Penalties for Election Monitoring
Election observers who violate the obligations and restrictions as described previously imposed sanction is revocation of the status and rights as Election Observers. Offenses committed by election monitors reported to the Regency / City for further action. Reports must be made in writing and signed by the complainant with a clear address and delivered to the Regency / City.
Monitoring of Internal Affairs found to have violated will be reported to the Commission by Regency / City in order revoked status and rights as election observers, if the accreditation awarded by the Commission . Whereas if accreditation of Internal Oversight violate given by the Provincial KPU, Regency / City report to the Provincial Election Commission in order revoked status and rights as election observers, when the accreditation and report to the Commission. And if the accreditation awarded by Regency / City, then Domestic observers breaking and proven, Regency / City revoke the status and rights as election observers and report to the Commission through the Provincial Election Commission, foreign observers who violate the provisions and unsubstantiated, the Commission revoked the status and rights as election observers on the report of Regency / city. Minister of law and human rights will follow revocation status determination and the right of foreign observers after coordination with the Secretary of State in accordance with the legislation. Violation of the obligations and prohibitions which are criminal offenses and / or civil conducted by election observers, the election observers concerned be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Election observers who did not report the final results of the monitoring to the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency / City, was not allowed to follow the monitoring in the next election.
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