The legend of La Sirimbone luckyLa Sirimbone is a boy who is good-hearted. He lived with his mother, and Roe. His father died when he was a child. One day, a fabric merchant from the village of La Patamba come meet them.When viewing Wa Roe, La Patamba fell in the heart. After the trade, La Patamba went to see the village elders to ask for permission to marry And Roe.With the blessing of the elders of the village, finally willing married Roe Wa La Patamba. Moreover, La Patamba promised to love La Sirimbone like his children himself.However, once married, apparently reneged on the promise, Patamba La. He asked his son to throw out Roe Wa it to forest. How crushed liver And Roe, but he doesn't dare denied the request of her husband.Moreover, la patamba La Sirimbone threatened to kill if he refused to permintaanya. Reluctantly forced to discard Roe only child Wa. While berurai tears, Wa Roe told, "take care of yourselves okay anaku. Mom sure God will always protects you. Mom will never stop mendoakanmu. La Sirimbone join the cry. He is afraid of staying in the forest alone. However he was aware as a boy, he cannot be the maudlin.On the death of his mother, La Sirimbone continues his journey into the forest.After several days of walking, he found the footprints. Not just any trail of footprints, it was very big."Wow, what had this big?" said La Sirimbone in the liver. He then followed the footprints that, and came to a House which is very huge.Suddenly the Earth vibrate. Buuummm ... buuummmm ... buuummm ... La Sirimbone swaying. It turns out that vibrations caused by giant women who are pounding. La Sirimbone ran the giant's approach."Hey, who are you, son of man? How can you be here? "asked giant with wonder.With fear, La Sirimbone parentage. It turns out that giant is a giant. He felt pity on La Sirimbone and allowed him to live there. He was told, "La Sirimbone, you're allowed to stay here, but you have to be careful. Here a lot of jin and beast who can mencelakaimu. Preferably, you dont need to be everywhere. Stay at home alone. "La Sirimbone according to. But after a few days, she began to get bored. He therefore asked for permission to go fishing. As it turned out, the day was La Sirimbone very lucky, he got a lot of fish. Before returning home, he left the next morning and hoping bubunya bubu it would be full of fish.The next day, he again asked for permission to get out of the House. He returned to the River to check bubunya. Strange, is not a fish that you entered. He put up a bait again and wait. Because it is tired of waiting, he decided to walk around for a bit. It kagetnya it back to the river. Fish in bubunya eaten by jin! La Sirimbone angrily attacked the Jinn. Because it is not ready, jin was losing.“Ampun Anak manusia, lepaskon aku. Sebagai ganti ikan-ikan yang telah kucuri, terimalah cincin ini. Cincin ini dapat menyembuhkon orang sakit dan membangkitkan orang yang meninggal,” katanya.La Sirimbone menerima cincin itu dan membiarkan jin itu pergi, Kemudian ia pulang ke rumah si raksasa perempuan. Ketika ia melintasi sebuah sungai, dilihatnya seekor babi yang sedang berjalan di atas air. Penasaran, ia bertanya, “Babi yang baik, bagaimana kau bisa berjalan di atas air?”Babi itu lalu menunjukkan jimat kalung miliknya, “Dengan kalung ini, kau bisa berjalan di atas air. Jika kau mau, kau boleh memilikinya. Aku tak Iagi membutuhkannya,” jawab babi itu.Dengan suka cita, La Sirimbone menerimanya. Setelah itu ia meneruskan perjalanan, Tak berapa lama, ia bertemu dengan seorang nelayan yang sedang menangkap ikan.“Wah, banyak sekali ikan yang Bapak tangkap. Hebat,” kato La Sirimbone. “Aku menggunakan keris pusaka, Nak. Keris ini bisa menikam sendiri jika diperintah,” jawab nelayan itu. Singkat cerita, nelayon itu juga memberikan keris pusakanya pada La Sirimbone.Sejak memiliki ketiga benda pusaka itu, La Sirimbone sering membantu orang. la menyembuhkan orang sakit, menghidupkan orang yong meninggal, dan menangkap hewan-hewan buruan, serta membagi-bagikannya pada yang membutuhkan. Sekarang, raksasa perempuan itu tak khawatir lagi pada keselamatan La Sirimbone.Suatu hari, saat La Sirimbone sedang berjalan-jalan ke desa tetangga, ia mendengar suara tangis seorang gadis.“Hai, namaku La Sirimbone. Jika aku boleh tahu, mengapa kau menangis?” tanyanya.Gadis yang bernama Wa Ngkurorio itu menjawab, “Sebentar lagi aku akan mati. Ketujuh kakakku meninggal karena disantap seekor naga. Hari ini adalah giliranku.”La Sirimbone tersenyum, “Jangan khawatir. Aku akan membantumu. Aku akan membunuh naga itu dengan keris pusakaku,” katanya.Benar saja, siang itu, naga itu datang dan siap menyantap Wo Ngkurorio. Gadis itu gemetar. la takut luar biasa. Namun La Sirimbone menenangkannya. Dengan tenang, ia berbisik memberi perintah pada keris
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