Insurance or in the language of the Netherlands "Verzekering" which means coverage. In article 246 of the book law commercial law (KUHD) or Wetboek Van Koophandle, that insurance or coverage is suatru agreement with which an insurer committing yourself to someone insured by receiving money to provide premium replacement to him for a loss, damage or lost profits expected that will probably be fined because of an event does not necessarily. This provision applies to all kinds of coverage, either in the book of law commercial law (KUHD) or that are outside the book of law commercial law (KUHD).Understanding general insurance-there are 3 (three) the absolute element to note in Article 246 of the book law commercial law, namely:1. The existence of InterestThe interests of the insured object was and is a subjective right that will probably disappear or diminish due to the occurrence of an event of indefinite or definite. The interest element is an element that is absolutely must exist in each coverage, either at the time of closure of the account or at the time of the occurrence of avemen. 2. The presence of Indeterminate EventsIndeterminate event elements in an assured soul, that death is an event which will definitely occur, where the specific is not "when" death that will become a reality. Indeterminate event in the new soul coverage when the insurer committing yourself to paying, if death comes more than a short period of time and possibly the living person in question. Another case with insured losses because there it is an event which, according to the human experience cannot be expected to case. (Prof. Emmy Pangaribuan Simanjuntak., Sh., Legal Protection, Publisher Liberti)3. The existence of a loss-Understanding InsuranceIndemnity given the insurer actually cannot be said as an indemnity, because a person who receives compensation for not receiving compensation that truly corresponds to the losses sustained. Compensation received is actually a result of the determination of a specific amount of money agreed upon the parties. (Ibid, p. 9)So the grant money by the insurer is not purely an indemnity, because the human soul is not possible votes with money. The formulation of the definition of coverage in article 246 of the book law commercial law (KUHD) applies to all kinds of coverage, thus applies to insured losses or for the insured an amount of money or assured souls. The goal of Insurances-the purpose of the insurance or the coverage is as follows: (the ancient adiks R, understand insurance in Indonesia, Jakarta: vocational education and the construction of management, 1995, p. 56)1. The purpose of punitive damagesIndemnity given by the insurer to the insured if the insured suffers a loss that is guaranteed by the policy, which aims to restore tertangung from bankruptcy so that he was able to stand up like before suffering a loss.So the insured may obtain only by compensation of the losses sustained, meaning the insured should not be looking for profit (speklasi) of insurance. -Also with the insurer, he should not seek advantage over interst which he bore, unless obtaining baals services or premium.2. The purpose of the insuredIs as follows:To gain a sense of peaceful and safe from the risks it faces over its business activities over his possessions.Keberanianya to encourage greater business ties with a larger risk anyway, because the true risk that idiambil by the insurer.The Purpose Of The InsurerThe purpose of the insurer was split 2 (two), namely:General purpose, namely: gain in addition to providing employment, if the insurer membutihkan auxiliary power.Special purpose, are:Alleviate the risks faced by the client or the insured with have taken small risks facing alhi.Create a sense of peaceful and secure among its customers, thus committing more daring effort.Raise funds via premium accumulated bit by bit from the clients, so that all of the major funds that could be used to finance the Division of the nation and the State.Nature Of InsuranceInsurance or coverage in Indonesia actually comes from the weight of the law, both in terms of time as well as that of its shape. Insurance as a form of law in Indonesia which is set in the book the laws of civil law which has a number of properties as follows: (W irjono Projodikoro, Insurance Law in Indonesia jakarta, Inter, 1994, page 10) a. the nature of the agreementAll insurance in the form of a specific Treaty (Boyzondere Over Komst) which is a pemufakatan antaar two or more parties with the intention of going to accomplish a goal, where one or more promise towards another or more (article 1315 of the book law of civil law).b. the nature of the reciprocal (Weder Kerige) The approval