization that is spreading widely and quickly the positive and negative impacts. The positive impact of globalization, among other things. A). Positive Impact of Globalization: 1. Improving high work ethic, hard-working, disciplined, have a spirit of independence, rational, fair, and so forth. 2. Advances in technology lead to social and economic life more productive, effective, and efficient so as to make domestic production to compete in the international market. 3. Better Life level. 4. Can obtain more capital and better technology. 5. Expand the market for domestic products. 6. Advances in technology, communication, information, and facilitate the transportation of human life. 7. Fast in traveling (high mobility). 8. Easy to obtain information and knowledge. 9. The development of tourism and tourism. 10. Increasing development of the country. .

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