Tanjungpinang, IsuKepri.com - One of the grandest and most luxurious resort investor in the region rafting, Bintan North Star (BNS), Gorbulin appreciate the performance of the Government of Bintan regency, in promoting tourism in the region. "Promotion - promotion of local government is being carried out can be beneficial to advance Bintan tourism, "said Gorbulin to the media, while following Bintan activities Expo at Jalan Ahmad Yani Tanjungpinang, Thursday (5/2) According Gorbulin, the government not only clever promotion, but the area under the leadership of Ansar Ahmad very helpful for employers to facilitate investing in Bintan. "Local gouverment is very supported us (Investor) to promote and Reviews their supporting Also in other fields is very helpful (local government is very helpful to us, tourism entrepreneurs, especially the promotion is done. And they are also much mebantu us in some ways), "said Gorbulin Gorbulin also hope, for the future, anyone who will replace Ansar as regent, still have the same vision and mission of the Ansar, so that development can be enhanced Bintan. (ZAI)
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