OGRAFISultan Ageng Tirtayasa, beliau adalah pahlawan yang berasal dari terjemahan - OGRAFISultan Ageng Tirtayasa, beliau adalah pahlawan yang berasal dari Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

OGRAFISultan Ageng Tirtayasa, belia

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, beliau adalah pahlawan yang berasal dari provinsi Banten. Lahir pada tahun 1631. Beliau putra dari Sultan Abdul Ma’ali Ahmad dan Ratu Martakusuma yang menjadi Sultan Banten periode 1640 - 1650.
Perjuangan beliau salah satunya adalah menentang Belanda karena VOC menerapkan perjanjian monopoli perdagangan yang merugikan kesultanan dan rakyat Banten.

Dimasa mudanya beliau diberi gelar Pangeran Surya. Peran Sultan Ageng dalam perkembangan Islam di Banten sangat berpengaruh. Dia menginginkan Banten mempunyai kerajaan Islam.
Langkah yang beliau tempuh pertama dalam sektor ekonomi. Kesejahteraan rakyat ditingkatkan melalui pencetakan sawah-sawah baru serta irigasi yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai sarana perhubungan.
Sultan Ageng tidak hanya mendobrak perekonomian rakyat menjadi lebih baik tetapi juga berperan besar di bidang keagamaan. Dia mengangkat Syekh Yusuf, seorang ulama asal Makassar, menjadi mufti kerajaan yang bertugas menyelesaikan urusan keagamaan dan penasehat sultan dalam bidang pemerintahan.
Dia juga menggalakkan pendidikan agama, baik di lingkungan kesultanan maupun di masyarakat melalui pondok pesantren.

Ketika menjadi raja Banten, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa dikenal cerdas dan menghargai pendidikan. Perkembangan pendidikan agama Islam maju dengan pesat.
Nilai-nilai yang dimunculkan dari Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Sebagai seorang pemimpin, ia adalah pemimpin yang sangat amanah dan memiliki visi ke depan membangun bangsanya.
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa adalah seorang pemimpin yang sangat visioner, ahli perencanaan wilayah dan tata kelola air, egaliter dan terbuka serta berwawasan internasional.
Kesultanan Banten aktif membina hubungan baik dan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak di sekitarnya atau di tempat yang jauh sekalipun.

Sekitar tahun 1677 Banten mengadakan kerjasama dengan Trunojoyo yang sedang memberontak terhadap Mataram. Tidak hanya itu, Banten juga menjalin hubungan baik dengan Makasar, Bangka, Cirebon dan Indrapur.
Karakter Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa mewakili karakter kepemimpinan dan intelektual. Bagi dia, kepentingan rakyat adalah segala-galanya. Ketegasan pemimpin juga tidak kalah penting.
Pada tahun 1683, Sultan Ageng tertangkap dan dipenjarakan di Jakarta. Ia meninggal dunia dalam penjara. Ia dimakamkan di komplek pemakaman raja-raja Banten di sebelah utara Masjid Agung Banten. Atas jasa-jasanya pada negara, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa diberi gelar Pahlawan Nasional
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
OGRAFISultan Ageng Tirtayasa, he is a hero who came from the province of Banten. Born in 1631. He was the son of Sultan Ahmad Abd al-Ma'ali and Queen Martakusuma who became Sultan of Banten period 1640-1650.The struggle he one was against Netherlands due to the DUTCH trade monopoly agreements applying to the detriment of the Sultanate of Banten and the people. In his youth he was given the title of Prince. The role of Sultan Ageng in the development of Islam in Indonesia is very influential. He wants the Islamic Kingdom of Banten has.The steps he takes first in the economic sector. People's welfare is improved through the printing of new paddy fields and irrigation as well as serves as a means of transportation.Sultan Ageng is not only breaking down people's economy get better but also plays a major role in the religious field. He commissioned a cleric Sheikh Yusuf, the origin of Makassar, becoming Grand mufti of the Kingdom which complete religious affairs and Advisor to the sultan in the field of governance.He also encouraged religious education, both in the environment and in the community through the Sultanate of boarding schools. When it becomes King of Banten, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa known intelligent and appreciate the education. The development of Islamic religious education is progressing rapidly.The values that appear in from Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. As a leader, he was the leader of a very trustful and had the vision to build the future of their people.Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa was a leader of a very visionary, expert planning areas and water governance, egalitarian and open and insightful.The Sultanate of Banten actively fostering good relations and cooperation with various parties in the vicinity or in distant places though.Around the year 1677 Banten hold cooperation with Trunojoyo who are revolted against Mataram. Not only that, the Bantam also establish good relationship with Macassar, Bangka, Cirebon and Indrapur.Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa characters represent the intellectual leadership and character. For him, the people's interests is everything. Assertiveness is also not less important leaders.In 1683, Sultan Ageng was caught and imprisoned in Jakarta. He died in prison. He was buried in a cemetery complex Kings Bantam North of the great mosque of Banten. Of his services to the State, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa was given the title of national hero
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, he is a hero who came from the province of Banten. Was born in 1631. He was the son of Sultan Abdul Ma'ali Ahmad and Queen Martakusuma the Sultan of Banten period 1640 - 1650.
The fight him one of them was against the Netherlands because of VOC apply adverse trade monopoly agreement and the people of Banten sultanate. The days of his youth he was given the title of Prince Surya. Ageng role in the development of Islam in Banten very influential. He wants to have Banten Islamic kingdom. Steps that he first traveled in the economic sector. Public welfare is enhanced through the printing of new fields and irrigation that also functions as a means of transportation. Ageng not only to break the people's economy for the better but also play a major role in the religious field. He lifted Sheikh Yusuf, a cleric from Makassar, mufti royal duty settle religious affairs and adviser to the sultan in the field of governance. He also promotes religious education, both within the empire and in the community through the boarding school. When the king Banten, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa known to be intelligent and appreciate education. The development of Islamic education advanced by leaps and bounds. The values ​​that appear on the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. As a leader, he is the leader of a very trustworthy and have a vision for the future to build the nation. Ageng Tirtayasa is a leader who is very visionary, a regional planning and governance of water, egalitarian and open as well as internationally-minded. Sultanate of Banten actively establish a good relationship and cooperation with various parties around or far away though. Around 1677 Bantam entered into a collaboration with Trunojoyo who were in revolt against Mataram. Not only that, Banten also establish good relationships with Napier, Bangka, Cirebon and Indrapur. Character Ageng Tirtayasa represent the character and intellectual leadership. For him, the interest of the people is everything. Firmness leaders is also important. In 1683, Sultan Ageng caught and imprisoned in Jakarta. He died in prison. He was buried in the cemetery of the kings of Banten in the north of the Great Mosque of Banten. For his services to the state, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa given the title of National Hero

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