Positive and Negative Impact of Early Marriage positive impact Emotional support: With the emotional support that can train emotional and spiritual intelligence within each pair. Financial support: By getting married at an early age can ease the economic burden into savings. Freedom is more: With being away from homes then they are free to do things to make the appropriate decision to live their lives financially and emotionally. Learning to take responsibility at an early age: Many youths period of time before marriage responsibilities are still small because there were their parents, here they should be able to arrange their affairs without relying on their parents. Freed from immoral acts such as fornication and others. The negative impact of educational terms: As we all know, that the person who did the wedding, especially at a young age, it will bring a variety of impacts, especially in the world education. Can be taken instance, if someone is married when just graduated from high school or high school, of his desire to go to school anymore or higher education will not be achieved. This can occur because of one's own learning motivation will start to slacken because of the many tasks they have to do after marriage. In other words, early marriage can prevent the occurrence of education and the learning process. In addition, not to mention the labor problems, such as the realities that exist within the community, someone who has a little education can only work as laborers alone, so he can not explore its capabilities . In terms of health: A specialist in obstetrics and gynecology from Balikpapan Husada Hospital (RSBH) Dr. Ahmad Yasa, SpOG said, women who marry at an early age less than 15 years have a lot of risk, even though he has experienced periods or menstruation. There are two medical effects caused by early marriage, namely the impact on the content and kebidanannya. womb disease that affects many women who married early age, among other infection in the womb and cervical cancer. This occurs because the cell transition period children into adult cells too quickly. In fact, in general, the growth of cells that grow in the new children will come to an end at the age of 19 years. Based on several studies that have been conducted, the average patient womb infection and cervical cancer are women who marry at an early age or under the age of 19 or 16 year. For risk obstetrics, women who become pregnant under the age of 19 years can be risky in death, in addition to pregnancy at the age of 35 years and over. Another risk, he added, pregnant at a young age are also prone to bleeding, miscarriage, pregnant and pregnant premature grapes during pregnancy. In addition, the risk of death due to poisoning of pregnancy are also more common in women who gave birth at an early age. One of them is the cause of poisoning of pregnancy high blood pressure or hypertension. As such, in terms of medical, early marriage will bring a lot of harm. Thus, parents must think carefully if you want to marry off their children who are minors. In fact, early marriage can be categorized as a form of psychological and sexual violence to children, which can then be traumatized. In terms of psychology: According to psosiolog, in terms of the social side, early marriage can reduce family harmony. This is caused by emotions still unstable, turbulent young blood and immature thinking. See early marriage of various aspects did have many negative effects. Therefore, the government only tolerates weddings over the age of 19 years for men and 16 years for women.
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