Teachers carry out learning to associate the problems surrounding the students through 1) frequently asked questions spontaneously, 2) what the teacher/students, book 3) refers to the learning objectives. In accordance with Number 67 Permendikbud 2013, namely the implementation of the integration transdisipliner. Intergasi transdisipliner done by hooking a variety of subjects with the problems encountered in the vicinity so that learning becomes contextual. It was concluded that the teacher has been implementing approaches to transdisipliner without any increase/decrease the learning material but with associate learning with issues around students. For example: teachers and students learn about traditional and modern technology of shipbuilding, later the teacher asked the students looking for traditional and modern technology is what there is around the students. In the activity search, dig and explore knowledge on subtema: "the uniqueness of the area where Tinggalku", more students are invited to search and dig the knowledge through the readings. Other learning resources in addition to the book is a powerpoint about the peculiarities of the area, fotocopian material, video on tedak siten, tradition and a map of Indonesia. This is in accordance with what is expressed (Abdul Majid, 2014, p. 214), namely in the activities observed, the teacher opened wide and various opportunities for observing learners through activities: see, hear, hear, and read. However, teachers have yet to apply the principle of natural takambang in learning the sub theme. Learning more done in the classroom. Learning outside the classroom is only done when students tried to play the kites they have made. Learning implementation weakness that is sometimes the teachers give the students the concept of directly without digging yourself, e.g. the concept of coordinates, the transplant. This can be seen on learning 2 (22 April 2014).
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