Kisah ini adalah kisah nyata sebuah keluarga yang sangat miskin, yang  terjemahan - Kisah ini adalah kisah nyata sebuah keluarga yang sangat miskin, yang  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kisah ini adalah kisah nyata sebuah

Kisah ini adalah kisah nyata sebuah keluarga yang sangat miskin, yang memiliki seorang anak laki-laki. Ayahnya sudah meninggal dunia, tinggalah ibu dan anak laki-lakinya untuk saling menopang.

Ibunya bersusah payah seorang membesarkan anaknya, saat itu kampung tersebut belum memiliki listrik. Saat membaca buku, sang anak tersebut diterangi sinar lampu minyak, sedangkan ibunya dengan penuh kasih menjahitkan baju untuk sang anak.

Memasuki usia baya, sang anak memasuki sekolah menengah atas. Tetapi justru saat itulah ibunya menderita penyakit rematik yang parah sehingga tidak bisa lagi bekerja di sawah.

Saat itu setiap bulannya murid - murid diharuskan membawa tiga puluh kg beras untuk dibawa ke kantin sekolah. Sang anak mengerti bahwa ibunya tidak mungkin bisa memberikan tiga puluh kg beras tersebut.

Ia kemudian berkata kepada ibunya :

"Ibu, saya mau berhenti sekolah dan membantu ibu bekerja di sawah".

Ibunya mengelus kepala anaknya dan berkata :

"Kamu memiliki niat seperti itu Ibu sudah senang sekali tetapi kamu harus tetap sekolah. Jangan khawatir, kalau Ibu sudah melahirkan kamu, pasti bisa merawat dan menjaga kamu. Cepatlah pergi daftarkan ke sekolah nanti berasnya ibu yang akan bawa ke sana".

Karena sang anak tetap bersikeras tidak mau mendaftarkan ke sekolah, Ibundanya menampar sang anak tersebut. Dan ini adalah pertama kalinya sang anak ini dipukul oleh Ibundanya.

Sang anak akhirnya pergi juga ke sekolah. Sang ibunya terus berpikir dan merenung dalam hati sambil melihat bayangan anaknya yang pergi menjauh. Tak berapa lama, dengan terpincang - pincang dan nafas tergesa - gesa Ibunya datang ke kantin sekolah dan menurunkan sekantong beras dari bahunya.

Pengawas yang bertanggung jawab menimbang beras dan membuka kantongnya dan mengambil segenggam beras lalu menimbangnya dan berkata : " Kalian para wali murid selalu suka mengambil keuntungan kecil, kalian lihat, di sini isinya campuran beras dan gabah. Jadi kalian kira kantin saya ini tempat penampungan beras campuran". Sang ibu ini pun malu dan berkali - kali meminta maaf kepada ibu pengawas tersebut.

Awal Bulan berikutnya ibu memikul sekantong beras dan masuk ke dalam kantin. Ibu pengawas seperti biasanya mengambil sekantong beras dari kantong tersebut dan melihat. Masih dengan alis yang mengerut dan berkata:

"Masih dengan beras yang sama".

Pengawas itupun berpikir, apakah kemarin itu dia belum berpesan dengan Ibu ini dan kemudian berkata :

"Tak perduli beras apapun yang Ibu berikan kami akan terima tapi jenisnya harus dipisah jangan dicampur bersama, kalau tidak maka beras yang dimasak tidak bisa matang sempurna. Selanjutnya kalau begini lagi, maka saya tidak bisa menerimanya".

Sang ibu sedikit takut dan berkata :

"Ibu pengawas, beras di rumah kami semuanya seperti ini jadi bagaimana?

Pengawas itu pun tidak mau tahu dan berkata :

"Ibu punya berapa hektar tanah sehingga bisa menanam bermacam - macam jenis beras". Menerima pertanyaan seperti itu sang ibu tersebut akhirnya tidak berani berkata apa - apa lagi.

Awal bulan ketiga, sang ibu datang kembali ke sekolah. Sang pengawas kembali marah besar dengan kata - kata kasar dan berkata:

"Kamu sebagai ibu kenapa begitu keras kepala, kenapa masih tetap membawa beras yang sama. Bawa pulang saja berasmu itu !".

