Flavonoid adalah salah satu jenis metabolit sekunder. Flavonoid bersifat antioksidan, antidiabetik, antikanker, antiseptik, dan anti-inflamasi. Kandungan flavonoid terdapat pada daun jeruk dapat digunakan sebagai obat herbal dalam melawan berbagai penyakit degeneratif (Shivananda, 2013). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kadar flavonoid total ekstrak kloroform daun jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia), jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix), jeruk pomelo (Citrus maxima), dan jeruk gulung (Citrus grandis).
Penelitian dilakukan dengan sampel daun diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi dan metode spektrofotometri dengan prinsip kolorimetri menggunakan AlCl3. Larutan standar flavonoid dengan kuersetin. Larutan standar dan sampel diukur pada panjang gelombang 510 nm.
Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil kadar flavonoid total ekstrak kloroform dengan urutan jumlah tertinggi hingga terendah yakni pada ekstrak daun jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix) sebesar 13,78%; ekstrak daun jeruk pomelo (Citrus maxima) sebesar 3,75%; ekstrak daun jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) sebesar 3,66%; dan ekstrak daun jeruk gulung (Citrus grandis) sebesar 1,87%. Kadar flavonoid pada keempat daun jeruk tersebut menunjukkan hasil berbeda nyata. Spesies yang berbeda maka berbeda pula kadar flavonoid totalnya. Semakin tinggi kadar flavonoid total maka semakin berpotensi sebagai obat tradisional.
Kata kunci: Daun jeruk nipis, Daun jeruk purut, Daun jeruk pomelo, Daun jeruk gulung, Flavonoid total.
SUMMARY Flavonoids are one type of secondary metabolites. Flavonoids are antioxidants, antidiabetik, antiseptic, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory. The content of flavonoid found in citrus leaves can be used as a herbal remedy against a wide range of degenerative diseases (Shivananda, 2013). This study aims to measure the levels of total flavonoid extract chloroform leaf lime (Citrus aurantifolia), Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix), citrus fruits pomelo (Citrus maxima) and roll oranges (Citrus grandis). Research conducted with samples of leaf extracted by maceration method and spectrophotometry method with the kolorimetri using AlCl3. Flavonoid quercetin with standard solutions. The standard solution and the sample is measured at a wavelength of 510 nm. On the research results obtained by total flavonoids extract chloroform levels in the order of highest to lowest number of the Kaffir lime leaf extract (Citrus hystrix) of 13,78%; Orange leaf extract pomelo (Citrus maxima) of 3.75%; extract of leaves of the lime (Citrus aurantifolia) of 3,66%; and extract of citrus leaf roll (Citrus grandis) of 1.87%. The levels of flavonoids in the leaves of the Orange fourth showed different results. Different species so different levels of total flavonoids. The higher the levels of flavonoids total then increasingly potent traditional medicine.Key words: leaf lime, Kaffir lime Leaves, lime leaves, lime leaves pomelo rolls, total Flavonoids.
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Flavonoids are a type of secondary metabolites. Flavonoids are antioxidants, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Flavonoid found in citrus leaves can be used as a herbal remedy in the fight against degenerative diseases (Shivananda, 2013). This study aims to measure the levels of total flavonoids of chloroform extract of leaves of lemon (Citrus aurantifolia), lime (Citrus hystrix), pomelo (Citrus maxima) and orange rolls (Citrus grandis).
The study was conducted with a sample of leaves was extracted by maceration method and spectrophotometric method with the principles of colorimetry using AlCl3. Standard solution with the flavonoid quercetin. Standard solution and the sample was measured at a wavelength of 510 nm.
In this study, the results of total flavonoid content of the chloroform extract the sequence number of the highest to the lowest in leaf extracts of lime (Citrus hystrix) amounted to 13.78%; leaf extract pomelo (Citrus maxima) of 3.75%; leaf extract lime (Citrus aurantifolia) of 3.66%; and rolls of orange leaf extract (Citrus grandis) amounted to 1.87%. Four levels of flavonoids in citrus leaves showed significantly different results. The different species then different levels of flavonoids in total. The higher levels of total flavonoids, the more potential as a traditional medicine. Keywords: lemon leaves, leaves of lime, pomelo leaves, lime leaves rolls, total flavonoids.
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