Long holidayLast month, my school holidays. Its not just a week off even more than a week. Arguably one of the full moon. Last year, a time of fasting is not off. But this year is different, a time of fasting can be a full day at home. My family are planning to go to Yogyakarta.Right on June 22, 2015 5 am. Fasting to 5. My family, my neighbors, and I went to Yogyakarta. We were driving a car Avanza. But the car does not belong to my family, but my neighbor's property. No problem, an important Butterfly Jogja and have fun with the family.Middle-tangah trip, I saw a man lying in the middle of the road. Right in the middle of an intersection red light. It turns out that the person was victim of hit-and-run. The man, then at pinsan please by people nearby. To take it to a nearby hospital. At 1 pm, we arrived in Yogyakarta. We stopped at Parangtritis beach. I'm very happy and grateful to be able to survive until the goal. We got off the car. We walked to the beach. Truly beautiful view on the beach. My brother and I play sand. We're just on the edge of the beach. Mother forbade us to swim. Matahari terbenam. Langit mulai petang. Tanda sore sudah hilang. Kami pulang dengan keadaan capek. Kami sudah mendengar adzan maghrib. Kami berhenti di rumah makan masakan Padang,untuk berbuka puasa. Selesai makan,kami melanjutkan perjalanan. Di tengah perjalanan aku tertidur. Saat aku bangun,tiba-tiba sudah sampai Gurah. Tepat pukul 11 malam,kami sampai rumah. Sesampai di rumah,aku langsung menuju kamar tempat aku tidur. Dan aku pun tidur.# Itulah cerita liburan ku bersama keluarga ku
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