on a sunny morning with clouds that adorn the ceiling of the blue glowing light from the Sun. seen a mouse that is being noticed a cat lounging on a street corner. the mice were then approached the cat and rat ever asked "what are you here ...?" the cat pun replied "it is none of mu ... If you dont go from here I'll be memakanmu ..!! "cried the cat that makes mice the innocent were running scared and left the catShortly after the departure of the mice, the cat is still idled it shocked due to hear the barking of dogs from two who are fighting. The first dog is screaming "Feel!! Basic human Guk guk!! " The second dog responded "you the Man guk guk!", see the altercation that took place between the two dogs, cats ever feel fear and eventually ran to leave that place, but unfortunately before the cat is away the dog aware of its existence, the dog and the two agreed to pursue the Slacker cats..The evening welcomes any Slacker Cats still keeps running endlessly and finally up in a forest, but before the Cat went into the forest, the cat is reunited with a mouse who admonished him in the morning. The cat asks "are you a rat which menegurku this morning ..??", these mice are hushed and shortly the cat say "forgive me, for I have made you angry!!". Suddenly the mouse ran into the Woods and mindlessly Slacker cats was chasing a mouse is actually the ghost of deceased rat who admonished him in the morning due to getting hit by a truck which crossed the way places the cat was lazing.And when the Slacker Cats in a dark forest, he confused looking for mice that he follow from yesteryear, the cat thinks his eyes may find that even though the rats in darkness but unfortunately the cat suddenly feel pain on both hind legs
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