sangat kurang informasi penggunaan pestisida yang baik dan benar oleh pemerintah.(PascaleR Salamah, 2003)Secara tidak sengaja, pestisida dapat meracuni manusia atau hewan ternak melalui mulut,kulit, dan pernafasan. Sering tanpa disadari bahan kimia beracun tersebut masuk ke dalamtubuh seseorang tanpa menimbulkan rasa sakit yang mendadak dan mengakibatkan keracunankronis. Seseorang yang menderita keracunan kronis, ketahuan setelah selang waktu yanglama, setelah berbulan atau bertahun. Keracunan kronis akibat pestisida saat ini paling ditakuti,karena efek racun dapat bersifat karsiogenic (pembentukan jaringan kanker pada tubuh),mutagenic (kerusakan genetik untuk generasi yang akan datang), dan teratogenic (kelahirananak cacad dari ibu yang keracunan).Dampak pada LingkunganResidu pestisida telah diketemukan di dalam tanah, ada di air minum, air sungai, air sumur,maupun di udara. Dan yang paling berbahaya racun pestisida kemungkinan terdapat di dalammakanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari, seperti sayuran dan buah-buahan.Aplikasi pestisida dari udara jauh memperbesar resiko pencemaran, dengan adanyahembusan angin. Pencemaran pestisida di udara tidak terhindarkan pada setiap aplikasipestisida. Sebab hamparan yang disemprot sangat luas. Sudah pasti, sebagian besar pestisidayang disemprotkan akan terbawa oleh hembusan angin ke tempat lain yang bukan targetaplikasi, dan mencemari tanah, air dan biota bukan sasaran.Leaching of pesticides applied in paddy field irrigated part of spreadin the water irrigation, and on to the river and finally into the sea. Certainly in the water goesdilution, there are some that are broken down and partly remain persistent. Althoughresidue concentrations decreased, but it still contains the risk of contaminating the environment.Most of the pesticides which fall to the ground which is intended to be carried away by the flow of irrigation water.In the water, the pesticide particles are absorbed by the mikroplankton-mikroplankton.Because of the persistent pesticides, then its concentration in the body will mikroplanktonincreased up to tens of times compared to pesticides that are floating in the water.Mikroplankton-the mikroplankton will eat zooplankton. Thuspesticides that were eaten. Due to the nature of persistence that pesticides, causingthe body's concentration of zooplankton increased again to tens of perhaps hundreds of timescompared with those on the water. When the zooplankton eaten by zooplanktonsmall fish, only pesticides in the body of the fish is rising again.Similarly, the concentration of pesticides in the body a big fish eat small fishThese. The last of the consumer chain of humans who consume fish larger, willreceive the highest concentration of the pesticide.From the results of the research there were that endosulfan was detected on all points (1.2-12.9 ppb).Other types of organoklorin were detected that aldrin and heptaklor in 12 point, dieldrin on 9 points, andDDT in point 10. Endosulfan is also organoklorin with the highest average concentrations(4,246 ppb). In the rainy season, the most organoklorin types found in the sample
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