Dengan berlinang air mata sang ibu pun berlutut di depan pengawas tersebut dan berkata:

"Maafkan saya bu, sebenarnya beras ini saya dapat dari mengemis". Setelah mendengar kata sang ibu, pengawas itu kaget dan tidak bisa berkata apa - apa lagi. Sang ibu tersebut akhirnya duduk di atas lantai, menggulung celananya dan memperlihatkan kakinya yang sudah mengeras dan membengkak.

Sang ibu tersebut menghapus air mata dan berkata:

"Saya menderita rematik stadium terakhir, bahkan untuk berjalan pun susah, apalagi untuk bercocok tanam. Anakku sangat mengerti kondisiku dan mau berhenti sekolah untuk membantuku bekerja disawah. Tapi saya melarang dan menyuruhnya bersekolah lagi."

Selama ini dia tidak memberitahu sanak saudaranya yang ada di kampung sebelah. Lebih-lebih takut melukai harga diri anaknya. Setiap hari pagi-pagi buta dengan kantong kosong dan bantuan tongkat pergi ke kampung sebelah untuk mengemis. Sampai hari sudah gelap pelan - pelan kembali ke kampung sendiri. Sampai pada awal bulan semua beras yang terkumpul diserahkan ke sekolah.

Pada saat sang ibu bercerita, secara tidak sadar air mata Pengawas itupun mulai mengalir, kemudian mengangkat ibu tersebut dari lantai dan berkata:

"Bu sekarang saya akan melapor kepada kepala sekolah, supaya bisa diberikan sumbangan untuk keluarga ibu."

Sang ibu buru - buru menolak dan berkata:

"Jangan, kalau anakku tahu ibunya pergi mengemis untuk sekolah anaknya, maka itu akan menghancurkan harga dirinya. Dan itu akan mengganggu sekolahnya. Saya sangat terharu dengan kebaikan hati ibu pengawas, tetapi tolong ibu bisa menjaga rahasia ini."

Akhirnya masalah ini diketahui juga oleh kepala sekolah. Secara diam - diam kepala sekolah membebaskan biaya sekolah dan biaya hidup anak tersebut selama tiga tahun. Setelah tiga tahun kemudian, sang anak tersebut lulus masuk ke perguruan tinggi dengan nilai 627 point.

Di hari perpisahan sekolah, kepala sekolah sengaja mengundang ibu dari anak ini duduk di atas tempat duduk utama. Ibu ini merasa aneh, begitu banyak murid yang mendapat nilai tinggi, tetapi mengapa hanya ibu ini yang diundang. Yang lebih aneh lagi disana masih terdapat tiga kantong beras.

Pengawas sekolah tersebut akhirnya maju ke depan dan menceritakan kisah sang ibu ini yang mengemis beras demi anaknya bersekolah. Kepala sekolah pun menunjukkan tiga kantong beras itu dengan penuh haru dan berkata :

"Inilah sang ibu dalam cerita tadi."

Dan mempersilahkan sang ibu tersebut yang sangat luar biasa untuk naik ke atas mimbar.

Anak dari sang ibu tersebut dengan ragu-ragu melihat ke belakang dan melihat gurunya menuntun Ibunya berjalan ke atas mimbar. Sang ibu dan sang anakpun saling bertatapan. Pandangan Ibu yang hangat dan lembut kepada anaknya. Akhirnya sang anak pun memeluk dan merangkul erat ibunya dan berkata:

"Oh Ibu.."

Pesan Cerita :

Pepatah mengatakan: "Kasih ibu sepanjang masa, sepanjang jaman dan sepanjang kenangan" Inilah kasih seorang ibu yang terus dan terus memberi kepada anaknya tak mengharapkan kembali dari sang anak.

Hati mulia seorang ibu demi menghidupi sang anak berkerja tak kenal lelah dengan satu harapan sang anak mendapatkan kebahagian serta sukses di masa depannya. Mulai sekarang, katakanlah kepada Ibu kita di manapun ibu kita berada dengan satu kalimat: " Terima Kasih Ibu, Aku Mencintaimu, Aku Mengasihimu... selamanya".
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
This story is the true story of a very poor family, who had a boy. His father had died, her mother and son tinggalah for mutual support.

his mother struggled to raise a child, then the village has electricity. While reading the book, the children lit oil lamp light, While his mother lovingly menjahitkan clothes for the child.

Enters age of middle-aged, the son entered senior high school. But that's when his mother suffered a severe rheumatic diseases so that it could no longer work in the rice fields.

