Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi dengan adanya tuntutan terhadap dunia pendidikan untuk senantiasa meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran serta berbagai kendala yang dihadapinya, termasuk di dalamnya pembelajaran IPS . Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah peranan metode pembelajaran inquiri terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS-Geografi di kelas V111 SMP Pasundan Majalaya.
Dengan judul "Peranan Metode Pembelajaran Inquiri Terhadap Perstasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPS-Geografi di Kelas V111 SMP Pasundan Majalaya", maka rumusan masalahnya adalah 1) Apakah ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa pada kelas yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran inquiri dengan kelas yang tidak menggunakan metode pembelajaran inquiri ?, dan 2)Apakah metode pembelajaran inquiri dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas V111 Smp Pasundan Majalaya? dengan rumusan masalah tersebut maka diajukan hipotesis "1) terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa pada kelas yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran inquiri dengan kelas yang tidak menggunakan metode pembelajaran inquiri, dan 2) Metode pembelajaran inquiri dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas V111 Smp Pasundan Majalaya .
Untuk memperoleh hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, maka penelitian ini dikembangkan melalui penelitian deskriftif komparatif, yakni membandingkan sampel antara kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. atas dasar hal itu pula metode pengimpulan data ditempuh dengan teknik tes prestasi, obserpasi,dan studi literatur. adapun variabel yang dikembangkan terdiri atas prestasi belajar sebagai variabel terikat dan variabel bebas yang terdiri atas : motivasi belajar, kompetensi guru, metode pembelajaran inquiri, alat/media pembelajaran.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa antara kelas V111 A sebagai kelas yang menjalani proses pembelajaran dengan metode inquiri, dengan kelas V111 B yang proses belajarnya tidak menggunakan metode inquiri. Kelas eksperimen ternyata mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik di mana berdasarkan perhitungan statistik yang bersifat kuantitatif didapatkan : Untuk pengujian reliabilitas metode anova Hoyt di dapat kan r 11 > r tabel atau 0,840 > dari 0,308 yang artinya instrumen atau soal yang di gunakan sebagai alat pengumpul data adalah reliabel, untuk pengujian validitas di dapatkan t hitung > t tabel atau 9,611 > 0,581 yang berarti bahwa instrumen yang digunakan adalah valid, untuk pegujian normalitas data di dapatkan x2 hitung > X2 tabel atau 59,0 >13,28 ; Ha di terima yang berarti bahwa hipotesis diterima.
Kesimpulan utama dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa pada kelas yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran inquiri dengan kelas yang tidak menggunakan metode pembelajaran inquiri, dan metode mempelajaran inquiri dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa Kelas V111 SMP pasundan Majalaya.
This research abstract in the background, with the demand for education to continually improve the quality of learning and the obstacles it faces, including learning ips. the central issue in this study is the role of the inquiry teaching method on student achievement in the subjects-geography class ips smp pasundan Majalaya V111.
with the title "the role of of learning methods inquiri against perstasi learn students' on the subjects of ips-geography in class V111 smp pasundan Majalaya", then the formulation of the the problem is 1) whether there are differences learning achievement students on the classroom who using learning methods inquiri with classroom who does not using method the learning inquiri?,and 2) whether the inquiry method of learning can improve student achievement smp pasundan Majalaya V111 class? with the formulation of the problem posed hypothesis "1) there is a difference in student achievement in the classroom using the inquiry method of learning with a class that does not use the inquiry method of learning,and 2) the inquiry method of learning can improve student achievement smp pasundan Majalaya V111 class.
to obtain results consistent with the purpose of research, this study was developed through a comparative descriptive study, which compares the sample between the experimental class with classroom control.on the basis of it anyway pengimpulan method of data taken with test engineering achievement, obserpasi, and literature. As for the variables that were developed consist of academic achievement as the dependent variable and the independent variables consisting of: motivation, teacher competence, the inquiry learning methods, tools / learning media.
of the results of the study showed that there are differences in student learning outcomes between V111 class as a class are undergoing a learning process with the inquiry method, the V111 class b that the learning process does not use the inquiry method. experimental class was getting better results in which the calculation is based on quantitative statistics obtained:ANOVA method for reliability testing in Hoyt can not you r 11> r table or 0.840> 0.308, which means from or about the instrument that is used as a data collection tool is reliable, to test the validity in get t count> t table or 9.611> 0.581, which means that the instruments used are valid,to get the data normality pegujian count x2> x2 table or 59.0> 13.28; ha received which means that the hypothesis is accepted.
main conclusion of this study is the differences in student achievement are class using the inquiry method of learning with classroom are not using the inquiry method of learning,and methods mempelajaran inquiri can improve student achievement smp pasundan Majalaya V111 class.
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Study on ABSRAK
latarbelakangi with the demands of the world of education to continue to improve the quality of learning as well as various obstacles facing it, including learning IPS. A major problem in this research is the role of the learning method of students ' learning achievement enquiries on the subject of geography in class IPS-V111 JUNIOR Pasundan Majalaya.
Under the title "the role of the Learning Method Of students ' Learning Perstasi Enquiries on the Subject of geography in class IPS-V111 JUNIOR Pasundan Majalaya", the formulation of the problem is 1) is there a difference in learning achievements of students in classes using the method of learning enquiries with classes that do not use the method of learning enquiries? and 2) is a method of learning enquiries can increase student learning achievements in junior class V111 Pasundan Majalaya? with the problem formulation proposed hypotheses "1) there are differences in learning achievements of students in classes using the method of learning enquiries with classes that do not use the method of learning enquiries, and 2) Method of learning enquiries can increase student learning achievements in junior class V111 Pasundan Majalaya.
to obtain research results are in accordance with the research objectives, the research was developed through research of comparative deskriftif, comparing samples between experimentation with classroom control. on the basis of things that pengimpulan data is a method of engineering accomplishment, obserpasi, test and study of literature. as for the variable being developed consists of learning achievements as free variables and bound variables of learning: motivation, competency of teachers, learning methods, tools/media enquiries learning.
From the results obtained as a result of that there is a difference between the student learning outcomes V111 A as class that went through the learning process by the method of the class, with enquiries V111 B which process his studies did not use a method of enquiries. Classroom experiments turned out to get a better result in which calculation based on statistics which are obtained by quantitative: Reliability test methods for anova Hoyt in the can right r 11 > r table or 0,840 > from .308 to mean an instrument or a matter that is in use as a means of collecting data is reliability, for testing the validity of the get t calculate > t table or 9,611 > 0.508 meaning that the instruments used are valid, to get data normality pegujian x 2 X 2 tables or > count 59,0 > 13.28; Ha on the receipt means that the hypothesis was accepted the main Conclusions from this.
this study is there is difference in student learning achievements in the classroom using learning methods enquiries with classes that do not use the method of learning enquiries, and the method of mempelajaran enquiries can improve learning achievement grade V111 JUNIOR pasundan Majalaya.
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