Algren himself after the vacuum on the ranks of the kemiliterannya, finally getting the offer from Mr. Omura with the lure of material (salary included in the styles of masculinity) is so great at that time to emigrate to Japan to be a leader and coach for Japan's military which is under the authority of the emperor. Captain Nathan Algren ever try to change Japan's military as well as what is perceived as a Western military who perform brave and also change tools and weapons modernization by conducting cooperation Affairs persenjatan between Japan and America. In the film also depicted the values in the form of symbols, the Samurai by upholding the values of the ancestor (ancestors) and a culture that has been held as the Samurai.Other cues also looks at a time when leadership or Chief of the Samurai Katsumoto Mitsugiri holds fast to the Ways of Bushido willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the State, the Empire, the emperor with a code of ethics that faithfully run which is one of the sanctions is quite terrible when they feel like a failure must implement ' ' Seppuku (Harakiri) that no other part of the consequences to make up for the taste of the water as it is often applied by the Kamikaze in world war two that dare died in seranganya on the island of assaulted Suluan.
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