Then every month pupils are required to carry thirty kg of rice to be brought to the school cafeteria. The child understand that his mother might not be able to provide thirty kg of rice.

He said to his mother:

"mother, I want to quit school and help mothers working in the rice fields".

Her mother stroking her son's head and said:

"you have such intentions have been so glad Mother but you must keep the school. Don't worry, if the mother was giving birth to you, can certainly take care of and look after you. Hurry up go register to school later berasnya mother who will take it to there ".

because the child insisted did not want to enroll in school, his mother slapped the child. And this is the first time the child is struck by his mother the son

. Finally go to school. The mother continued to think and contemplate the thought as he saw his shadow go away. Soon, with terpincang-limp and hasty breath-gesa's mother came to the school cafeteria and drop a bag of rice from his shoulders.

Supervisors who are responsible for weighing the rice and open his pocket and taking a handful of rice and menimbangnya and said: "You guys are the guardians of pupils always likes to take a small profit, you guys can see, here the contents are a mix of rice and grain. So you guys think my canteen this shelters the rice mixture ". The mother was mortified and berkali-kali apologized to the mother of Trustees.

Early next month the mother bearing a bag of rice and went into the cafeteria. Such supervisors usually take MOM for a bag of rice from the bag and see. Still with eyebrows that constrict and said:

"is still the same with rice."

Supervisor also was thinking, if he hasn't been told that yesterday with MOM and then said: "no matter whether the rice

any Mother will provide us with the receipt but the type should were separated not mixed together, If not then the cooked rice can not perfectly ripe. Furthermore if this way again, then I cannot accept it. "

, Her mother a little afraid and said:

"mother of Trustees, rice in the House we all like this so how?

The Trustees didn't want to know the

and said: "you have how many acres of land so they can plant a variety of types of rice". Receive a question like that, her mother finally dare not say anything else.

the beginning of the third month, the mother came back to school. The Trustees returned furious with harsh words and said: "you are

as the mother why so stubbornly, how come it still carries the same rice. Takeout only berasmu it! ".

With a teary-eyed mother was kneeling in front of the supervisor and said:

"excuse me Ma'am, actually this rice I can from begging". After hearing the words of her mother, the supervisor was shocked and could not say anything more. The mother was finally seated on the floor, rolled up his pants and showed his leg is already hardened and

swell.The mother of the remove the tears and said: "I suffered from rheumatic

stadium last, even to walk was difficult, especially for farming. My son really understand kondisiku and want to quit school to help me work disawah. But I forbid him to school again. "

Over this he did not tell the relatives in the village. The more afraid of hurting her son's self-esteem. Every day early in the morning with empty bags and cane go to the village for begging. Until the dark days already slowly returning on their own. Until the beginning of the month all the accumulated rice delivered to school.

at the time the mother unconsciously storytelling, tears would start to flow, Superintendent the mother then raised off the floor and said:

"Bu now I will report to the principal, so that it can be given a donation to the family mother."

the mother hastily refused and said: "do not

, if my son knew his mother went begging for her son's school, then it would destroy her self esteem. And it would interfere with his school. I was deeply moved by the kindness of Trustees, but please MOM mother could keep this secret. "

This issue is finally known also by the principal. Secretly frees the principal school fees and living expenses of the children for three years. After three years later, the children get into college graduating with a value of 627 points.

In the days of the separation of the school, the principal intentionally invite this child's mother sits on the main seating. This mother feel strange, so many students who got high marks, but why just this mother who was invited. A stranger there still contained three bags of rice

.The School Superintendent has finally stepped forward and told the story of her mother's begging for her son's sake rice school. The principal also pointed out three bags of rice was full with haru and

said: "this is the mother in the story."

And invite the MOM is extraordinary for a ride to the top of

pulpit.The child of the mother with the hesitant look back and saw his teacher guide his mother walked to the pulpit. The mother and the child are bertatapan. View Mother's warm and soft to his son. Eventually the children hug and embrace her tightly and said:

"Oh Mother .."