of the insurance coverage or an agreement of reciprocity (Weder Kerige Overeen Komst), which means that each party promised to do something for others.Secured parties promised to pay a premium, the guarantor promises to pay an amount of money (insurance money) to the assured, if a particular event happens.c. the nature of ConsensualThe insurance agreement or pertangungan is an agreement that is consensual, that is already considered to be formed by the existence of words agreed between the parties (Article 251 KURD).d. the nature of the AssemblyThis type of insurance that is gathering (Vereeninging) is an insurance mutual guarantee which was formed among the assured as members. This kind of insurance referred to in article 282 of the book law commercial law (KUHD) stating that it yield insurance approval and rule.A bevy of insurance regulated by article 1635, 1654 and 1655 book of civil law Act (KUHPer), which can be deduced that the bevy of mutual insurance guarantee is "Zadelijk Lichaam" which artiny insurance in the community may act as people and can have any legal relationship with any other person lawfully. A bevy of insurance can act into and out, i.e. into the jdapat hold an insurance agreement with the members being assured, and come out with other legal deeds, this approval is subject to the stipulations of the book law commercial law (KUHD), both with members of their own or with others.e. the nature of the companyThe insurance company is the insurance nature of the set in which the premiums were held between the guarantor and the party is assured, without the legal bond between a guaranteed with another person who is also a party to secure against the guarantor.Dalam hal ini pihak penjamin biasanya bukan seorang individu, melainkan suatu badan yang bersifat perusahaan, yang memperhitungkan untung rugi dalam tindakannya.Polis dan Premi di dalam Asuransi - Polis AsuransiSuatu perjanjian asuransi atau pertanggungan bersifat konsensual (adanyakesepakatan), harus dibuat secara tertulis dalam suatu akta antara pihak yang mengadakan perjanjian. Pada akta yang dibuat secara tertulis itu dinaman “polis”. Jadi, polis adalah tanda bukti perjanjianprtanggungan yang merupakan bukti tertulis.Pada perjanjian asuransi atau pertanggungan antara para pihak, seorang penanggung harus menyerahkan polis kepada tertanggung dalam jangka waktu sebagai berikut: (Radiks Purba, Op Cit. halaman 59)Bila perjanjian dibuat seketika dan langsung antara penanggung dan tertanggung yang dikuasakan tertanggung, maka polis yang telah ditandatangani oleh penanggung harus duserahkan kepada tertanggung dalam tempo 24 jam (pasal 259 KUHD).Jika pertanggungan dilakukan mulai makelar asuransi (broker), maka polis yang telah ditandatangani oleh penanggung harus diserahkan kepada tertangung paling lama dalam tempo 8 (delapan) hari (pasal 260 KUHD).- Fungsi Umum Polis, adalah :Perjanjian pertanggungan (Contract Of Indonesia)Sebagai bukti jaminan dri penanggung kepada tertanggung untuk mengganti krugian yang mungkin dialami oleh tergugat akibat peristiwa yang tidak diduga sebelumnya dengan prinsip :Untuk mengembalikan tertanggung kepada kedudukannya semula sebelum mengalami kerugian; atauUntuk mengindarkan tertanggung dari kebangkrutan (Toial Collapse)Bukti pembayaran premi asuransi oleh tertanggung kepada penanggung sebagai balas jasa atas jaminan penanggung.- Is polis pada Umumnya dalam AsuransiSesuai dengan peraturan Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang (KUHD), dengan pengecualian terhadap asuransi atau pertanggungan jiwa, terdapat 8 (delapan) syarat diantaranya yaitu (.N Purwosujipto, SH. Pengertian Pokok-Pokok Hukum Dagang Indonesia, Hukum Pertanggungan, Jakarta : Djambatan, 1990, halaman 63)Hari ditutupnya perjanjian pertanggunganama oranh yang menutup pertanggungan, atas namanya sendiri atau atas tanggungan orang ketiga.Uraian yang jelas mengenai benda pertangungan atau obyek yang dijaminJumlah pertanggungan, untuk mana diadakan jaminan (uang asuransi)Bahaya-bahaya yang ditanggung oleh penanggungSaat mulai dan akhir tenggang waktu, dalam mana didakan jaminan oleh penjamin.Jumlah uang Premi yang harus dibayar oleh si terjaminKeterangan tambahan yang perlu diketahui oleh penjamin dan janji-janji khusus yang diadakan oleh kedua belah pihak.- Premi Didalam AsuransiPengertian premi dalam asuransi atau pertanggungan adalah kewajiban tertanggung, dimana hasil dari kewajiban tertanggung akan digunakan oleh penangung untuk mengganti kerugian yang diderita tertanggung.Premi biasanya ditentukan dalam suatu presentase dari jumlah pertanggungan, dimana dalam presentase menggambarkan penilaian penanggung
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