Story: Message

Saying says: "the love of the mother of all time, all times and all the memories, "this is the love of a mother who constantly and continue to give to their children is not expected back from the child.

a mother for the sake of noble Hearts live out the son worked tirelessly with one hope the children get the happiness and success in his future. From now on, say to the mother of us wherever we are mothers with one sentence: "thanks MOM, I love you, I love you ... forever".
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This story is a true story of a very poor family, who have a son. His father had passed away, there lived a mother and her son to support each other. 's mother struggled to raise a child, then the village has not had electricity. While reading the book, the child lit oil lamps, while his mother lovingly sewed clothes for the children. Entering middle age, the child enters high school. But it was then that his mother suffered from severe rheumatic disease that can no longer work in the fields. Currently it every month students - students are required to carry thirty pounds of rice to be brought to the school cafeteria. The child may not understand that his mother could give thirty kg of rice. He then said to his mother: "Mom, I want to quit school and help mothers work in the fields." His mother stroked his head and said: "You have such intentions Mother 've been happy at all but you have to stay in school. do not worry, if the mother had given birth to you, surely you can care for and maintain. Quickly go to school I will list the rice mother would bring to it. " Because the child does not want to insist on enrolling into school , Her mother slapped the child. And this is the first time the child is beaten by his mother. finally the children went to the school. The mother continued to think and reflect inwardly as he saw his shadow go away. Before long, with a limping - limp and breath haste - haste His mother came to the school cafeteria and bring down a bag of rice from his shoulder. supervisor responsible weigh rice and opened the bag and took a handful of rice and then weigh them and said: "You are the guardians always liked take a small profit, you see, here a mixture of rice and grain contents. So you think my canteen shelter rice mix ". The mother was embarrassed and many - times the mother apologized to the supervisors. beginning of next month the mother bear and a bag of rice into the cafeteria. Mother watchdog usually take a bag of rice from the bag and see. Still with puckered brow and said: "Still the same rice". Supervisory even then think, if he has not been advised that yesterday with the mother and then said: "No matter whatever Mother rice we will give thanks but its kind to be separated should not be mixed together, otherwise the cooked rice can not be cooked perfectly. then again if you like this, then I can not accept it. " mother was a little scared and said: "Mother supervisors, rice at home we are all like this so how? Trustees that was not want to know and said: "You have how many acres of land that could grow wide - range of types of rice." Receiving such a question the mother eventually did not dare say anything - anything else. beginning of the third month, the mother came back to school. Sang supervisor back angry words - harsh words and said: "You as a mother why so stubborn, why still bring the same rice. Takeout only berasmu it! ". Tearfully mother was kneeling in front of the supervisor and said: "I'm sorry ma'am, I can actually rice from begging." After listening to the mother, the supervisor was shocked and could not say What - what else. His mother was finally seated on the floor, rolled up his pants leg and showed that already hardened and swollen. these mother wiped tears and said: "I am suffering from last stage of rheumatism, was difficult even to walk, let alone to grow planting. My son understands my condition and want to quit school to help work in rice field. But I forbid and told her to go to school again. " During this time he did not tell his relatives that is in the next village. Much more afraid of hurting her self-esteem. every day early in the morning with empty pockets and a cane to go to the next village to beg. until it was dark slowly - slowly back to the village itself. Till the beginning of the month all the collected rice delivered to the school. At the time of his mother recalled, tears unconsciously Trustees also started to flow, then the mother lifted off the floor and said: " Bu now I will report to the principal, so that donations can be given to her family. " mother rush - rush refused and said: "Do not, if my son knows his mother went begging for her son's school, then it will destroy her self-esteem. And it will interfere with school. I was very touched by the kindness of the mother supervisors, but please mom can keep this secret. " Finally this problem is also known by the principal. Generally silent - silent principals free tuition and living expenses of the child for three years. Having three years later, The child entered college graduate with a value of 627 points. farewell at the school, the principal intentionally invite the mother of this child sitting on the main seating.'s mother felt strange, so many students who get high scores, but why only mothers This invited. Odder still there still are three bags of rice. Trustees of the school finally come forward and tell the story of this mother begging for her child to school rice. Principals also shows that the three bags of rice with emotion and said: " This is the mother in this story. " and invited the mother incredible to climb into the pulpit. Son of the mother hesitantly looked back and saw his teacher mother guided walk into the pulpit. The mother looked at each other and the superintend. View of the warm and gentle mother to her child. Finally, the child was hugged and embraced her tightly and said: "Oh Mom .." Story Book: proverb says: "The love of the mother of all time, all time and all the memories" This is the love of a mother who kept and continue to give to their children is not expected back of the child. noble heart of a mother for the support of the child's tireless work with the hope of getting the child's happiness and success in the future. From now on, we say to the mother's mother wherever we are with one sentence: "Thanks Mom, I Love You, I love you ... forever".

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